"The bloody knife is not here with me, in that shabby palace!" Tang long looked at Qianji keel and said: "that's the overlord's palace. I didn't see the bloody knife in fact!"

"This matter, I will help you to explain to the overlord, I believe that the overlord will not even I do not believe, to wrongly wronged you!" Qianji keel thought for a moment and said, "by the way, during my cultivation period, before you leave here, did anyone else come here with you?"

"No!" Tang Longlian said: "after you practice, I'll do what you arranged for me the next day. Then after the third day, I didn't come back. I've been waiting for the overlord. As a result, I've been waiting for a disaster!"

Qianji keel nodded: "now it seems that you and I have been calculated!"

"What do you mean?" Tang Long Lengleng looked at thousand machine keel: "thousand machine world Master, does overlord also want to kill you?"

"Dare he?" Qianji keel glared at Tang Long: "who do you think I can kill Qianji keel if you want to? Even if he is a overlord, he doesn't have the courage! "

After listening to the words of Qianji keel, Tang long looked at Qianji keel with another eye!

It seems that this thousand machine keel is not ordinary people!

"Is this experimental base so important? It seems that I really want to continue to explore this place, but in front of me, I obviously can't explore it any more. I can only look for opportunities later! "

"Well, I can't do anything to create chaos here. After all, the thousand machine keel is probably one of my amulets!"

Thinking so in his mind, Tang long looked at Qianji keel and said helplessly: "master of Qianji world, one of me is to tell you about my grievance, and the other is to tell you that I have to go!"

"Where are you going?" Qianji keel asked in doubt.

Tang Long said: "after all, the overlord wanted to kill me. No matter how I said it, I was involved in it. Even though I was framed, the secret of the overlord was revealed. According to Zhao Wugui's conjecture, something may have happened in the black Python holy mountain. So, I have to protect myself. I want to go to the blood Temple headquarters!"

"Blood Temple headquarters?" Thousand machine keel Leng Leng Leng: "how do you go?"

"Brother Gao has promised me to go to the blood Temple headquarters and the genius college." Tang Long said: "no matter what, I can't stay in the demon lord palace any more, or I will die!"

"You can't stay in the demon owl palace. I know a little about the bloody sword. It's a long-standing heart disease of the overlord. Even if you are wronged, it involves this matter, and you break the secret of the overlord. No matter whether you are designed or not, you will not be tolerated by the overlord's character. You will try every possible means to kill you!"

"Yes Tang Long nods helplessly.

After a pause, he looked at the Qianji keel and asked curiously, "master of Qianji world, the liquid in the blood pool has been lost. What about the two cauldrons for practicing the blood shadow skill? Are those two poisonous people also lost? "

"The poison man is still there, but it's useless. I sealed it. Maybe it will be useful in the future." Thousand machine keel random way.

Tang Long hurriedly said: "thousand machine world Lord, you give those two poisonous people to me?"

"What's the use of poisoning people? Those two poisonous people have been refined into furnace cauldrons, only the breath of life, can't move

"I'm interested in all kinds of poisons, so I want to study them!" Tang Long said: "maybe I can get some unexpected results from my research!" After a pause, he continued: "master of thousand opportunities, I'm going to leave. Just give me these two things, just as you gave me when I left!"

"All right." Qianji keel nodded.

He thought that Tang Long might want to practice the blood shadow skill.

Now, Qianji keel has become the blood shadow magic skill, so I don't want to spend time and effort to get the blood pool. It's useless for him to hold the cauldron.

He thought that Tang Long might want to make a blood pool.

In this case, take away the tripod for Tang long, and Tang Long wants to use it later.

"Since you want those two cauldrons, I'll take you to get them now!" Qianji keel Road, turned and walked forward, and then asked, "when are you going to leave the magic owl palace?"

"Of course, I have to go before the overlord comes back, otherwise the overlord will see me and kill me every minute!" Tang Long said nervously, "I plan to start tomorrow morning!"

"Good!" Qianji keel didn't say anything.

Tang Long was designed, and he couldn't get away from it for a while.

He had to investigate the loss of the medicine pool and the blood pool. It was so strange that people took away so much of the medicine in the medicine pool and the blood pool, which made him feel unimaginable!

Even he suspected that hundreds of people had betrayed him in the experimental base, otherwise, how could such a thing happen?!

Watching, two people have come to a sealed door.

Qianji keel turned to look at Tang Long and said, "don't worry, I'll try to explain to the overlord about you and the overlord, and you don't have to worry. You're still the person in my experimental base. Even if the overlord wants to move you, he needs to ask me at least. I won't let him easily move you. At least he will have some scruples and can't move you in front of me!""Well, I'd like to thank the world leader of thousand machines first!" Tang Longlian was busy.

Qianji keel nodded: "I will look for you. After all, you are a rare talent in the research of medicinal materials!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Tang Long nodded repeatedly.

Qianji keel said he would look forward to him again. After all, he was still very interested in the experimental base.

Of course, he can't always stay in the experimental base in the future. He has a lot of things and can't be tied.

Qianji keel has turned around, and soon opened the seal at the door of the secret room. Looking at Tang long, he said, "take the two poisonous men away and put them on with something." After a pause, he asked, "shall I send someone to take it for you?"

"No problem!" Tang Long nodded quickly.

Qianji keel didn't say much.

He always has a special feeling for Tang long. Before that, he liked Tang long. Later, Tang Long said that he was like an uncle. All of a sudden, he had more feelings for Tang long!

In other words, at the beginning, he had some changes in Tang Long's mind.

Just now Tang Long was wronged. He saw in his eyes that he was soft hearted. He even wanted to fight against injustice and defend Tang Long!

Subconsciously, he seems to take Tang long as

Turning around to find two people came over, Qianji keel asked them to carry the two poison men out, and then looked at Tang Long and said, "come to me if you have something to do." After a pause, he continued: "you can't go to the demon lord's palace. You can find Mo'er, and Mo'er will find me. In addition, you can find Mr. Gao!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

He was curious again. There are many ways for this thousand machine keel!

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