Tang Long transplanted all the medicinal materials in the strange space to Baihua valley. Of course, all the medicinal herbs were planted in the holy land of heaven. There were still a large number of precious herbs and miraculous herbs, but they could not all be planted in the holy land.

After all, the location of Tianling holy land is limited, so we can't plant so many herbs.

Tang Long only plans to plant medicinal materials that are at least immortal herbs in the holy land of heaven. It is a waste of place to plant other medicinal materials here.

However, he did not waste the rest of the miraculous medicine and precious medicine. He planted them in some places around the holy land of heaven and spirits, and planted them among the trees. All of a sudden, all kinds of precious medicinal materials were everywhere in Baihua valley!

The whole holy land is surrounded by all kinds of precious medicinal materials. The aura is abundant and the environment is becoming more and more beautiful!

"Hehe, even if Su Xiaoman comes back to see baihuagu, he will like it very much!" Tang Long is satisfied and smiles.

Su Xiaoman is certainly not here now.

Su Xiaoman, the king of the abyss, and xuanyuanba II are in the Tang mansion of the city of talent of Tang Dynasty. They are helping Tang long to arrange defense array. They want to help Tang Long and improve the defense ability of Tang mansion as much as possible.

After planting medicinal materials, Tang Long took more than ten sacred animals from different space to baihuagu.

These sacred animals are some golden monkeys, as well as some magic leopards and Golden Lions.

Although at this time, Tang Long's combat power on these sacred animals was not very heavy, but these holy beasts were obviously good at taking care of various medicinal materials.

Now, obviously, baihuagu also needs these sacred animals.

So Tang Long left all these sacred animals here, and then Tang Long returned to the strange space over there. Looking at Zhong Li's snow smoke, he laughed happily and said, "this time my harvest is really too big!"

Zhongli Xueyan is also very happy.

What Tang Long got this time is not only various kinds of natural wealth treasures that can detoxify, rare natural treasures that can heal wounds, and even several kinds of Tiancai Dibao that can enhance strength!

"Shall we leave here now?" Zhong Li Xueyan looks at Tang Long and asks.

"Don't worry!" Tang Long said with a smile: "since we have got so many good things, we must first improve our strength." "And now, there may be some danger outside, so we'll be here for the moment. I'll refine the elixir and be ready for it."

"Good." Clock from snow smoke nodded.

She knows that she can watch Tang Long refining elixir right now. She doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

She has always been curious about Tang Long's level of refining elixir!

Tang long at this time, also no longer conceals Zhong Li Xueyan.

Although Zhong Li Xueyan is a member of the blood temple, she is obviously very kind to him, and always helps him keep all kinds of secrets. This also makes Tang Long feel at ease with Zhong Li Xueyan.

There are four kinds of medicinal materials that can enhance the strength, and there are many of them.

There are also some herbs that can restore the soul trauma and promote the growth speed of Warcraft. However, these herbs that can improve the growth speed of Warcraft are just some precious medicines with limited medicinal power.

These herbs that can improve the growth speed of Warcraft are not very useful for Tang Long's divine beasts, but they are still very useful for Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er's dark fire phoenix.

Tang Long refined the elixir for a day.

A day later, he finally stopped.

Looking at the boxes in his hand, he was also very satisfied.

These boxes contain many high-quality elixirs.

Tang Long turned to look at the clock from the snow smoke, one of the boxes handed to her: "these elixir to you, you can use."


The bell leaves the snow smoke to answer a, in the heart extremely joyful sweet.

She really didn't expect that she could get such a big harvest this time. The medicinal materials that she got to enhance her strength were refined into elixir by Tang long, which obviously improved her strength. This also made her heart very happy!

At this time, Tang Long said: "Xueyan, don't worry about taking these elixirs. I'll help you improve your strength and consolidate your cultivation foundation by the way."

"Help me improve my strength? Still firm foundation? " Zhong Li was stunned by the snow and smoke.

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan with a smile: "do you think that when Mo'er went to Heifeng mountain before, his strength really depended on some inheritance and promotion of Heifeng mountain?"

"Isn't it?" The snow and smoke from the bell are wonderful.

She had heard of the Heifeng mountain of Gongsun family for a long time, and also heard that the holy daughter of Gongsun family went to Heifeng mountain, and could get great benefits.

Tang Long said with a smile: "Mo'er came out of Heifeng mountain. The strength has been improved a lot, not only because of my experience in Heifeng mountain, but also because of my unique and magical means."The voice dropped, and there was no more explanation. Looking at the snow flue of Zhong Li: "dear, sit tight and practice according to my requirements. I will use my mysterious means to help you improve your strength!"

After a pause, he is going to pay attention to the matters, all told the clock from the snow smoke.

When all preparations are finished, Tang Long looks at Zhong Li Xueyan, and suddenly a bad smile appears on his face: "Xueyan, when I help you improve your strength, we will do a good harm to you, you should be prepared!"


Zhong Li Xueyan couldn't help but blush.

This man, can't you stop talking about this? "If he really wants me so much, I'll give it to him, but after all, the family members have not allowed me, and After all, it was too fast. The key is that if he is allowed to do so in advance, I am afraid that there will be more twists and turns in our affairs. "

Zheng Fang's heart fluttered, and Tang Long's voice rang out in her ear: "OK, get ready!"


Zhong Li Xueyan is busy collecting and taking care of himself and sits down with his knees crossed.

Tang Long gave Zhong Li Xueyan a detailed account of the things to be prepared, and then he began to help Zhong Li Xueyan improve his strength by using the techniques of nature and ascending to heaven.

In a hurry, five hours passed. At this time, Tang long had already finished his work and stopped.

Zhong Li Xueyan is still practicing.

Her strength is improving wildly.

Tang Long went to the side and contacted Qin Ziyi with huixinmen. He went back to fengtiancheng again and gave Qin Ziyi two other boxes containing fairy elixir for Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er to take.

Although Tang Long refined many elixirs to enhance their strength, they were only enough for him and Qin Zi to use. As for Li Dahan, they were not enough.

Next, he went to Beigong Xianer.

Then he contacted Ling Qingyao: "Qingyao, where are you now? I'll find you

Ling Qingyao's voice, in the heart of Tang long, is as ethereal as the sound of bamboo: "I I'm in LingXiao palace with Feixue in heaven

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