"Yes, the young master went out some time ago and said that he would come back in three days. But now half a month has passed and there is no news at all!" Tang Yang's voice dropped, followed by the face is the emergence of a touch of resentment.

"The most exasperating thing is that when the young master is not here, Tang Kuo even monopolizes the power and thinks he is very great. I know that they are close to the young master and their strength is stronger than ours. Therefore, they can only bear it!"

"I see!" Deng Changhu nodded slightly, and a touch of essence in his eyes flashed away. He asked, "how did you discuss the matter of joining mietianzong?"

"We can't do it at all!" Tang Yang indignantly said: "Tang kuona young master oppresses us, coupled with his own strength, and the Dragon guards are also facing them, we have no way!"

"Boom boom --"

just as he was talking, there was a thunderous roar outside!

"What's going on?" Deng Changhu immediately frowned, eyes, but also showed a touch of vigilance!

Although he is strong and strong, which is the level of the three realms of Shenzong, he dare not take it lightly because he is in the Tangmen headquarters after all.

He was about to go out in a flash.

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng looked at each other, and a touch of joy flashed in their eyes, and then they turned their heads and glanced at Li Dahan.

Li Dahan immediately understood and said angrily: "it must be that Tang Kuo and Tuoba brothers have clashed again. Tang Kuo is really true. Now most of the people in Tangmen, before the thunderbolt clan, account for most of them. No matter how angry he is, he can't do anything to Tuoba brothers!"

"Go out and have a look!" Tang Yang is also Tao.

Several people quickly out, to the sound of the place, here only two people left!

These two people are just Tuoba mausoleum Chutian and Tuoba mausoleum Chudi!

At this time, Tuoba mausoleum chuixian and Tuoba mausoleum Chudi were obviously seriously injured. In their eyes, there was a very obvious anger.

When Tang Yang saw that tuobaling brothers were like this, he hurried over together. Tang Yang took out a healing elixir to beat the sky for tuobaling. At the same time, he asked, "what's going on? How is it going to fight? Who has the courage to move you? "

"It's not Tang Lei yet!" Tuobaling hammers snorted and said angrily, "Tang Lei has always looked down on me and said that I'm a member of the thunderbolt sect. If I'm a member of the thunderbolt sect, I'd have been against him for a long time. He thought I was afraid of him!"

"How can you talk nonsense?" Tang Yang quickly whispered to stop: "we people under the eaves, we have to bow our heads!"


Tuoba mausoleum hammered a heavy hum, still a face of depression.

Tuoba mausoleum thumped beside him and said angrily: "it was the young master who saved our lives and cured our internal injuries that we would be loyal to the Tang clan. Moreover, we helped to design and take down the thunderbolt sect and joined the Tang clan with people. How can Tang Kuo command us? Who does he think he is? "

"That's right. He's just over 100 people. Isn't my brother in charge of the whole city of Madison?" Tuoba mausoleum hammer day is also angry way!

"Well, well, I know that you are angry, but how can I feel comfortable? The young master is missing. Now Tang Kuo thinks that he is the eldest one. He doesn't listen to anyone's words. He even dares to offend Tianzong -- "Tang Yang sighs:" you two, let's calm down. Let's not have a common understanding with them. We'll go to eat and eat! "

"Hum!" Tuoba Ling hammered the sky heavily and said, "eating bird's rice has provoked me, but I'm against him!"

Say, with Tuoba mausoleum beat the ground two people, angrily turn around and go!

Tang Yang turned to look at Deng Changhu and others with a bitter smile: "I'm sorry, let you laugh!"

Deng Changhu looked at Tang Yang and said with a smile: "it seems that Tang Long's disappearance has a great impact on Tangmen?"

"We are all the people saved by the young master. The young master is very kind to us, but the young master is missing. Nobody wants to happen." Tang Yang sighed: "now the young master is not here, Tang Kuo is so powerful that who can be comfortable in his heart!"

Deng Changhu nodded, ha ha a smile: "OK, don't say the unhappy things, let's go to dinner!"


Tang Yang nodded.

The crowd returned to the party.

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, as well as Li Dahan, were always depressed. Deng Changhu had to mention several times to submit to mietianzong, which was interrupted by Tang Yang.

Seeing that Tang Yang didn't want to talk about it, Deng Changhu stopped talking about it.

When the banquet was half full, Tang Kuo came to Tang Yang and left two angry words to Tang Yang. He turned around and left!

Tang Yang's face is ugly!

Li Dahan directly smashed a wine pot in anger!

In the end, the party and the party are scattered!

Deng Changhu looked at what happened in front of him. In his eyes, he couldn't help flashing a smile of pride. In his heart, he had a good plan. He knew that this time, he would surely make great achievements!That night, Tang Yang arranged for Deng Changhu to have a rest.

Deng Changhu and others were arranged in a comfortable guest room. Tang Yang was about to turn away. Deng Changhu stopped him: "brother Tang, wait!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Yang turned his head and asked.

"I want to talk to you about something. Let's talk in the room." Deng Changhu ha ha ha smile, turned his head to sweep oneself to bring eight people one eye.

The eight men nodded their heads, and the rest of them went to their rooms together. One of them was standing at the door of Deng Changhu's room, obviously guarding against the surrounding activities.

Tang Yang saw this situation and nodded.

He followed Deng Changhu into Deng Changhu's guest room. They sat down opposite each other on two chairs in the living room.

Deng Changhu looked at Tang Yang and said with a smile: "Tang Yang is right. I have known something about you before. I know that in the Tang clan, Tang Long's subordinates, in addition to Tang lack them, will count you!"

"We can count them there!" Tang Yang snorted coldly: "that Tang lacks ability to be important, we, ha ha!"

At this time, Tang Yang was depressed, obviously holding his breath.

Deng Changhu said with a smile: "Lin Xi dream is obviously on your side?"

"He's my wife. Of course, he's my wife." Tang Yang's voice dropped, more and more angry: "hateful is, because of my relationship, these days, that Tang que on the night dream is also cross browed, simply angry me too!"

"Why should brother Tang be angry?" Deng Changhu said with a smile: "Tangmen don't leave people, but they have their own places to stay. Since Tangmen don't want to see you, why don't you join me in mietianzong?"

"But the young master is kind to me Tang Yang said: "I can't betray young master!"

"Yes, how much is it worth?" Deng Changhu said with a smile: "what's more, Tang Long has been missing for such a long time. Maybe he wandered in some place for many years. If you don't think about your future, I'm afraid you'll regret it later!"

"Ah Tang Yang sighed heavily and did not speak.

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