Xia Houshen waited for a long time.

Seeing that the two warriors had brought all kinds of delicious food, and Xia Houshen also took out his five hundred year old fine wine and put it in the restaurant to prepare for Tang Long's banquet.

He went back to the living room alone and sat down. He was thinking how Tang Long didn't come out. Tang Long came out!

"Lord Xia Hou, I have already smelled a very fragrant smell. You are really interesting indeed." Tang Long has already entered the living room: "must everything be ready?"

At this time, Tang long burst out of a powerful momentum, obviously in the display of their own strength.

"Brother Tang, your strength has been improved well, and the seven levels of the divine king have been achieved!" Xia Hou Shen said with a smile.

"I have reached the peak of Shenjun's seven levels. It's a pity that I haven't been promoted to the eight levels of Shenjun. Although I'm a little bit short, I still can't break through this little barrier!" Tang Long seems to have a little regret said.

Xia Hou Shen ha ha smile: "Tang Zong Zong's natural resources, must not pass two days, can have a breakthrough again!"

"That's it, that's it. I'm really gifted!" After listening to Xia Houshen's words, Tang Long immediately burst out laughing. After laughing, he immediately urged him: "Lord Xia Hou, let's go to dinner. I'm really hungry, and I smell a good smell!"

"Good, good!" Xia Houshen laughed.

Together, they headed for the fort's dining room.

When he arrived at the restaurant, when Tang Long sat down, Xia Houshen went to find the beautiful girl he liked very much.

The girl's face is pretty, looks like twenty-three-four years old, that moving look, is really very lovely, but also shows a kind of delicate and pitiful, let Ken look at is I see still pity!

Xia Houshen looked at Tang Long and said: "brother Tang, you and I are really on the same wavelength. If it is someone else, even Murong brother, I would never give jiao'er to him, but you are the only exception. As long as you like, I will let Jiaoer accompany you well today!"

The girl in front of her is called jiao'er.

Tang Long looks at this girl named jiao'er and looks at her lovely appearance. In fact, Tang Long really likes her.

He likes it, but yearns for beautiful things, and has no emotional component.

This girl is very good-looking, clear water hibiscus, showing the beauty of the girl next door, but of course, Tang Long won't do those things to her. He can't bully such a girl at all.

At this time, Tang Long also saw that in the girl's eyes, there was a very obvious gloom.

And in her eyes, there is a little hesitation and uneasiness.

Although Tang Long never thought he was a good man, he still disdained to do some things. Moreover, looking at such a good girl, he also felt that he should try his best to help the girl!

He looked at jiao'er, he laughed, patted the position beside him and said, "come, sit here with my brother!"

Jiao'er looks at Tang long, and the tension of her eyes becomes more and more obvious.

She hesitated and turned to look at Xia Hou Shen!

Xia Hou Shen frowned and looked a little unhappy.

If it was someone else, Xia Houshen would never let jiao'er serve him. However, for a Dan God like Tang long, who might be of great use to him in the future, he also wanted jiao'er to sacrifice.

He looked at jiao'er and said, "the leader of Tang kingdom is a genius in the world. Jiao'er, you should go and sit down and drink with him!"


Jiao'er hesitated, and finally stood up and went to Tang long to sit down.

Tang long looked at her like this, more reluctant to start.

Such a good girl, if he bullies her, she can't even pass her own level, let alone rescue Mu Qingcheng at this time. If she dares to do this, if Mu Qingcheng knows about it, I'm afraid that she will be driven out of her wits by anger!

Moreover, Tang Long has no mind to think about it.

You know, he rescued Mu Qing City, now the strong Qingtian already knew!

Although Tang Long left the demon lord palace, strong Qingtian said it would take at least a month to go back, but who knows if lie Qingtian will suddenly come here?!

Tang Long now, in fact, has been worried, worried about strong Qingtian suddenly come here, to find his trouble.

But now, he can't let anyone here suspect him. At least he has to take a risk and gamble. Strong giant can't catch up now!

For strong giant can be here immediately, he certainly is not without a bit of assurance.

With his sixth sense, he always feels around him. If there is any major danger coming, he knows that his sixth sense must be aware, so that he can know in advance.

Now, his sixth sense doesn't feel any danger. He feels that strong Qingtian can't catch up with him at least now. Then he will be here, finish the play, and then leave without delay."I hope my sixth sense doesn't go wrong!"

He thought to himself.

Face always a smile ha ha appearance, will own in the heart of tension and worry, completely suppress.

He turned his head and looked at jiao'er, who was already sitting beside him. He said with a smile: "jiao'er girl, as soon as I saw you, I felt very congenial. I think you are very much like a sister I knew when I was a child in my black feather tribe!"

"Oh Xia Houshen looked at Tang Long and laughed: "you still have a sister in Heiyu tribe?"

"That was my playmate when I was a child, and we had a very good relationship. Unfortunately She has been missing for a long time. I have been looking for her for a long time, but I haven't found her! " Tang Long said, with a look in his eyes: "I always loved her when I was a child. I wanted to take good care of her and protect her from being bullied."

Xia Houshen immediately suggested: "you can be Jiaoer, your sister. You can take care of it any way you like."

Jiao'er immediately lowered her head.

Of course, she knows the meaning of Xia Houshen's words. Frankly speaking, Xia Houshen still hopes to use her to narrow the distance between him and Tang long.

Tang Long sighed and turned to look at jiao'er: "I only pity my sister. I really hope she can live well." Then he turned his head and looked at Xia Hou Shen: "Xia Hou Jie Zhu, you also know that I Tang Long is a very emotional person!"

"I know, I know!" Xia Hou Shen nodded repeatedly.

In his heart, of course, Tang Long's words are totally ignored. Who is still paying attention to feelings these days? It's almost as good to pay attention to interests!

He felt that Tang long would probably harm jiao'er today. After all, jiao'er is a girl here, and she is not bad. Can Tang Long really miss her?!

Tang Long reached out and took jiao'er's hand: "jiao'er girl, you will be my lost sister. I, as a brother, will not let anyone bully you!"

Said, he turned to look at Xia Hou Shen, seriously said: "Xia Hou world Lord, you can be good after my sister ah, don't give her to others, I absolutely forbid her to be bullied by the second man, otherwise, I will be angry!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Xia Houshen was stunned.

Tang Long's side, Jiaoer girl's eyes, but emerged a thick surprise.

She felt, happiness from the sky!

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