Xia Hou Shen flew over to Tang Long and said, "brother Tang, we have to go and have a look. Jiao'er is still there. Don't be hurt by mistake."


Tang Long's heart "clutters!" All of a sudden.

For jiao'er, this girl, Tang Long is really a little distressed.

He turned his head and looked at Gao Tianye and said, "Mr. Gao, the danger there should be not big. Let's go and have a look at it?"

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Gao Tianye actually wants to go and have a look. Tang Long asks, and he agrees.

Although the fierce fighting there was fierce, they explored the situation from a distance. With the powerful momentum sweeping over there, they could already judge that although there were several gods fighting there, it was obvious that there was no great danger there.

Gao Tianye and Tang Long flew towards the palace in the distance.

In fact, there is a strong defense border outside the palace, but this defense border has been destroyed by the bloodthirsty wolf of gaotianye for a long time!

Gao Tianye and Tang long, together with Xia Houshen and a large group of warriors, all came to the palace. Then Tang Long followed Xia Houshen to find jiao'er.

Jiao'er is safe and stays in a room, which belongs to xiahoushen, of course.

Tang Long was relieved to see jiao'er safe.

He turned to look at xiahoushen, but he asked curiously: "brother Xiahou, I forgot to ask you. Last time you guarded the back mountain, didn't you always be able to leave the fort? How can you get out now? "

Xia Hou Shen ha ha smile: "you forget, I just replace Murong brothers, they all stop closing now, I naturally will be OK."

After a pause, he sighed helplessly: "they all seem to have made mistakes in their practice. They not only become very angry, but also look for women everywhere. We people dare not stay in the palace. Five people were killed yesterday."

"Five people killed? Were they killed by Murong Tiangao and Murong dihou? "

"That's right."

Tang Long asked curiously, "how can Murong Tiangao and Murong thick earth become like this?"

Xia Hou Shen shook his head: "who knows? Originally, they said they would shut up for a month, but they would come out in three days. Then they would look for women in the palace. If they didn't, they would kill and maim them. Fortunately, I hid jiao'er, which was very tight. I also asked my friends for help, otherwise Jiaoer would be in danger."

"Thank God they didn't find jiao'er!"


Tang Long and Xia Houshen have a chat without a word. Jiao'er stands beside Tang Long and looks at Tang long. Her eyes are full of joy.

She is very clear in her heart that she is now safe, thanks to Tang long.

If Tang long had not been so kind to her before, Xia Houshen would not have taken her so seriously.

It's still roaring outside!

Obviously, at this time, there was a fierce battle in the palace.

Tang Long didn't care about what happened here, and he didn't care about it. He knew that as long as there was a wizard here, he didn't need him to do any more small actions.

Now this kind of harvest, he believes, has been enough to satisfy Gao Tianye.

At this time, Gao Tianye is flying not far from the sky. He is observing the whole situation. He instructs his men to clean up the warriors in the palace.

The warriors who followed Xia Houshen are safe now.

Tang Long and Xia Houshen chatted for a while. Feeling that the time was almost up, Tang Long came out with jiao'er.

Tang Long has flown to Gao Tianye not far away.

After a while, some of Gao Tianye's subordinates also came to report the situation one by one:

"Mr. Gao, find a cave under the ground over there, and catch several Dandi!"

"Mr. Gao, I found some strange things over there!"

"Mr. Gao, a treasure house has been found there!"


News came quickly.

Of course, Tang long heard the news clearly. When he heard the three words of the treasure house, his eyes flashed with light, and immediately he thought of a very important thing.

He looked at Xia Houshen in a hurry and asked, "where is the place to store medicinal materials?"

"Do you mean the medicine storeroom?"

"Of course it is

"The medicine storeroom is in the treasure room, which is strictly managed. Even I am not qualified to enter."

"I have to go and see it!"

Tang Long said, with a flash of body, he was in front of Gao Tianye. Looking at Gao Tianye with a smile, he looked very greedy and said, "brother Gao, just now I heard your staff report that we have found the treasure house. Let's go to the treasure room to have a look at it!"Gao Tianye Leng Leng, followed by is a burst of speechless!

Tang Long didn't care what he was doing here. However, when he heard about the treasure house, he got excited immediately. Is there such a greedy person like him?!

"You are..."

Gao Tianye shook his head helplessly.

However, he didn't care much about some valuable treasures, and he didn't think how much wealth could be hidden here.

In his opinion, what can a tyrant's collection have?!

At this time, he had already got a lot of gains here. He had caught a wizard, a powerful emperor, and even got a lot of information. So he was happy to let Tang Long get a little bit of money here.

"Come on, I'll go to the treasure house with you!" He looked at Tang Long and said with a smile.

Of course, Tang Long won't say anything.

Next, he followed Gao Tianye, and was led by a warrior in front of him, heading for the treasure room here.

Not long ago, we have reached a deep underground cave.

There is a treasure room here, and the door is open.

The treasure room is very large, and there are all kinds of valuable things in it. When Tang Long looks at these things, he can't help but see a thick surprise in his eyes.

He turned to look at Gao Tianye and said, "brother Gao, I want to set up a residence in the city of genius. All these things can be used!"

Gao Tianye laughs: "these things are all yours!"

"Really?" Tang Long's eyes were shining!

Gao Tianye shook his head with a smile. He looked at Tang Long and said, "I didn't see this. I wanted to send you some after I went back. Since there are ready-made ones here, you can take them all. I reckon that there should be billions of gold and stone here. You can take them all, enough for you to set up a government office."

"Ha ha, that's wonderful!" Tang Long laughs, this greedy appearance, Gao Tianye looks straight to shake his head.

He didn't pay much attention to these properties. One thing is that he didn't lack these things. What's more, he valued Tang long as a man,

he liked power, greater and greater power!

And in Gao Tianye's eyes, Tang Long is already his man. Isn't Tang Long's stuff his?!

He doesn't mind fattening Tang long. After all, he can control Tang Long completely.

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