"This girl is so beautiful. I have no resistance to her. Even if I don't like her, I still can't help making mistakes. It seems that in the future, I have to hide from her, but in this Heifeng mountain, I have to stay with her all the time."

Tang long thought that he didn't like Gongsun Mo'er, so he felt relieved.

Thinking of what he had just done, he couldn't help his painstaking efforts.

At this time, it was dark and Tang Long didn't want to go on his way.

He turned his head and looked at Gongsun Mo'er and said, "let's eat some food and have a rest for one night. From tomorrow on, we will speed up our journey."


Gongsun Mo'er nodded.

She stood up, went to Tang long, sat down and took out some food.

Tang Long also took out some food.

But at this time, Tang Long's heart suddenly remembered the voice of the dark night: "good people, the people who destroy Tianzong have come. They know that we have got madiven City, so they are not here to attack us, but to negotiate."

"Negotiation?" Tang Long was stunned.

Before that, he directly destroyed the branch of mietianzong in the dark Shenzhou, and even occupied it. How could the mietianzong come to negotiate?!

"I'm afraid there is a conspiracy in such a negotiation." Tang long thought secretly.

How could the evil sect of mietian sect negotiate with such kindness?!

"Do you want to take my Tangmen?"

Tang long thought about it and said to Youye in his heart: "dear wife, I'm sure I can't go back during this period of time. You can completely leave the matter of negotiation to Tang Kuo to deal with it. For mietianzong, you need to be cautious. If there is anything, please contact me."


The night answered.

Next, Youye chatted with Tang Long again for a while, which cut off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

At this time, in the quiet night room, in addition to Youye himself, Beigong Xianer is also here, and ye Qingling and Xue linyue, even Ling Qingyao and Huanwu Feixue are also here.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang have also arrived here.

How do you look at the night of the North fairy palace and ask the bad guys

You night said: "he said that he can't come back for the time being. During this period of time, things here were settled by Tang Kuo. After that, tell him the situation. It seems that he is in the blood temple, and he must be caught up in some things."

"In this case, I will tell Tang Kuo." Tang Xiaohu said, turning away.

Tang Kuo is sitting in the hall of Tangmen in madiven city.

The storm, the thunder and lightning are all there, and Li Dahan and Tang Yang are all here. They are talking to some people who came here from mietianzong.

Tang Xiaohu came in and looked at Tang Que and said, "master, he can't come back for the time being. Let you make your own decision!"


Don nodded.

He looked at a middle-aged warrior of mietianzong who was sitting in front of him and said, "Deng Changhu, do you mean to let Tangmen submit to you mietianzong?"

"Not bad!" Deng Changhu nodded.

This guy's status is not low in mietianzong. He is a five-star Dharma protector. His identity is very important in mietianzong!

He only brought eight people to Tangmen this time!

These eight men, of course, are very powerful warriors of mietianzong, and all of them are Dharma protectors of mietianzong.

However, these identities are not as high as Deng Changhu.

The highest level of Dharma of Deng Changtian has been destroyed.

Deng Changhu looked at Tang Kuo and said, "I know that not long ago, the Tang clan just got the control of madiwen city. Even then, the whole dark land will be controlled by the Tang clan. However, you Tang clan is still far behind me when you want to compare with my mietianzong!"

Tang que looked at Deng Changhu and said faintly: "I know that exterminating Tianzong is very powerful. However, what sincerity do you have to let me submit to Tangmen?"

Deng Changhu said: "if the Tang clan is willing to surrender, it can become the branch of mietianzong in the dark Shenzhou. Moreover, I can promise you that I will not investigate the people who killed the Tianzong in my side before. Even if the Tangmen encounter difficulties in the future, I will try my best to help them!"

"What you said is not attractive to me!" Tang Kuo was very direct: "my Tangmen is in the dark Shenzhou, free. Why should I join the mietian sect and be bound by you?"

Deng Changhu looked at Tang que, his eyes showed a sharp.

Beside Deng Changhu, a warrior said in a deep voice: "boy, don't toast or eat or punish wine. The strength of Tangmen is not in the eyes of my mietianzong!"

Deng Changhu said in a deep voice: "Tang Kuo, if you don't agree, you may think of the consequences?"

Tang Kuo slightly pulled up the corner of his mouth, and a look of arrogance appeared on his face. He snorted coldly: "Deng Changhu, see what you mean. If I don't promise you, you will use force against Tangmen, right?""Not bad!" Deng Changhu nodded solemnly: "if you don't agree, I will destroy you Tangmen and leave nothing behind!"

Beside Tang que, Tang Lei snorted coldly: "if you want to do something, just come. I'm not afraid of you!"

Deng Changhu looked at Tang Kuo and said, "you'd better think about it again, because once we start, you may not regret it. However, if you know the current affairs, you will get great benefits!"

Tang Kuo heard Deng Changhu say, eyebrows can not help but pick up: "promised you, what benefits can we get?"

"Have you ever heard of ghosts?" Deng Changhu road.

"Ghost?" Tang Kuo shook his head: "I don't know where that is!"

Deng Changhu said: "Guihuo is a very cold and dark place, but it is within the control range of my mietian sect. There is an ancient battlefield in the death swamp of Guigu. If you will join me in this journey of death swamp, I will allow you to go together!"

"Death swamp?" Tang Ku frowned.

It is impossible for him to take the Tangmen to join mietianzong, but if there is a good opportunity, he does not want to give up.

After thinking about it, looking at Deng Changhu, he said, "what benefits can we get if we go to the death swamp?"

"This benefit is beyond your imagination." Deng Changhu laughs and complacently says: "in the swamp of death, there are many relics left by the ancient god of war, and there are even countless inheritances. Even if you practice there, you can get great benefits!"

"When can we go to the swamp of death?" Tang asked

Deng Changhu said: "the death swamp is opened only once every ten years. Although there are many crises there, as long as you can reach the death swamp, you will certainly get great benefits. The time in the death swamp is generally five days!"

"Five days!" Tang Kuo thought for a moment and said, "we can't make a decision on this matter for a while. We need to discuss it."

Deng Changhu nodded: "you'd better discuss it quickly and give us a reply tomorrow, because tomorrow we are going to return to mietianzong and go to the death swamp immediately. Moreover, there are only 500 people going to the death swamp. You should understand the meaning of my words!"

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