On Tang Long's body, the sound of rolling thunder sounded, and the golden light and lightning exploded from Tang Long's body. It seemed that Tang long at this time had become a god of heaven and earth!


A roar, sound like rolling thunder, shaking the world!

In Tang Long's hand, he held the sea sword again!

The length of the sword's awn has soared for several kilometers, and with the most domineering power, it directly and fiercely cleaves towards the underworld devil!

the space under the blade awn is violently twisted, and the devil is covered in the awn. At this time, his whole body is frozen. At the moment, Tang Long's blade is also mercilessly chopped It's on the top of the devil!


The thunderous roar brings out the terrifying energy, as if to bring the collapse of the heaven and earth of this side!

The fierce spirit roared wildly and spread for several kilometers. Tang Long's sword chopped the demon king and knelt on the ground directly. The ground made a loud noise!

Tang Long's potential was inspired, and the fighting power of the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman was also improved!

At this time, the king of the abyss was covered with dark energy, and the hammer of destruction suddenly soared. With the sound of a terrible sonic boom, the king of the abyss slammed into the underworld in the past!

this attack was incomparable!

The hammer of destruction, like a black meteor, ran into the underworld!

The underground demon king fell to his knees when he was bombarded by Tang Long's knife. There were still Tang Long's supernatural beasts attacking and 140 blood wolves attacking.

This underground devil is also dazed by the bombardment!

Just stood up, the black hammer with the force of thunderbolt, like a black meteor, hit the devil's chest!


Thunder like muffled sound, in this underground devil's chest rang out!

The underworld king was directly blasted out by the hammer of the king of the abyss, and flew out more than ten meters. Before he could land on the ground, Su Xiaoman's green rainbow sword suddenly flew past!

The green rainbow sword, with its incomparable power and a dazzling silver light, directly stabbed the devil's chest!

But I didn't expect that at this moment, the power of the blood devil turned into a blood red light shield with a diameter of more than 10 meters, which blocked the attack of Qinghong sword!

And at this time, the golden monkey's attack is also extremely fierce arrival!

Golden monkey's combat power has been improved for a long time!

The golden cudgel in the golden monkey's hand soared hundreds of meters directly. Holding it high above its head, the golden monkey suddenly jumped up in the air, shining with golden eyes and awe inspiring!

At this time, the golden monkey is unrivalled!


With a roar, the golden monkey's whole body glittered with gold. The golden cudgel held high was like a divine pillar that could not be toppled. From the high altitude, with the sound of terrible sonic explosion, it smashed the devil who had fallen to the ground!


The whole ground is shaking!

The underground devil's chest was directly smashed by the golden cudgel, which collapsed deeply!

At this time, the underground demon king was also hit by the golden cudgel, and at this time, 144 blood wolves, together with a roar, flew over, the blood wolf flew to the sky of the underground devil!


The howl of the wolf was heard.

The blood wolf body, all erupted the powerful blood devil power, the wolf claw flies, immediately dense wolf claw, condenses the powerful blood devil's power, attacks toward this underground demon king in the past!

The wolf claw is like a blood red blade, tearing the air, making a whistling sound, and landing on the devil's body!


the harsh voice constantly rings on the demon king of the earth, and the blood red sharp blades are constantly attacking the underground demon king.

The blood wolf's attack was so fierce that it could only leave superficial scars on the devil's body. However, the scars were dense and countless!

The devil of the earth was in great pain and his anger was hurt!


With a roar, the demon king was all over the earth, and the power of the blood demon exploded!

It fell on the ground, that like a mountain like body, even directly from the ground to fly up, toward the high altitude of those blood wolves, crazy and incomparably hard hit up!

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at this time, it seems that the blood of the devil's mountain has turned into a powerful one

At the same time, mind move, command those blood wolf to retreat!

The blood wolf retreated rapidly. Although the speed was very fast, there were still dozens of blood wolves. They were severely hit by the underground devil. The power of the blood devil bombarded these blood wolves, and the blood wolves were even hit by the explosion!"Bad!"

Tang Long suddenly murmured in his heart.

But immediately, he was relieved, because the blood wolves that were hit by the explosion soon gathered together again and turned into intact blood wolves again.

Seeing this, Tang Long was relieved.

Then he remembered that these blood wolves were made by him in the black rock mountain in those strange ways, and at this time in the soul tower, these blood wolves had become magic weapons and would not be destroyed.

In the distance behind Tang long, Gongsun Mo'er is stunned!

She did not expect that Tang Long's blood wolves were not only very powerful in attack, but also could not be killed!

"Where did he get all this stuff?"

Gongsun Mo'er secretly thought, blinking at the fierce battle ahead, but did not find it. At this time, not far from her front, on the ground, a three headed demon with serious injuries got up from the ground!

Although the three headed demons with more than 50 heads were knocked to the ground by Tang Long and his beast, and most of them were killed, there were still more than a dozen of them!

The dead have melted into blood mist and disappeared.

These three living demons, swept by the fierce power of blood demons between heaven and earth, actually absorbed the power of blood demons. Their injuries are recovering rapidly, and their combat power is also recovering rapidly!

Tang Long didn't have time to pay attention to these demons. He didn't expect that their fighting power could recover so quickly.

At this time, he has once again launched an attack on the underworld king!

Moreover, the hammer of destruction of the king of the abyss has already launched an attack on the underworld king.

Just as the underworld king smashed those blood wolves, the hammer of destruction of the king of the abyss had already bombarded the back of the underworld king from below!

The devil's hammer fell on his back!




The earth's demon king was bombarded with a mouthful of blood, and the bones on his back were broken by the hammer of destruction!

Su Xiaoman's green rainbow sword, also closely followed the attack in the past, mercilessly stabbed the devil's back, leaving a deep scar!

However, the vitality of this underground devil is extremely tenacious!


The underground devil flew in the air, and suddenly turned over in the air. His two fists were like mountains, containing the power of blood demons. They bombarded the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman!

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