Jiang Yuanding did not dare to see Dongfang bing'er more.

He can see that Tang Long is very good to Dongfang bing'er, and he can even say that he loves Dongfang bing'er.

In this case, he certainly did not dare to make Dongfang binger's idea.

It is because of this, so during this period of time, he specially found his precious daughter, accompanied by Dongfang binger, just worried about Dongfang binger being bored alone.

Of course, he also has other thoughts!

Although his daughter is not as bad as Dongfang bing'er, it is not too bad!

He looked at Tang Long with a smile and said, "brother Tang, we will take you to get the medicine." Then he lowered his voice: "these herbs are not easy to get. Brother Tang, you must not let others know!"

"Don't worry!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "these rules, I still understand!"

"That is, that is!"

Jiang Yuanding nodded again and again. Together with Tang long, he walked toward the medicine storeroom. At the same time, he said, "brother Tang, the thousand machine keel has come to see you several times these days. He is very worried about you. Since you are back, I'm afraid you will go to the experimental base to have a look at it?"

"Of course." Tang Long nodded his head, but his voice changed: "however, I just came back, and I have to rest for two days."

"I think you'd better tell the owner of the thousand machine industry in person about this matter." Jiang Yuanding said: "if you come back, the master of Qianji will know immediately. After all, he is also a person with status. What's more, he cares about you very much. He should know the news of your return very quickly."

"Well, I'll see him first!"

After Tang Long came back, he planned to go to the experimental base first. Moreover, he already had some ideas in his mind. At this time, he also wanted to find a way to carry out this idea!

He needs to know something about the experimental base first.

Looking at Jiang Yuanding, he said, "I will go to the experimental base tomorrow morning." After a pause, he continued: "I am now, at least, one of the assistants of the leader of the thousand machine world, and I can't take the experimental base seriously."

"That's it Jiang Yuanding nodded repeatedly: "you can't be unhappy with the leader of the thousand machine world. If so, your safety will not be guaranteed."

Of course, Tang Long knows what Jiang Yuanding said about "safety!"

After all, Qianji keel has a special hobby!

He nodded: "what you said is not bad. I will go to see the leader of the thousand machine industry tomorrow morning."

"Good, good!"


the two chatted as they walked. Dongfang bing'er walked beside Tang Long and never spoke.

After a while, the three men had entered the medicine storehouse under the charge of Jiang Yuanding, and then Jiang Yuanding took out some of the herbs he had prepared for Tang long.

Among these herbs, there are healing drugs, antidotes, and many medicines for restoring vitality.

There are a lot of them!

What's more, these herbs are at least five grade elixirs, and there are even a lot of Chinese grade precious medicines!

These herbs are worth a lot of money!

Tang Long roughly calculated that these medicinal materials can refine at least 1000 miraculous elixirs!

This has been a big gain!

"Oh, brother Jiang, thank you very much. I'm worried that I don't have any herbs. You've helped me a lot at once." Tang long expressed his thanks with joy.

Jiang Yuanding politely laughed and said: "brother Tang, what can I do for you in the future? Just open your mouth and I promise to do my best."

After a pause, he continued: "in addition, I hope brother Tang can help me more. You know, I don't have any skills. I have to rely on you to pay more attention."

"Certainly!" Tang Long nodded quickly.

Two people talk and laugh, together left the medicine store, together to Jiang Yuanding home.

A very beautiful girl came out and saw Tang Long and Dongfang binger. When she saw Dongfang binger's hand held by Tang long, she basically guessed the identity of Tang long.

She looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "binger, is this Tang Long?"

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er looks back.

Tang Long's eyes also fell on the girl.

This girl, however, is also a very beautiful girl. She looks older than Dongfang binger, about twenty-seven years old. But Tang Long knows that her actual age must be much older than this one.

The girl has long hair and a light pink dress. She has a slim figure and a delicate face. Although she is not as cool and gorgeous as Dongfang bing'er, she has already become the top choice!

What's more, the girl is in a delicate and attractive manner.

Tang Long laughs. His eyes are greedy. He looks at the girl without blinking: "what a beautiful girl. It's just like crabapple flowers. By the way, what's your name?"

When Jiang Yuanding saw Tang Long's eyes, he was very happy.

Because this girl is his daughter!Jiang Yuanding felt that Tang long had some ideas about his precious daughter.

As long as Tang long can take a fancy to him, Jiang Yuanding doesn't mind giving his precious daughter to Tang long. If Tang Long treats his daughter the same as he does to Dongfang bing'er, he thinks that his family will definitely prosper in the future!

The girl was so looked at by Tang long, and heard him praise her good-looking, suddenly pretty face is slightly red.

Lowering her head, her voice was much lighter: "brother Tang is joking. I can't be as good-looking as you said!"

Jiang Yuanding laughed and said, "brother Tang, this is my daughter!"

Tang Long is a little speechless.

This Jiang Yuan must call him brother, but this girl calls him elder brother!

He looked at the girl and asked, "the girl hasn't told me. What's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Waner!" The girl's voice became more and more gentle. She looked up at Tang Long and lowered her head again. Before that, she saw Tang Long's natural and natural demeanor. At this time, it disappeared!

She is so delicate and graceful.

Jiang Yuanding laughed and looked at Jiang Wan'er and said, "OK, girl, I'll talk to you about something with your brother Tang. You can accompany bing'er around!"


Jiang Wan'er answered and went to Dongfang bing'er: "bing'er, shall we go out for a walk?"

Dongfang bing'er turns to look at Tang long.

Tang Long knows that Dongfang bing'er certainly doesn't want to go out with Jiang Wan'er, and looks at Jiang Waner with a smile: "bing'er is better to sit by my side. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I think very much. I don't want to leave her at this moment!"

"All right." Jiang Wan'er answered and said nothing more.

She turned to make tea for Tang Long and sat on the other side of Dongfang bing'er.

Jiang Yuanding looked at Tang Long and asked, "brother Tang, you must have known a lot of people this time when you go to the city of genius."

"Not really." Tang Long laughs: "I'm basically with elder brother Gao. He treats me very well. In addition, Zhong Li Xueyan and Dan Tai Shuya are the only ones who can do nothing else!"

"Oh Jiang Yuan nodded and asked, "well, young master Gao must know how much your spiritual strength has been raised to?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded: "he is the second to know, the first to know is Mo'er."


Just as he was saying, suddenly a warrior came in in in a hurry and said, "master Jiang, the Lord of bear is coming!"


Jiang Yuanding was a little surprised, but immediately knew that the nigger bear came suddenly to find Tang long. Otherwise, the identity of the Black Ghost bear, even with his daughter's relationship, would not have come to his home.

Even if the nigger bear has something to do, he must find someone to call Jiang Yuanding.

Jiang Yuanding quickly stood up and said, "come on, go out with me to meet you."

"No need to meet. I've come in!" Voice from far to near, when the sound falls, the Black Ghost bear has arrived at the door of the living room, looking at Jiang Yuanding, he laughs: "Jiang Yuanding, I presume to disturb, is it an uninvited guest?"

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