Looking at Beifeng Mingyue, Tang Long complacently said: "the medicine solution of the experimental base has arrived. The people who are responsible for guarding the medicine pool in the experimental base will never find that I took the medicine. Moreover, I have already known that those people just added medicine materials to the medicine pool yesterday. In a short time, they will not check the medicine pool. According to the normal situation, it will take five days Someone will check the medicine pool! "

"What to do after five days?" asked the north wind bright moon

Tang Long laughs: "five days later, I have left the demon lord palace, this matter, no one will suspect me!"

"That's good!" The north wind and bright moon are a little relieved.

At this time, the king of the abyss and others all gathered together. They all went directly back to the heaven sealing flag of Tang long, and the animals of Tang Long also returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

The generals and ministers have come out of the soul tower.

Of course he has to stay here. He has to look after the medicine pool in BlackRock mountain.

Moreover, the medicine pool here also needs to be looked after by people, otherwise the effect of the medicine pool will be weakened if the medicine is distributed.

Tang Long has put all the liquid medicine he has got into the medicine pool!

"After half a month, when the people of the Dragon Guard of Tang clan have finished training in that blood pool, they can use the liquid of this medicine pool to continue to practice!" Tang long looked at the huge medicine pool in front of him, and he was also very satisfied!

He turned his head and looked at Ouyang qianer who stayed here and said, "when the training of the Dragon guards is over, you can tell them to let them use this medicine pool to continue their cultivation, and then you can go back!"

"Good!" Ouyang qian'er and others nodded.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the bright moon in the north wind and said, "bright moon, I have to go. I will leave the magic owl Palace this afternoon."

"Yes." North wind bright moon nodded.

Tang Long has contacted Dongfang bing'er in his heart.

Of course, Dongfang binger will not directly let Tang Long go back.

At this time, she was sitting in the living room chatting with Zhong Li Xueyan. When Tang Long's voice sounded in her heart, she knew Tang Long was coming back. She immediately looked at Zhong Li's snow flue: "it's late. I'll go to Jiang Yuanding to see if Tang Long has come back. Don't delay our departure time!"

"Come with me." The bell leaves the snow flue.

"No, you wait here. I'll be there myself. I'll be back soon." Dongfang bing'er said, has stood up to walk toward the door, soon is to open the door to go out.

Of course, she would not go to Jiang Yuanding's Prefecture.

She turned her head and looked around. Then, she went directly and quickly to a secluded place. She looked around carefully. There was no one around.

Dongfang bing'er knows that it's safe here, so he can rest assured.

Next, she contacted Tang Long with huixinmen, and then there, Tang Long summoned the huixinmen between Dongfang binger and appeared in front of Dongfang binger.

Then they went back together.

Zhong Li Xueyan sat in the living room and waited for a while. He was taking the tea on the table to drink. At this time, the door suddenly opened. Turning around, Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er came in together.

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and said with a smile, "Xueyan, we can start now!"

Zhong Li Xueyan asked, "are you all busy with the experiment base?"

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with the experimental base." Tang Long said with a smile: "I had a sleep in the experimental base, otherwise I would have been back."

After listening to Tang Long's words, the bell left the snow smoke suddenly a little speechless.

Can't Tang Long come back earlier if he's ok? If he comes back early, they can start early!

And Zhong Li Xueyan remembers that yesterday Tang Long said he would be very busy today and had to deal with a lot of things, but now he has nothing to do. She thinks that Tang Long's words are not reliable at all!

But she didn't say anything. She stood up and looked at Tang Long and said, "if you don't need to pack up anything, we can start now!"

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Dongfang bing'er: "we need to prepare things on the way, but are they all ready?"

Oriental ice son way: "all ready."

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the bell from the snow flue: "the overlord is not in the magic owl palace. Before we set out, we have to go and talk to the bear world Master!"

"Good!" Clock from snow smoke nodded.

Three people go out together, go to see the Black Ghost bear in the demon lord palace.

Black guixiong of course already knew that Tang Long was going to do the task. When Gao Tianye came, he went to see the nigger bear first.

The nigger Bear looked at Tang Long with a touch of envy in his eyes.

He thought that Tang Long's luck was really good. He had made a relationship with Gongsun Mo'er before. At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan came again. This guy is really what lie Qingtian said. It's really a blessing from heaven!

The nigger bear is even a little jealous of Tang Long!

"How come the good fortune that day always falls on Tang long alone?"

He thought secretly and looked at Tang Long with a smile: "Gao Tianye has told me that you will go to do the task today. Tang long, I don't tell you much. Remember to be careful all the way!""Yes Tang Long agreed.

Next, the nigger bear still told a few words, nothing more than to let Tang Long not play outside and come back early after finishing his work!

Tang Long nodded and agreed. When the Black Ghost bear finished, he took Dongfang bing'er and Zhong Li Xueyan and left the magic owl palace together. He passed through the transmission Hall of the magic owl palace. All the way, he arrived at the dark gate and arrived at the blood soul world!

The three men were flying in a hurry all the way in the world of blood and soul. At this time, their destination was, of course, the city of asland.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they had already reached the sky of a city in the blood demon kingdom. Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and said, "let's rest here for a night, or I'll have to sleep in the wild tonight."


Tang Long nodded.

Together, they landed from a high altitude and landed on a street in the city.

This city is also very prosperous.

Even, very noisy!

Although it is night, people still come and go on the street. There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the business in the shops seems to be very good!

The most shops on the street are actually Red Mansions!

At the door of many shops, there are women dressed up as demons. These women are dressed in one or two narrow pieces of "rags", which are displayed in the street, for fear that others will not see their key parts!

Both the bell and the snow frown away from the East.

They don't like this kind of environment very much!

Of course, Tang Long doesn't like this kind of environment!

He turned his head and looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "let's go ahead and find an inn to live in first."


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

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