"I'm going to tell you about it. How about we go to the study?" Zhao Wugui interrupts Tang long. He has already guessed what Tang Long is going to say.

The voice dropped, he turned to look at Zhao wangba and said: "Wang Ba, you sit here with binger girl. Don't neglect it!"

How dare I, my sister-in-law The king of Zhao was busy.

Tang Long didn't say anything more.

In his heart, he really wanted to know Zhao Wugui's investigation into the whereabouts of the bloody knife. He turned his head and looked at Dongfang binger beside him: "dear wife, you wait for me here, I will come when I go."

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

Tang long stood up, followed Zhao Wugui, and soon walked into a study of Zhao Wugui.

They sat down on two opposite chairs in the study. Zhao Wugui looked at Tang long, and his eyes were filled with obvious excitement: "master of the Tang Kingdom, our business, that is, the bloody knife business, is about to succeed!"


After listening to Zhao Wugui's words, Tang Long's heart also hit hard twice.

Zhao Wugui's voice was lowered a lot: "master of the Tang Kingdom, to be honest with you, I have made great efforts in your absence during this period of time, so I finally got some harvest!"

"Tell me Tang Longlian was busy.

Zhao Wugui said: "the overlord's blood drinking knife is not in the demon lord's palace, but hidden in a place in the blood demon world. It was sealed in a very secret place by the overlord. Most people don't know about this matter. I spent a lot of effort to buy several people around the overlord, and finally got some news under the multi-faceted inquiry!"

"Where is the blood knife sealed?" Tang Long asked.

Zhao Wugui asked, "it's said that it's in the black Python holy mountain, the master of the Tang Kingdom, the black Python holy mountain. Have you heard of it?"

"No!" Tang Long shook his head and asked, "what is this place?"

Zhao Wugui said: "black mang holy mountain is a very desolate and deep mountain area, where there are few people and rocks. It is said that there are many kinds of Warcraft and monsters there, and few people are there. But the overlord is there, driving away the Warcraft and quietly building a mysterious mansion!"

"What mysterious mansion?" Tang Long asked in a hurry.

Zhao Wugui said: "it can be said that it is the second residence of the overlord, but few people know about it. It is not only sealed with blood drinking knife, but also many people are detained. I don't know who they are. I heard that the overlord conducted some secret research there. In addition, there are many strong guards there. These people are very strong, and the weakest are Shenzong realm. Two of them are the strongest. It is said that they are already the realm of the divine emperor! "

"The emperor!"

When Tang long heard what Zhao Wugui said, he frowned fiercely!

You know, God is the emperor above the God, the strength of the emperor is very terrible, even if it is Tang long, he can't deal with it, even if he finds Jinyang and Xuexue, he is not an opponent at all!

After a pause, he asked, "what are the characteristics of the two emperors? Have you ever investigated them? "

Zhao Wugui said: "I have been secretly investigating these two people. According to my investigation, these two people are two of lie Qingtian's disciples, and two of them were taken by lie Qingtian thousands of years ago."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "according to my investigation, lie Qingtian has many apprentices. Some of them seem to be stronger than the emperor!"

"I know that!" Tang Long faint smile: "these things the overlord told me!"

Strong Optimus of course did not tell him these, but Tang long can have guessed these, because he is too understanding strong giant.

Even he can guess, strong Qingtian in the dark, in the blood demon world, must also control a lot of forces.

Tang Long doesn't know how many forces lie Qingtian controls in secret. The only thing he knows is that lie Qingtian's ambition is very big, and he will never be limited to this small demon lord's palace.

The reason why lie Qingtian is still in the magic owl palace is that he has been injured, and his strength has not been able to make a great breakthrough in these years. Once he breaks through the shackles and his strength rises sharply, the evil Lord palace will not be able to accommodate him!

Of course, the nigger bear will surely be taken away by him, and he will go to the higher level development of the blood temple!

Tang long looked at Zhao Wugui and said, "how are the details of the two emperors? Do they have any weakness that we can break? "

Zhao Wugui said, "this is exactly what I want to tell you." After a pause, he continued: "I have sent someone to investigate these two gods in secret. They are of high status. They only obey the orders of lie Qingtian. It is not easy for us to get the bloody knife!"

Tang Long said with a smile: "don't worry, I'm already a Dan God. As long as I know where to hide the blood drinking knife, there's a way to get it!"

"That is!" Zhao Wugui quickly nodded, and said with a smile, "what I want to tell you is just about your Dan God."

"What do you say?" Tang Long asked curiously.Zhao Wugui said: "those two powerful deities have always been guarding the black Python mountain. Even if they often come back, they will not stay for long. Naturally, they can't get in touch with such figures as Dan God. I heard that they also have their own men who are helping them find the treasures of heaven and earth. Unfortunately -"

"so it is!"

After listening to Zhao Wugui's words, Tang Long was very happy.

He knew that these two people must need a Dan God to help them refine elixir.

Tang Long is already the God of Dan, the level of refining elixir is not weak, and he is still a man in the magic owl palace, which fully meets the needs of the two gods!

"It seems that the information you have investigated is really good." Tang Long looks at Zhao Wugui and nods with satisfaction.

After a pause, he looked at Zhao Wugui and thought: "this thing needs to be done slowly. I have to find a chance to get in touch with the two gods first, and I can only say that I got there by accident!"

"I think so." Zhao Wugui said: "what's more, I've been feeling the terrain over there. I've even sent someone to carefully investigate the situation in that area. Even the strength of the people around the black Python holy mountain is also under my investigation."

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said, "but as you know, the only thing I can do is so much. The rest is up to you."

"It's not easy for you to do this!" Tang Long looks at Zhao Wugui with admiration.

In his heart, he is still very satisfied with this guy's ability.

This black Python mountain is one of the secret dens of lie Qingtian. It was actually discovered by Zhao Wugui. This has proved that Zhao Wugui has some abilities, and Zhao Wugui is very good at this aspect.

Tang long looked at Zhao Wugui and said, "you should try to be more careful about the black Python mountain. After that, give me a map. The rest is for me to do. After I get the blood drinking knife, we will get the sealed spirit in the blood drinking knife together."

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