With the generation of Tang Long's feeling, he became more and more powerful and dignified.

His own power of attack, in this case, is becoming more and more fierce!

Under the fierce attack of Tang Long's eight beasts and Tang long, the three fierce demons in front of him were finally suppressed!

More than ten minutes later, the three fierce demons have fallen into the downwind completely. Being bombarded by Tang Long and his beast, they are flying around without any strength to fight back.

Outside the war, Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long's tyranny and ferocity. He was inexplicably in a state of mind.

Under the care of Tang Long's powerful force, Gongsun Mo'er can even feel that Tang long in front of him is protecting her wholeheartedly.

She can feel his heart!

this is a very strange situation.

Even in this strange situation, Gongsun Mo'er's mind, all kinds of magic skills, unexpectedly in the rapid integration!

In her mind, there are countless Tang dragons!

One by one, the Tang dragons were holding swords and performing various magical skills!

gradually, all Tang dragons fused in Gongsun Mo'er's mind, and then became a Tang dragon. Finally, even Tang long disappeared completely and became a sword!

At this moment, Gongsun Mo'er suddenly burst into a very powerful momentum.

This momentum is as deep as the sea, thick and vast!

What's more, Gongsun Mo'er's body even broke out a faint sword Qi. The sword's Qi and blood was red, with a touch of deep darkness and a touch of sharpness!

At this moment, Gongsun Mo'er was like a sword!

This is a kind of performance that she cultivates love sky sword to a higher level!

Now Gongsun Mo'er has been completely immersed in the sword of love heaven. In his heart, there is only friendship. Everything goes as it is.

Her realm, in this natural, in rapid progress.

Tang long, with his eight beasts, fought with the three fierce demons for 20 minutes. Finally, the three bears were killed here.

"Next, it's time to see what's going on with the black snow devil grass!"

Tang Long secretly thought, for the dark and strange treasure in front of him, his heart was full of expectation.

He hoped that the black snow magic grass could help him improve his strength.

Looking around, I saw Gongsun Mo'er staring at him again, and her eyes, which were full of infinite love, actually became more and more profound.

This kind of vision, let Tang Long heart produced a little flustered, it seems that their inner secret, was found by this girl!

"I can't have feelings for this girl. I can't have feelings for any girl in the blood temple. Except for the north wind and bright moon, there can be no second I can't have these emotional entanglements in the blood temple, which will harm Mo'er! "

Tang long thought secretly and tried to suppress some thoughts in his heart.

Looking at Gongsun Mo'er, he grinned and tried to be careless: "are you still sleeping? Wake up. It's time to harvest. "


Gongsun Mo'er was awakened by Tang Long's voice from that wonderful state. He responded softly, and a faint red cloud appeared on his beautiful face.

At this time, her white and red look was really beautiful to the extreme.

She went to Tang Long and explained: "the black snow magic grass, only the dark things in the center can be of some use, and it has a special effect on the shenhuang blood that I have. It is said that even if we arrive at the Heifeng mountain, it is very difficult to encounter this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, we have come across it."

"It means we are lucky!" Tang Long laughs: "let's go."

"Good!" Gongsun Mo'er nodded and walked with Tang Long towards the black snow magic grass.

At the same time, Gongsun Mo'er continued to explain: "this black snow magic grass can also be refined into a miraculous elixir. It needs a leaf to fuse with the dark energy in the center to refine into a miraculous elixir."

After a pause, he continued: "this black snow magic grass should be able to refine three miraculous elixirs."

Tang Long nodded and looked at Gongsun Mo'er with a smile. He deliberately made a greedy look and said, "refine three miraculous elixirs. Give me two, only one for you."

"Yes." Gongsun Mo'er answered, and he had no objection to Tang Long's decision.

Even if Tang long wanted to swallow the three elixirs, she would not say anything.

In her heart, only hope he is good.

Together, they went to the side of the black snow magic grass.

Then, according to Gongsun Mo'er's method, Tang Long first broke off a leaf, and then picked up the dark strange energy mass above!

Immediately, the whole black grass disappeared.And Tang Long's hand, before leaving the leaf, also quickly atrophy!

Tang Long didn't dare to delay. He condensed the blood demon's power and wrapped the rapidly withering leaves. A little shaking, the leaves immediately turned into powder.

Tang Long wrapped these powders with the power of blood demons and integrated them into the dark energy group.

Next, Tang Long divided the dark energy group into three parts with the power of blood demons. Then Tang Long directly summoned zhentianding and began to refine the elixir.

In order to improve his strength, he is no longer hiding. He doesn't mind letting Gongsun Mo'er know that he has such a baby!

Gongsun Mo'er saw Tang Long's Zhen Tian Ding. In her big eyes, a touch of joy suddenly appeared.

She is a very clever girl.

Seeing Tang long in front of her, he showed more and more secrets that belonged to him. Gongsun Mo'er knew that in Tang Long's heart, she had been more and more believed. Her weight in his heart must have become more and more important.

Gongsun Mo'er knew that these were Tang Long's secrets, so she also made a decision. As long as Tang Long didn't tell these secrets, she would never tell anyone.

Tang Long has begun to refine the elixir.

Now, he really has great trust in Gongsun Mo'er.

This trust, of course, is not blind.

He had been with Gongsun Mo'er for a long time, and he knew him very well.

And Gongsun Mo'er already knew a lot of his secrets. In his opinion, it didn't matter if he let her know more about his secrets.

He didn't want to hide anything from her.

Of course, Tang Long's real identity must be concealed from Gongsun Mo'er. He must be very careful about this matter. After all, it is related to the safety of the whole Tang clan!

His level of refining elixir, of course, is no longer hidden, let Gongsun Mo'er know that he can easily refine the elixir.

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