
Xuanyuanba II snorted heavily.

He turned his head and glared at the king of the Abyss: "you wait for me. I will settle the account with you."

Then he disappeared in front of Tang long.

The king of the abyss doesn't care about xuanyuanba II's words!

He and Su Xiaoman are together. Xuanyuanba II is not their opponent, and Tang Long is here. What can that guy do to him?!

The king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman returned to Fengtian flag.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the two flaming wolves: "look here first. I'll deal with other things first, and then I'll come back to deal with the rest of the disaster."

"Good." Two flaming wolves nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long collected his magic weapon, turned his head and looked at the red flame lion and said, "go, let's go to the holy land of heaven and spirits here first."


Red flame lion agreed, with Tang Long and so on, toward the valley in front of a place to fly.

Before long, they arrived in the valley, beside a dense jungle. The jungle was not small, and the trees were growing vigorously!

Red flame lion looked at Tang Long and said, "the holy land of that day should be in the middle of the jungle!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

He was about to take ye Qingling and others into the jungle, but the red flame lion then said: "boss, in addition to this jungle, I also found other places here have natural wealth and treasure."

"Where is it?" Tang Long asked

"In the fortress over there." The red flame lion pointed to a fortress building road in the distance.

Looking at the fortress, Tang long thought to himself, "there must be a treasure room of Tianzong in that fortress. These guys must have collected a lot of natural wealth and treasure!"

He didn't worry about it.

In any case, they have arrived here, and he will not leave any of these things behind. If he wants to get all of them, he must take all the things he can take away.

However, this place is really a bit remote. The holy land of heaven is here. Even if Tang long wanted to, it was not easy to manage.

Thinking about this problem, Tang Long walked into the jungle with Ye Qingling.

Soon, he thought of a way to deal with the Holy Land: "I just need to set up a psychedelic array here. I believe it's so remote that ordinary people can't find it. Moreover, our Tangmen has recovered the dark Shenzhou, which belongs to the dark Shenzhou, and will be controlled by our Tangmen in the future. Naturally, there will be people to bear this place It's in charge of management. "

Next, we all rushed all the way to the center of the jungle.

The front is a big, round garden like place, this place, between heaven and earth is full of rich aura of heaven and earth, and here all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are growing very vigorously!

These rare flowers and plants are all natural treasures, and these treasures are extremely precious!

"My God, this is a great harvest

Tang long looked at all kinds of natural treasures growing in this area. He was really surprised and incomparable!

At this time, the king of the abyss and they all came out of the flag.

When they saw the treasures growing in the holy land, they were shocked!

There are so many treasures here!

Moreover, these are at least second grade fairies. Judging from the level of root development of these fairies, they have grown for tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Although these treasures can only be used by Warcraft, and there is no treasure more than five grade elixir, but this is also a great harvest!

"I'm really shocked by this place!"

Tang Long took a cold breath.

In his opinion, the holy land of heaven and spirits here must have been cleaned up a long time ago. Moreover, the people who cleaned up here may have been extremely fond of Warcraft, so they planted the natural treasures that are only useful to Warcraft!

What Tang Long didn't know was that this holy land of heaven was not cleaned up by human beings before!

This was originally picked up by several divine beasts. Unfortunately, some things happened here, which led to the fall of the holy land of heaven and spirit in the hands of the evil heaven sect, which has been guarding here for more than a century!

Tang long looked at the red flame lion and said, "let's do it together. Be careful not to hurt these treasures. These things are extremely rare treasures."

Although these Tiancai Dibao have not reached the level of Qipin Xianyao or higher, the effect of Tiancai Dibao, which has grown for more than ten thousand years, is extremely terrible!

The only pity is that although there are a lot of Tiancai Dibao here, obviously, there are not many kinds of Tiancai Dibao, there are only four kinds!

Every species, there are a lot of them.

The red flame, the lion and so on, are naturally extremely happy.With so many natural treasures to enhance the strength of Warcraft, they know that they will certainly get great growth next.

Everyone is extremely careful to pick up the treasures of heaven and earth.

After more than half an hour's busy work, the natural treasures, some fruits, stamens and other things of medicinal value in the holy land of heaven were picked.

However, the roots of these natural treasures have not been destroyed at all.

Tang Long collected all these treasures, then turned to Ye Qingling and so on: "we want to dig out two-thirds of the Tiancai Dibao here and transplant them to the ninth emperor's Tianfu. When digging, we must be very careful not to damage the root system of these treasures!"


Ye Qingling and others nodded at the beginning.

People are busy again.

At this time, Tang long had already contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart: "dear wife, go to the Nine Emperor's Tianfu and go to the holy land of heaven. I want to plant some natural treasures."

"Yes." Qin Ziyi answered.

At the moment, she is actually busy with the accounting.

She was about to allocate 50 billion yuan of gold to madiven City, to increase funds for the expansion of madiven City, and to speed up the construction of madiven city. When she heard Tang Long's words in her heart, she left the matter to Xiao Que'er.

Then, she went through the world gate of Fengtian City, and soon arrived at Jiuhuang Tianfu, the holy land of Jiuhuang Tianfu.

The environment of Jiuhuang Tianfu is very beautiful.

Moreover, the holy land of heaven is also very big. There are many ancient trees of hundreds of thousands of years around, as well as all kinds of mountains and rivers and green grass. It is really a dreamlike fairyland on earth.

It's a pity that the holy land of the Nine Emperors' palace has been abandoned.

Through the Huixin gate between Qin Ziyi and Tang long, he soon arrived at the holy land of the Nine Emperors' mansion. Looking at Qin Ziyi, he laughed and said, "Ziyi, I have gained a lot this time, and I have got a lot of herbs to improve the growth rate of Warcraft!"

"Really?" Qin Ziyi is very happy to hear Tang Long say so.

Tang Long is proud of a smile, holding Qin Ziyi Meimei's bite: "I'll go to be busy first, after that, I will transplant some natural treasures to here."

"Do you want me to send someone over to help?" Qin Ziyi asked.

"No need." Tang Long said: "I let Jinyang and snowflake come here."

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