Tang Long followed Huo Fengtian and soon went into Huo Fengtian's medicine storeroom.

This medicine storeroom is not small, but there are not many precious herbs in it. At least, Tang Long doesn't pay much attention to these herbs.

Of course, Tang long will definitely see the seven grade fairy medicine Huo Fengtian prepared for Tang long.

At this time, Huo Fengtian had opened a dark grid from a hidden corner, and then took out a dark square box.

He handed the box to Tang Long and said, "young master Tang, this is the seven grade elixir I prepared for you. To tell you the truth, this is a good thing I met occasionally when I was traveling outside a hundred years ago."

"You are a good man, but you take your own things to save the safety of asland!" Tang Long smiles and takes the box.

Huo Fengtian looked helpless and sighed: "I can't help it either. After all, I'm the Lord of a city. This time, the scale of the Warcraft attack on my city of azland is really large. I don't bring out some good things, and I'm afraid the blood god temple won't attach great importance to it!"

"So it is." Tang Long nodded with understanding.

Those powerful people in the blood Temple want money and money one by one, and those who have reached the level of Shenzong. How many people are willing to fight with God beasts for a little money?!

To tell you the truth, the reason why Tang Long agreed to come here is for this seven grade fairy medicine!

He took the box from Huo Fengtian, and then he couldn't wait to open it. Seeing what was in the box, he immediately had a deep surprise in his eyes!

"It's Wang Teng, the devil!"

Tang Long didn't expect that Huo Fengtian had prepared such a good thing for him!

This is indeed a seven drug to enhance mental power!

The most important thing is that the evil ghost King vine has a very good effect on improving mental power. Moreover, the Black Ghost King vine has a big one. Tang Long probably calculated that this can refine at least seven or eight miraculous pills!

"What a great harvest this time

Tang Long was very happy in his heart and turned to look at Huo Fengtian: "I didn't expect that you still have such a good thing!"

Huo Fengtian said with a smile: "childe Tang, to tell you the truth, we have been hiding this thing for a long time. If you can come here to get this thing, it just means that you and I are predestined!"

"We are very lucky indeed Tang Long nodded with a smile.

At this time, Huo Fengtian suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "master Tang, what I have prepared for you is not just the evil ghost Wang Teng!"

"What else have you prepared for me?" Tang Long asked, full of expectation in his heart!

Huo Fengtian as like as two peas, she squinted, "my eyes have been squinting up for more than 50 years, and two women have been trained. They are the same. They are very beautiful, and most importantly, they are more than ordinary people in some respects."

Tang Long listened to the bastard's words and felt depressed.

He thought this guy would give him another kind of treasure. It turned out that he would give him two girls!

Can he have it?!

He didn't even want to look at it!

However, a greedy look appeared in his eyes, and a shameless smile appeared on his face: "Lord Huo, you are so considerate. You really understand me!"

The voice fell, but the smile on his face suddenly converged.

Seeing Tang Long suddenly changed his face, Huo Fengtian was a little puzzled: "what's the matter?"

"Ah Tang Long sighed heavily: "I'm afraid I can't do this today. You don't know, the two girls I brought here are not ordinary people, and tonight, I have to go to their place!"

"You know, one of them, that's Zhong Li Xue Yan, that's our blood god's ancient family member!"

"That's it Huo Fengtian's face was regretful, but his surprise flashed away.

He has heard of Zhongli family.

Tang Long is actually with the girls of the Zhongli family, and it seems that the relationship between them has been firmly established. This makes Huo Fengtian feel that Tang Long has a deep background, otherwise the Zhongli family will not allow them to associate!

Huo Fengtian quickly asked, "what about the other girl?"

"I can't say that!" Tang Long seems more and more mysterious: "some things you know, that's an absolute secret, so you'd better not ask!"

"I know, I know!" Huo Fengtian nodded his head again and again, with a cautious look on his face. He looked at Tang Long helplessly and said, "in this case, I have no choice but to put my heart away!"

Tang long but hey hey a smile: "Huo City Lord, do you have any natural wealth here?"

"This one, the valuable one is the one I gave you." Huo Fengtian was embarrassed: "I'm afraid you can't look up to other things here."

"Well, that's all!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "in this case, then I go to have a rest first!""Good, good!" Huo Fengtian nodded repeatedly.

Tang Long also pretended to be polite, and said some words that surprised Huo Fengtian: "Lord Huo, it is predestined that we meet, and I will come back soon. At that time, I promise to give you a surprise, which will make you get unexpected benefits. At least you should be a one star blood Demon Lord!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Huo Fengtian's eyes, suddenly flashed a thick surprise.

After a pause, he asked, "Mr. Tang, do you want to come back later?"

"There's a big thing!" Tang Long laughed and then lowered his voice: "don't forget the two girls you just mentioned. If I come next time, one of them can't be less!"

The voice dropped, and then waved, making a very tired look: "OK, it's late, I have to go back to rest!"

Huo Fengtian also said no more, and left the medicine storage room with Tang long.

In fact, Tangmen originally wanted to blackmail this guy some things. Even if they were ordinary herbs, he could see them. However, he couldn't help being happy when he thought that he could go to find the magic medicine tomorrow!

Next, Tang long did not return to the residence Huo Fengtian arranged for him.

He went to Dongfang bing'er and planned to return to Tiancheng as soon as possible. He wanted to refine the evil ghost Wang Teng into a miraculous elixir, and then he could improve his mental strength.

In a hurry to the room where Dongfang bing'er lives, Tang Long knocks on the door.

Inside came the voice of Dongfang binger: "who?"

Tang Long said, "it's me."


Oriental ice son should a, soon, the door opened, Oriental ice appeared in front of Tang long.

Tang Long laughs. When he enters Dongfang bing'er's room and closes the door, he hugs Dongfang bing'er into his arms. He laughs and says triumphantly, "dear wife, good things are here. It's really a rare treasure of heaven and earth, hehe, hehe I didn't come in vain this time! "

Oriental bing'er asked curiously, "what kind of treasure is that?"

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