Zhongli Xueyan and dantai Shuya are arranged in the room next to Tang long.

Around Gongsun Mo'er's Embroidery building, all the martial artists here are the most trusted by Gongsun Mo'er, who was trained and promoted by her.

These people, Gongsun Mo'er, always treat them very well.

At any time, these people will certainly stand by Gongsun Mo'er.

Gongsun Mo'er has left alone.

Tang Long was not in the mood to watch Gongsun Mo'er's boudoir. He went directly to the training room, then sat down with his knees crossed and began to practice seriously.

At this time, he also had some conjectures in his mind.

Although he didn't know what kind of man Gaoyang was, he knew that Gongsun Mo'er was so nervous when he appeared here at this time. This matter is likely to be aimed at him at all!

"I don't know many people here. Gao Tianye can't say it. It can only be Tianhua Changqing."

"I'm afraid it will be troublesome if Changqing Tianhua is behind the scenes."

Tang long thought secretly.

Of course, Tang Long was very wary of Tianhua Changqing, for he was sure that the attack by Zhou Tianli was the result of Hua Changqing's dispatch on that day. The purpose was obviously to weaken Gao Tianye's power.

If he and Gongsun Mo'er are successful together, then Gao Tianye's influence will certainly soar. Moreover, Tianhua Changqing will definitely think that his Tang long will go to Gao Tianye. Then Tianhua Changqing will certainly destroy this matter as much as possible!

"It seems that the clock away from snow smoke this time, destroy the composition of the matter in the majority!"

Tang long thought secretly.

Although he knew that the situation was not optimistic at this time, he was helpless. Since he came, he could only see Gongsun Mo'er's means.

The only thing he could do was not to make trouble for Gongsun Mo'er.

The waiting time was very long.

For two days, Tang Long didn't see Gongsun Mo'er. In addition, no one came to the room except Dan Tai Shuya. It seems that everyone has forgotten Tang long.

Tang Long was not in a hurry. He waited patiently.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was late at night the next day.

In the dead of night, Tang long practiced for a while and was about to have a rest. The door of the living room outside suddenly opened quietly. Then a voice that he was very familiar with sounded softly: "Tang long, where are you?"

The voice, obviously, belonged to Gongsun Mo'er.

Hearing Gongsun Mo'er's voice, Tang long felt nervous.

The girl came back so late, obviously the situation is a little abnormal, he had to be cautious.

He has made the worst plan to use the vast sea to explore the surrounding activities. If there is any danger around, he will not hesitate to contact the wisdom heart gate between Oriental bing'er and go directly back to the demon lord palace!

Under investigation, no danger was found.

He felt relieved.

Gongsun Mo'er had opened the door and came in. He went into the living room and knocked on the door of the guest room.

There are four rooms in her boudoir, and Tang long lives in one of them.

At this time, the knock on the door was about to arrive at the guest room where the Tang clan was located. Tang Long knew that it was safe now, so he was relieved. He went to open the door and saw Gongsun Mo'er, who was looking towards this side.

Gongsun Mo'er quickly walked over and looked at Tang long. With a little nervousness and anxiety in his eyes, he took out a box: "change the clothes inside."


Tang Long nodded.

He took the box, then turned back to the room and quickly changed into a different suit.

This is exactly the dress of Gongsun family martial arts, and at this time, Tang Long's face was covered with some beard, which turned into a 40-50-year-old middle-aged man.

Gongsun Mo'er was more satisfied with him.

She looked at Tang Long and said softly, "don't say anything, just follow me!"


Tang Long nodded.

At this time, he did not ask much.

He came here to go to Heifeng mountain, and all these things can only be arranged by Gongsun Mo'er.

So he would not say much at this time.

Gongsun Mo'er took the initiative to hold Tang Long's hand because he was in a hurry. "Don't worry. I will not harm you. We will go to Heifeng mountain now. When we come out of Heifeng mountain and cook rice, my family will have no choice."


Tang Long listened to the girl's words, suddenly a black line!

What is raw rice cooked rice!

Gongsun Mo'er seems to have found his slip of the tongue and quickly explained: "anyway, I'll take you to Heifeng mountain now. I don't mean anything else. Don't worry about it!"

"Now, I'm just thinking about being a little more thoughtful." Tang long, in a low voice, couldn't help it. He teased the girl in a low voice: "the raw rice cooked cooked cooked rice, I think more than you do!"When Gongsun Mo'er hears Tang Long's words, his heart suddenly bumps.

She did not say much, with Tang Long quickly walked to the door, directly opened the door to go out.

They went through several checkpoints in a hurry. Every time they passed, Gongsun Mo'er would take out a token to show her identity as a saint. Therefore, all the way was smooth.

After a full hour of time, finally, the two have arrived in a bunker.

In a very spacious hall under the bunker, Gongsun Mo'er turned to look at Tang Long: "next, I'll take you to Heifeng mountain."

"Is the entrance of Heifeng mountain here?" Tang Long asked.

Gongsun Mo'er nodded. Then, he walked to the center of the hall. The blood demon's power spread out. Then, her hands closed and quickly changed her fingerprints. Soon, a strange blood red Rune flew out of her hands.

Following Tang longbian, ten drops of blood flew out from the fingertips of Gongsun Mo'er's slender jade hand, which changed his fingerprints.

These ten drops of blood contain this kind of very hot breath, which also contains a very mysterious atmosphere of famine, and the power of the blood devil is fused together to form a blood red phoenix!

On the Phoenix, there is a flaming red flame of blood!

"it's the blood of God Phoenix!" Looking at Gongsun Mo'er like this, Tang Long suddenly had an idea.

He still has six little Phoenix!

"This girl is very kind to me, but I obviously want to disappoint her kindness. Even later, I may bring her great danger. I should at least compensate her." He thought to himself.

He felt that if he could give Gongsun Mo'er a Phoenix, at least he would feel a little relieved.

In any case, he will turn against the blood god temple in the future. When Gongsun Mo'er is in the Gongsun family, he will certainly be criticized. Tang Long is deeply sorry when he thinks of this.

He also made a decision. After he came out of Heifeng mountain, he tried every means to avoid any trouble for Gongsun Mo'er.

Gongsun Mo'er's fingerprints have been completed.

The Phoenix, the energy Phoenix with her ten drops of blood, suddenly had a strange twist. Then, in this twisted space, a huge blood red space vortex was condensed out.

The whirlpool of space is the door to Heifeng mountain!

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