Tang Long listened to Gao Tianye's words and was immediately happy.

He looked at Gao Tianye and nodded: "elder brother Gao, what you said is too right. I'm too smart to think about anything, so I can live simply." "Big brother Gao, where's Shuya?" he said with a smile

"What's in your head is a good guess." Gao Tianye was a little speechless: "don't tell me that you want to make Shuya's idea!"

"No, I know she's the one you like. I'm just asking!" Tang Long heartless smile, praise way: "brother Gao, Shuya can be really beautiful, if she is not your woman, I will try to find a way to chase her!"

"You boy, you should dare to have a crooked mind on her, and be careful that I am not polite to you as a big brother!" Gao Tianye helplessly said, with Tang Longchao restaurant: "however, there is something I can help you with!"

"What can I do for you?" Tang Long asked curiously.

Gao Tianye turned his head and looked at Tang long, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, how do you think of the bell from the snow smoke?"

"Of course Tang Long busy way: "Zhong Li Xueyan I like most!"

"Since you like her, I'll chase her for you, OK?" Gao Tianye said: "with your condition, the person looks so handsome, the strength is so strong, but also very smart, I believe that the clock from the snow smoke will like you!"

"Really On Tang Long's face, he was suddenly smiling, but his heart was depressed.

How can Gao Tianye think of finding a woman for him?!

He can't have so many broken things in this blood temple. He has to go after a while. Even if the clock is better than Xueyan, he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

He didn't want to associate with Zhong Li Xueyan.

But he can't say this in his mouth. After all, he is such a greedy person in the blood temple!

At this time, he thought of a shield!

"Elder brother Gao, I really want to have a relationship with Zhong Li Xueyan. However, I still think that we can have a result with Mo'er first." Tang Long made a very honest look and said, "I still like Mo'er now, and I want Mo'er to come back to me quickly!"

"Mo'er, I'll help you." Gao Tianye reached out and patted Tang Long on the shoulder: "before, because of some things, I didn't involve much in your affairs. But soon, I can get involved in this matter deeply. I believe that Gongsun family will change their outlook on you soon."

"I just want to see Mo'er quickly. I don't care about other things!" Tang Long said: "as soon as I leave Gongsun family, I think of Mo'er!"

He said this: one is to use Gongsun Mo'er to block Gao Tianye and help him pursue Zhong Li Xueyan. The other is that he hopes Gao Tianye can help him to let Gongsun Mo'er leave Gongsun's family as soon as possible, so as to restore his freedom.

For Gongsun Mo'er's current situation in Gongsun's family, Tang Long always felt a little uneasy.

Although Mo'er is the holy daughter of Gongsun family, he should not be wronged, but Tang Long has seen that Gongsun Mo'er is in Gongsun family, and is obviously afraid of her grandfather.

What's more, Gongsun Mo'er's discourse power in Gongsun's family was still very limited.

What Tang Long knew best was that Gongsun Mo'er didn't like power at all, but in Gongsun's family, it was absolutely necessary to fight for power!

Even Tang Long is worried that Gongsun's family will use this time to let Gongsun Mo'er contact some men, and even ask Gongsun Mo'er to establish a certain degree of relationship with these men!

Tang Long knew that all these things would make Gongsun Mo'er very unhappy.

Tang Gaomo wants to help sun Gonger out of prison early.

He felt that he thought for Gongsun Mo'er to repay Gongsun's kindness for taking him to Heifeng mountain.

Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long with a smile: "I have been dealing with Gongsun Mo'er this morning, and I will let you see Mo'er as soon as possible!"

"Really!" Tang Long's heart suddenly a joy, busy asked: "what do you think of?"

"In the genius college, I have a person I know and a person of high status. The most important thing is that others don't know my relationship with this person. He goes to Gongsun's family to recall Gongsun Mo'er. There is no complicated dispute. The Gongsun family must give this face!"

"That's good!"

Tang Long nodded at ease.

At this time, he was more aware of Gao Tianye's means.

It's just Gao Tianye. Other people don't know the relationship between him and that person. Tang long can guess that Gao Tianye's power is definitely more than some on the surface.

At the same time, Tang Long is also curious about Gao Tianye's family.

However, he also knew that it was impossible for him to understand Gao Tianye thoroughly because of his status and status in the blood temple at this time. After all, the secrets of these things must be in the headquarters of the blood temple, but also in the high-level of the blood temple, so that it can be clearly revealed.Even Tang long can guess that the intrigue of Gao Tianye and his younger generation is likely to be fueled by the elders of their family.

This is the way for some powerful families to train their disciples!

If they fight like this, who is the most capable and stands out in the blood temple will become a more powerful existence!

That's what competition is all about.

Cultivating offspring, just like cultivating flowers and trees, is closed in the greenhouse every day, watering and fertilizing every day. One day, the owners of flowers and trees will go abroad. Once no one takes care of the flowers and trees in the greenhouse for a period of time, the flowers and trees will wither and even die!

Only in the natural sunshine, in the fierce competition environment growth, after the survival of the fittest, can we finally become a real talent.

Tang Long and Gao Tianye chat at will. They have already entered the restaurant of Gaofu.

Dan Tai Shuya is here.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Tan Tai Shuya also nodded to Tang long. On his noble and proud face, a faint smile appeared.

Her attitude towards Tang Long is much better than before!

Tang Long laughs and goes over and sits down in front of dantai Shuya. Gao Tianye sits beside dantai Shuya.

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang long, I won't go with you to the demon lord's palace. There are still things to deal with. Tianye said that he would accompany you to the demon owl palace to prevent you from having any accidents along the way."

Thank you very much, brother Tang Long looks at Gao Tianye and laughs.

Gao Tianye said: "I'm also on my way to see you off, because I'm going to meet strong Qingtian, and I need to talk to him about some things."

"Good, good!" Tang Long nodded repeatedly, but he was secretly curious. Is there a deep relationship between Gao Tianye and strong Qingtian? Or is it just a pretext?!

Someone has brought the food.

The three chatted over their watch, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

After dinner, Tang Long went back to the house to have a rest. Then he chatted with Dongfang bing'er with huixinmen and told her that she was going back soon.

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