Jiao'er, who is also called Tang long, has some different feelings in his heart.

His family 10000 years ago was destroyed by strong Qingtian. At that time, he had a lot of relatives. Unfortunately, after the disaster, this part of the feelings has been completely missing!

People are like this, the more missing something, the more they want to get.

Because of this, whether it's the dream of Lin Xi of Tang clan, or the rain bamboo of hearing people, or the lack of them in Tang Dynasty, Tang Long has always attached great importance to them.

At this time, jiao'er's appearance really made him feel deeply.

And looking at Tang jiao'er's charming and charming appearance, his heart is really some like and pity!

Of course, this is definitely not a love between men and women.

"Jiao'er, don't do these things from tomorrow. If you like to be in charge, you should be a housekeeper!" Tang Long said with a smile.

"Yes." Jiao'er answered, her eyes were full of joy.

When she arrived here, she felt as if she had found her home. She felt a real sense of security in her heart.

Although she didn't know Tang Long for a long time, she didn't know why. She was willing to believe the man in front of her.

Tang Long turned to look at Dongfang bing'er and they said, "we're going to have dinner. After that, I still have a lot of things to do."


Several girls stood up together and headed for the restaurant of Tang mansion.

After dinner, Tang Long threw the rest of the big and small things to Dongfang binger, and he went directly into the training room.

Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er didn't expect that Tang Long was so diligent in training that he came back from the black Python mountain. There were so many things at home, so he began to practice seriously.

All of a sudden, they like this man more.

Women, who don't like their men's diligence, hard work, and progress?!

Moreover, Tang Long is obviously responsible.

They do not know that although Tang Long has been practicing hard, but he went to the training room at this time, but it is absolutely not for the sake of cultivation.

When he got to the training room, he opened the barrier. Then Tang Long was in his heart and contacted the baby princess Ye Qingling with the wisdom heart door: "darling, where are you going?"

"We have arrived at the place, and we have determined the location of the holy land of heaven and spirits. However, the defense there is very tight, and there are also very strong arrays. We dare not act rashly. We plan to go to some cities around and inquire about the situation of the sect here."

"You must pay attention to safety, you know?" Tang Long admonished.

"Don't worry, the three of us are very careful about safety!" With that, the little princess giggled happily and said, "brother long, we are all dressed up as boys, so it's very safe. And you don't know, sister Feixue even dressed up as an old man. It's funny, giggle..."

Obviously, ye Qingling is in a good mood at this time.

Tang Long is thinking about the appearance of the magic dancing snow at this time. He really wants to see what kind of girl she is dressed up to be.

It's just, of course, he doesn't have time to go.

After chatting with Ye Qingling for a while, he contacted the leopard Xue Lingyue in his heart. He also chatted with her for a while. Then he contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart, and said his own things here in detail.

Besides, he got to know the situation in Madison city by the way.

Now, madiven city has a world gate connecting the Nine Emperor's Tianfu. Beigong Xianer and their travel between Fengtian city and madiven city are very convenient. They are naturally more handy to handle some things.

However, so far, the people of mietianzong have never appeared in madiven city.

This matter also makes Tang Long feel confused.

It is reasonable to say that mietianzong suffered such a big loss last time, and it has been more than a month since they were indifferent. But why haven't they come to attack Tangmen yet?

"What the hell is going on here?"

Tang long thought secretly in his mind that mietianzong might be brewing a conspiracy!

In order to be in case, he also contacted Beigong Xianer in his heart and asked her to tell Tang Kuo and others that they must pay close attention to mietianzong's every move. Moreover, he must send someone to mietianzong's side to inquire about the news and see why the mietianzong people have not attacked madiwen city yet!

After all this, he was relieved.

At this time, also connected with the north wind bright moon: "moon son, is the minister in?"

"Yes." "Dragon, how are you doing in the city of genius? Is there any danger? Did Li Qingtian come to you? "

"Not yet. That guy hasn't appeared since he left the demon lord's Palace last time." Tang Longdao.

At this time, he was also a little curious.

According to the current situation, Tang Long thinks that 80% of lie Qingtian has not returned to the demon lord's palace. Otherwise, with his style, he will at least come to the Tang house to do something, or at least he will come to explore Tang Long's reality."Anyway, it's good for me that he didn't come back. After all, I have a lot of things to do now. Moreover, I have to find a way to get the blood of strong Qingtian. Obviously, I can't do it with my strength at this time. I need to think of a good way to do this. I hope that after strong Qingtian devours Ying Ying Tianhe's soul, his strength will not be improved too much..."

"It's just that Ying Tianhe has been missing for a long time. This guy doesn't know what to do, and there is a very strong ancient spirit on him Has the ancient spirit been obtained by strong Qingtian... "

In the heart is thinking silently, deep in the heart, has already spread the north wind bright moon's voice: "dragon, how is my brother?"

The north wind cold this matter, Tang Long has always put in mind.

In his opinion, the relationship between him and beifenghan must be kept secret. Therefore, when he left the city of genius and went to black Python holy mountain with Gao Tianye, he had already discussed with Dongfang binger.

He has asked Gao Tianye to transfer the north wind cold to Tang Fu, but he also asked Dongfang bing'er to tell Gongsun Mo'er that Gongsun Mo'er should come forward and transfer the north wind to other places!

Now the north wind cold to where, he did not know, he has not had time to ask Mo'er.

However, he believes that the north wind will be more comfortable than before, and certainly there will be no danger.

He said to the north wind Mingyue in his heart: "I have transferred your elder brother out of the devil owl temple, let Mo'er transfer him to another place, but I just came back, this matter has not asked Mo'er, I believe Mo'er will not treat your elder brother badly."

"Yes." The north wind and bright moon answered.

Of course, she is very assured of Tang long. Since Tang Long has made arrangements, she knows that her elder brother will be OK.

Tang Long said in his heart at this time: "Mingyue, you wait for me for a while. I will go out to do something first. After I finish my work, I will go to see you tonight."

"Yes." The north wind and bright moon answered.

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