Gao Tianye doesn't know Zhao wangba, but Zhao wangba can recognize Gao Tianye at a glance. After all, he has seen Gao Tianye in the demon lord palace, and he specially remembers Gao Tianye's appearance.

Gao Tianye looked at Zhao wangba and waved: "you come here."

"Yes, yes, yes!" King Balian of Zhao went to Gao Tianye in front of him: "Gao Gongzi, what do you want?"

Gao Tianye ha ha a smile: "blood drink knife matter, is you found clue?"

Hearing Gao Tianye's question, Zhao wangba's eyes flashed with tension and turned to look at Tang long.

Tang Long was completely "clear-minded" and said directly to Zhao wangba: "brother Gao, what are you looking at me to do and say? We still expect elder brother Gao to save his life."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The king of Zhao nodded repeatedly.

He turned to look at Tang long, but also to see Tang Long's reaction, want to know how bad the matter is.

After all, he didn't get any hint from Tang long.

He was afraid that he had said something wrong.

Looking at Gao Tianye, Zhao wangba said cautiously: "Mr. Gao, this matter is really designed by us. It has nothing to do with us. We don't know who is designing us in secret."

Gao Tianye said: "what's going on? Tell me in detail

"It's like this. I went to pick up Tiancheng, but I ran into a conflict. After that, I got the secret about blood drinking knife. After discussing with my father, I felt that we couldn't do it by ourselves. It happened that we had a good relationship with the leader of the Tang Kingdom, and he was highly valued by the overlord. So we asked the leader of the Tang kingdom for help..."

Wang Ba of Zhao explained the matter in detail.

Of course, these words are true, but Zhao wangba is also very smart. He knows that if he wants to save his life, he has to rely on Tang long. He must leave Tang Long clean first. Therefore, taking Tiancheng to help Tang long to find something, he directly said that he went to work on his own!

Moreover, he felt that it was absolutely impossible for Tang long to play tricks in the back. After all, Tang long did not have the time and ability to make trouble, and Tang long would not harm himself!

So if you don't have to say something, he doesn't say it.

Of course, this is also the result of detailed discussion between his father and son.

And these words, also with the East ice through gas!

Gao Tianye listened to Zhao wangba's words, the whole thing has been thought through by him, Tang Long has no doubt.

He was more and more sure that someone was using Zhao wangba to design Tang Long!

Moreover, it is obvious that the designer of Tang Long knows the relationship between Tang Long and Zhao Wugui, as well as the position of Tang long in the magic owl palace. This shows that this person not only knows Tang long, but also knows the magic owl palace!

"The secret man's means are not weak. Is it possible that he is trying to deal with strong Qingtian? Is it possible that you are dealing with me in secret? "

Gao Tianye thinks secretly.

Tang long in Gao Tianye side, in the heart already thoroughly thoroughly bottom relaxed tone.

What Zhao wangba said was too beneficial to him. Although some things could not pose a great threat to him, it would be more advantageous for him not to speak out.

Looking at Gao Tianye, he made a very anxious look and said, "brother Gao, do you think the overlord will come to kill me?"

"Yes Gao Tianye looks at Tang Long and nods seriously.

Tang Long suddenly looked nervous and afraid: "brother Gao, you have to testify to me about this matter!"

"Is it useful to testify?" Gao Tianye said with a smile.

The value of the things he got in the palace is very high. It is obvious that the loss of this time is very large, but he certainly does not dare to ask him to settle accounts.

This account, of course, has to be counted on the head of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, Gao Tianye feels that no matter whether Tang Long is the enemy of strong Qingtian ten thousand years ago, strong Qingtian will definitely not let Tang Long go.

Gao Tianye will certainly help Tang long. This is his deputy!

Moreover, he also hoped that Tang Long's chaotic sky fire root!

Gao Tianye at this time, is also looking at Tang Long comforted: "don't worry, I'm here, you'll be OK!"

Then, he turned his head and looked at Xia Houshen: "your people will stay in the Tang mansion and the magic owl palace. I don't think you can count on it. If you want to live, follow Tang Long honestly. If you have him, you will not be in danger!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xia Houshen and others nodded repeatedly.

Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and said, "you told me before that I would send two people here to protect you. Then, I'll leave two gods here, so that in case strong giant comes to trouble you, you can't deal with it. I have something else to go first!"

"Good, good!" Tang Long nodded repeatedly.

Gao Tianye no longer said more, with his men in a hurry.

Now, first of all, he has to go back and ask for some confessions. After all, he has captured five researchers from the palace.

In fact, Tang Long didn't see some things that Tang Long didn't see. His subordinates reported them to him directly. He didn't intend to show them to Tang long.At this time, he felt more and more that Tang Long was a lucky general.

Tang Long Ming was framed, but brought him so much harvest, which made him more and more valued Tang long.

Seeing Gao Tianye gone, Tang Long was relieved.

First of all, he looked at the two strong men left by Gao Tianye, with a proud smile, and said with great air: "from now on, you are my subordinates. You should listen to me all the time, you know?"


Although these two warriors were both powerful, they were very respectful to Tang long at this time!

Tang long looked at them like this, and his face suddenly became complacent.

But he was very surprised.

These are two powerful gods. They just got a random order from Gao Tianye, asking them to stay here to protect him. At this time, these two people showed such respect to him!

"Gao Tianye, I have a good command of his subordinates."

Tang long thought secretly.

But in the heart also some curiosity, how so long, the Oriental ice son and the quiet night all can't come out?!

He turned to look at Zhao wangba and asked, "where are binger and Yeer?"

"The two ladies went out and went out with Mo'er girl and Xueyan girl," Zhao Wang Ba Lian said

Tang Long asked curiously, "what have they done?"

Zhao wangba said: "our mansion has just been set up. Naturally, it lacks some things. These two days, they will go to the auction house to buy some things back."

"I see."

Tang Long nodded. He knew that Dongfang binger and Youye went to the auction house not to buy the things needed by Tang Fu.

Gao Tianye gave the mansion to him. Could he have less things for him?!

Dongfang binger and Youye, apparently, went to the auction house to help Tang Long find the medicine to recover his soul, and bought the things needed by Tang Fu. This is obviously just a cover.

Tang Long didn't say any more. He turned to Xia Hou Shen and said, "let's go in together. The mansion has just been set up. It's a mess. You should live separately. After I think about it carefully, I'll assign you tasks slowly."


Xia Houshen and others all nodded at the beginning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!