Xuanyuanba really has a deep knowledge of the array. He is much better than the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman in arranging and removing the array.

Although the array arranged in this cave is very mysterious, and even contains several sets of arrays, with the joint efforts of several people, the array was finally broken after 20 minutes!


Tang Long breathed a long breath.

Then he used the sea to explore the situation in the cave.

The cave is quiet and quiet, and there is no energy surging. Tang Long's heart is suddenly secretly happy: "such a place should be the place to seal the blood drinking knife, otherwise, it can't be so quiet. At this time, the situation here, at least, shows that this is a good place to hide things!"

Thinking so in my heart, I've been heading for the cave.

The defense here is indeed extremely tight. There are four array junctions in the tunnel of the cave. However, these arrays are much simpler. The king of the Tang Long abyss and so on, after less than 10 minutes, they have already broken the barriers and reached the end of the tunnel!

Front is a heavy stone gate!

This stone gate, of course, also arranged the array, but this array, also did not delay Tang long long time.

It took xuanyuanba II less than a minute to open the stone gate.

All of a sudden, a very vast breath from the cave surged out, which actually hides a very familiar feeling of Tang Long!

"Oh, my God, I found it!"

Tang long felt his whole body of blood, is rolling boiling up!

This breath, which he was very familiar with, was just a breath of soul, and Tang Long was absolutely sure that it belonged to Mu Qingcheng.

Although the breath was extremely weak, and there was also a mysterious suppression force, which seemed to be a magic hoop, Tang Long didn't care about it at this time. His body flashed, and he quickly went towards the familiar feeling!

By this time his blood was boiling!

Soon he was in front of a stone wall.

There are many strange runes on the stone wall. There are blood lights on these runes!

Tang Long turned to look at the king of the abyss and xuanyuanba II: "who can unveil this seal as soon as possible?"

"Just the seal of blood god, it's a pity!" Xuanyuanba II turned his mouth.

"Then do it quickly!" Tang Long was in a hurry.


Xuanyuanba II said that he was busy.

It seems that Tang Xuanyuan is very familiar with the seal, but it is very mysterious!

It's no wonder that Tang Long has a deep knowledge of arrays at this time. However, the arrays here are all those that have been handed down for a long time in the blood demon world. If Tang Long wants to solve these arrays, he has to study them for some time.

Xuanyuanba is different.

Xuanyuan tyrant was the most capable person in the blood demon world 100000 years ago. He was the most powerful evil ancestor of the strongest generation!

What Xuanyuan Ba is good at is these strange things!

Otherwise, the association can't easily toss out a strange thing with the original self-respect!

The seal was soon untied!

In front of the Tang dragon, the wall depicting the blood red Rune moved slowly, and a strong natural breath swept out from behind the stone wall.

Tang long at this time, feel his whole heart, all want to jump out of the chest!

Behind the stone wall is a big hole!

In this hole, there is a long blood red box!

Tang Long quickly took out the blood red box, on the box, also arranged a strong seal.

All of these could not defeat xuanyuanba II.

Xuanyuanba II easily opened the box for Tang long. Suddenly, a bloody sword appeared in front of Tang long!

What's more, it seems that there is always a blood red light on the long Dao!

"Bloody knife, I finally found you!"

Tang Long's heart hit hard.

The king of the abyss was beside Tang long, but at this time he frowned: "it seems that the blood soul seal is arranged on the blood drinking knife!"

"Not bad!" Xuanyuanba II nodded definitely.

When Tang long heard what they said, he looked up at them and asked, "what is the seal of blood and soul?"

Xuanyuanba II explained: "this is a very mysterious blood seal of the soul. It is obviously sealed in the blood knife. The spirit has been planted with the blood soul seal. If you open the box, the blood soul seal has been activated. If you can't get the blood of the person who planted the blood seal within half a year, you can't untie the blood soul seal One of the spirits of "will be gone in half a year!"


Hearing xuanyuanba II's words, Tang Long's eyes immediately showed a strong shock!Half a year, get the blood of the person who planted the blood seal, then you can untie the blood soul seal!

That is to say, he must get the blood of strong giant in half a year?!

The king of the abyss followed closely: "moreover, now that the blood seal has been launched, the person who planted the blood soul seal in this long sword already knows that you are here!"

"It's bad!"

After listening to the words of the king of the abyss, Tang Long frowned fiercely.

Originally, he wanted to get the bloody knife quietly and save Mu Qingcheng, but now it is obviously very troublesome. Not only does lie Qingtian know it, but also he must get the blood of lie Qingtian!

Within half a year, where does he get the blood of strong giant?!

You know, at this time, strong Qingtian is very strong. Moreover, the guy went to yingtianhe, maybe the two souls fused, and even fused the mysterious spirit of Ying Tianhe!

In this way, it will be more difficult for Tang long to get the blood of strong Qingtian!

"What should I do?"

Tang Long frowned, his heart is very tangled!

Now, of course, he would like to leave the blood Temple immediately.

But once left the blood temple, next, how can he find strong giant?!

Even if I saw the strong giant, it must be a situation of life and death. With his current strength, how can we get the blood of strong giant?!

Half a year!

This time is too short!

Tang Long's strength in this half a year, how can it catch up with strong Qingtian?!

At this time, beside Tang long, the king of the abyss was already urging: "OK, don't linger, take the knife and leave immediately!"

Su Xiaoman also said: "at least now, you have found this knife. Let's take our time to get the blood of the person who planted the blood soul seal. In half a year, we should still have a chance!"


Tang Long bit his teeth.

He had another decision in mind.

In order to get the blood of strong giant, he must make such a decision, no matter how dangerous, he must do the same!

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