"I believe Gao Tianye would rather believe this is true. After all, how can I cultivate such a group of girls as a fool like me? The most important thing is that I am very useful to Gao Tianye now, and he must be inclined to believe anything I do

In this way, Tang Long was relieved.

He is familiar with Gao Tianye in the blood temple, especially in the city of genius. As long as Gao Tianye believes Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, what else can others say?!

Next, they discussed some details of the matter.

Time is in a hurry. Seeing that the time is not early and it is getting dark, the five people of Tang long no longer discuss and go out to eat together.

Now the Tang family finally has a special cook, which also saves Dongfang bing'er a lot of worry. Moreover, Zhao Tianshou's heart is finally out of breath.

There was a pretty girl before Tang Dynasty!

Jiao'er is Tang Long's sister. Who dares to let her cook every day?!

Jiao'er is now in charge of some management of the Tang government.

Zhao Tianshou is a five-star patriarch, even now he is a star master. These days, he has to help people cook every day!

He didn't want to do it.

Now it's all right.

The 45 women Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan found are all very capable of doing things, and each of them has some good skills. This also makes Tang Long more satisfied.

The dinner party was also full of twists and turns. The taste of the dishes was also very good.

Tang Long looks at Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er, and is very happy to praise their good work. This is also Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er. They are very happy.

They have been working hard for so many days. Although some of them are careful, they have spent a lot of effort after all.

They also felt that the efforts made by Tang Long were not in vain. Tang Long finally knew their hard work and affirmed their efforts.

After dinner, Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er and said, "I still have something to tell you. You can go to the training room with me again."

At the moment, Tang Long is trying to win over Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan as much as possible.

After all, in this blood temple, he really needs them!

Of course, there are still some ideas in Tang Long's heart, which he will never admit. At least now, he will never admit some of his own thoughts, and even he is not willing to think about those aspects.

Dongfang bing'er and Youye stand up together. Dongfang bing'er looks at Tang Long and says, "we'll go back first."

Tang long looked at them with a smile: "don't close the door tonight, I'll wait for you!" Said, and toward the Oriental ice son and you night blink a wink, this appearance, is really very shameless.

And followed closely, he said more shameless: "don't forget, I'm looking for you two!"


Dark night already pretty face blood red!

Dongfang bing'er is too shy to raise her head completely!

Although there is no one else here, but in the presence of Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er, how can Tang long be so impolite?

Can't these words be said later?!

Moreover, they also know that Tang Long is powerful in some aspects. These days, they also know that Tang Long is busy and hard-working. They also love him very much. At this time, can they allow him to do something bad?!

"Binger, we ignore this shameless guy!" You night red face glared at Tang long, and the East ice son left in a hurry.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are, of course, flushed!

It didn't say anything.

Tang Long glanced at Zhong Li Xueyan, and saw that the girl was blushing with Mo'er. He was speechless: "I'm so shameless. How can this girl still see the past? Why don't you hate me? "

He thought so, but in his heart, there was some inexplicable joy.

Seeing Dongfang binger and Youye go together, Tang long walks out of the restaurant with Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er.

Then they went to a training room in the Tang Dynasty. Soon, the three men entered the training room. At this time, sun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan were all a little nervous.

Although Zhong long and Xue don't really like it, they don't like it.

She looked at Tang Long and hesitated to ask, "Tang long, what else do you want us to do?"

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and said seriously: "Xueyan, during this period of time, I really thank you very much. You know a lot of things about me, but you still help me keep a secret, which makes me really very grateful."

"I didn't do anything." Zhong Li Xueyan Qiao blushed: "as long as you know I'm good to you, that's OK!"

After listening to the girl's words, Tang Long's heart beat violently.He didn't know what to say.

He had to turn his head and look at Gongsun Mo'er and said, "Mo'er, you are really hard at this time, so I have thought for a long time and made a decision, at least to show you something."

"What do you mean?" Gongsun Mo'er asked.

Tang Long took out two big boxes: "these are some of my collection of elixir, which can improve the growth speed of the beast. You take it, and it shows my heart."


Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan look at each other, but they don't reach for it.

Gongsun Mo'er hesitated a little and looked at Tang long, and his eyes were filled with a clear Resentment: "Tang long, do you really think that I help you these, just hope to get your reward like this? Do you think we realize that now, like other people, I only value your Dan master's identity? "

Tang long looked at Gongsun Mo'er's gloomy eyes, and his heart was suddenly blocked!

He even busy way: "what do you think of this girl? Do you think my Tang Long's elixir will be given to others as a thank you? What's more, don't you think that the best things should always be given to the people you like the most? "

After listening to Tang Long's words, the resentment in Gongsun Mo'er's eyes suddenly turned into a surprise: "you mean, I'm your favorite person, at least one of them, right?"

"Of course Tang long does not want to nod.

"That's about it!" On Gongsun Mo'er's pretty face, a joyful smile immediately appeared. His delicate jade hand reached out and took a box from Tang Long's hand.

"And mine

Zhong Li Xueyan immediately snatched another box in Tang Long's hand, but immediately found that his action seemed to be a little urgent, and her pretty face was suddenly red, but she had already put the box into her own space ring.

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