"You say it!" Zhong Li Xueyan quickly buried his head in his arms: "say this again, I will never give you any more!"

At this time, Zhong Li Xue Yan's heart is also jumping around, in the heart of his man, is also a little speechless, he bullied her these days is not enough, she just hope that he can bear with it, the last level is not so fast.

Other cheap, she did not give him less, he also a look of grievance!

Besides, she is good for him!

In fact, if Tang long can't help it, Zhong Li Xueyan won't blame him too much.

Of course, she didn't dare to say that. She knew that she wanted to say it. Her man would come to harm her soon!

"Let's find the root of the magic medicine first." She looked up from Tang Long's arms and changed the subject, so as not to bully her again and make her shy: "we are finished first, we have to go back. We have been away from the city of genius for a long time."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Just as he was about to release the old man with white beard from the sky sealing flag, Tang Long suddenly felt a very dangerous feeling in his heart!

this is the sixth sense!

"No, it's dangerous!" Tang Long frowned at once, and quickly used the sea to explore the surrounding situation. After a while, he found that there was a strong breath coming towards this side!

Obviously, these people are still far away!

But Tang Long's heart has been filled with a heavy sense of crisis!

"Oh, no, there's an enemy coming. We have to deal with it carefully." Tang Long is nervous.

Zhong Li Xueyan hasn't found anyone coming, but he is also a little nervous: "do you think those people are witches?"

Tang long thought for a while and said, "the people who came here are very powerful, and they have obviously found us. The most important thing is that there are strong gods in these people!"

"God Emperor!"

Zhong Li Xueyan eyes, suddenly revealed a thick tension.

How can they deal with the strong God Emperor? What should we do?!

She looked at Tang Long and asked, "what shall we do?"

"Wait a minute. Don't act rashly. I'll take care of everything, OK?" Tang Long is very cautious.

"Well." The bell from the snow smoke should be a sound.

She believes in Tang long very much now.

And at this time, she also felt the powerful momentum, which was really a warrior with the primary strength of the God Emperor, which was the strength of the God Emperor's important realm.

In addition to the powerful God Emperor, there are three high-level warriors!

Such a lineup, already very strong!

These people's flying speed is terrible, especially the God Emperor strong, like a blood light, look at thousands of meters away, in a twinkling of an eye, they are less than 100 meters away from Tang Long!

Tang long at this time, even if he summoned the golden winged Kunpeng to escape, he could not escape!

The powerful man of the God Emperor took the lead in coming to Tang Long's eyes, staring at him with a touch of evil in his eyes. After a moment, he said in a deep voice, "are you a Tang dragon?"


Tang Long's heart is pounding!

He knew that this guy was probably a wizard, because he couldn't be so famous in the blood temple. After all, he didn't arrive in the city of genius for a long time. When he was in the demon lord palace, his reputation was not so great.

But this man immediately recognized him as Tang Long and had such hostility towards him. Unless he was a strong man, otherwise, this guy must be a wizard!

What's more, Tang Long is sure that if this guy is a wizard, his understanding of him is definitely based on his previous robbing potion!

After all, he ruined the wizard twice!

He was nervous, but deliberately made a very confused look, looked at the guy in front of him and asked, "who is Tang Long? I don't know him at all

At this time, the remaining three shenhuang of yuankong have also come quickly, and soon they all fall in front of this God Emperor. Their eyes are all on Tang long, and their eyes are full of gloom.

One of them said in a deep voice, "the news they brought back seems to be this boy according to the picture. It happens that there is a beautiful girl beside him!"

"Absolutely him!" Another emperor is also Tao.

The God Emperor was staring at Tang long, and his momentum shrouded him: "boy, you want to cheat me, do you think you can do it?"

"I didn't lie to you. I'm not Tang Long!" Tang Long made a helpless look and said: "the most important thing is that I have seen you before. I know you are a wizard, and I am also a wizard!"


Hear Tang Long say this word, even Zhong Li Xueyan, are in a daze!

Tang long can see at a glance that these four people are witches?!

How did he see that?!

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan, of course, did not dare to speak much, for fear that he would destroy Tang Long's plan.She knows that Tang Long has a way.

At present, the God Emperor is also a little surprised. How does Tang Long know that he is a wizard? Is there a wizard on his face!

Looking at the reflection of the God Emperor, Tang Long was very proud. He knew that his guess was completely correct. He made a serious look on his face and said, "I don't believe I'll show you something. After reading this, you will know that I am a wizard like you!"

Then a strange thing appeared in his hand.

This is a strange shield, which emits light purple light, and there are some strange mysterious lines on the shield!

Tang Long sent the shield to the God Emperor: "look at this, and you will know who I am."

"What is this?" The emperor was stunned.

He was a little puzzled. What did Tang long do with a shield? Is this shield what kind of identity certificate can prove who Tang Long is?!

Tang Long said seriously: "this is what I got in tianmeng mountain, and it was almost robbed by Tang long at that time. There is a hidden pattern on it. If you look at this pattern carefully, you will immediately know who I am. I promise you!"


The God Emperor was not sure that the man in front of him was Tang long. After all, he only heard about Tang long, and he only heard about Tang Long's appearance.

Moreover, looking at Tang Long's calm appearance, he must be a wizard. If he is Tang long, he can't be so calm!

It's impossible to see at a glance that he is a wizard!

The most important thing is that if the man in front of him is Tang long, he can't escape without knowing that he is a wizard in the realm of God and Emperor. Is it necessary to wait here to be killed?!

You know, he is a powerful God!

"Even if this boy is Tang long, what tricks can he play in front of me with his small strength?"

"Look at the shield in his hand. What's the secret behind it?"

In fact, the God Emperor was also curious.

So his eyes fell on the shield of Tang Long unconsciously.

What's more, the three emperors are looking at the shield!

Zhong Li Xueyan is also looking at the shield, but suddenly in her heart, she thinks of Tang Long's voice: "close your eyes, quick!"


Bell from snow smoke Leng Leng, immediately obedient closed his eyes.

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