There is also a reason why strong Qingtian returned the bloody knife to Tang long.

Now Mu Qingcheng in the blood drinking knife has been rescued. Tang Long stands in front of him, and he can't run away. Even he will fall in love with himself. What's the use of blood drinking knife?!

Although the blood drinking knife is indeed a magic weapon, Tang Long is not without a magic weapon!

"I gave you the knife!" He grinned at Tang Long and said darkly, "you just need to remember half a year's appointment."

At this time, strong Qingtian also made a decision in his heart. After half a year, when Tang Long came to find him in order to admire Qingcheng, he would break Tang long into pieces, arrest all the women of Tang Long and torture them to death.

What's more, he wants to break the knife into ten thousand pieces!

Permanganate handed the knife to Tang long.

Tang Long took the blood drinking knife, but looked at Gao Tianye and said: "brother Gao, this blood drinking knife is really a good thing. If you want it, I will give it to you. As long as you give me another artifact as compensation!"

"Take it." Gao Tianye's light way.

At this time, the blood knife is obviously the focus of contradiction, and it seems that the blood knife is useless. What is he doing with the blood knife?!

But he was curious. Did Tang Long really like artifact so much?!

In other words, Tang Long has other purposes for blood drinking knife?!

Tan Tai Shuya then looked at lie Qingtian and said: "strong overlord, who is Tang Long? You and I are very clear in my heart. Moreover, the matter of Tang Long being framed by people is very clear. You should not blame Tang Long for the black Python holy mountain. I hope you don't be confused about this matter."

"Am I confused?" Fierce Giant sky stares at Dan Tai Shu Ya fiercely, and his heart is full of anger. He snorts and grits his teeth and says, "I'm afraid I'm the most clear one among us."

Dan Tai frowned with displeasure.

She can see, in front of this matter, strong Qingtian obviously will not let Tang Long go.

And she felt that the reason why strong Qingtian was so angry with Tang long must be because of the black Python holy mountain.

Lie Qingtian has no way to talk to Tang Long about the black Python holy mountain. After all, this matter has violated some regulations of the blood god temple. So if lie Qingtian deals with Tang long, he can only talk about it with a blood knife!

To see the fierce giant staring at himself, Dan Tai Shuya's heart is very uncomfortable!

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Li Qingtian and said, "we are here today to relieve the misunderstanding between you and Tang long, but I can see that you still have not put down the matter of Tang long. If you have to think that this Tang Long is that Tang long, then I hope that you can give us a reasonable explanation, or we can believe it!"

"Explain?" Strong Qingtian's eyes, and fell on the body of Tang long.

He has no evidence at all. How to explain it?!

After biting his teeth and considering the gains and losses, he had to continue to choose patience.

He knows that he really can't kill Tang Long now, and he can't fight with Gao Tianye too hard. If Gao Tianye doesn't have face and Gao Tianye turns over, he may have a lot of trouble!

Not to mention, there are Tantai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er!

"I'll put it down for a while." Lie Qingtian gnawed his teeth and chose to step back. He looked at Gao Tianye and said, "anyway, today you come to my magic owl palace, you are also the guests of my magic owl palace. We will not talk about these unhappy things today!"

Gongsun Mo'er frowned and refused to let go: "overlord lie, we are here for the misunderstanding between you and Tang long. I hope that you can tell us clearly that you will not attack Tang Long again!"


Strong Qingtian stares at Gongsun Mo'er, and is extremely bent in his heart.

He lost so much in black Python holy mountain, how can he bear this tone?!

What's more, Tang Longming is planning to deal with him. How can he let Tang Long go easily?!

Tang long, of course, is extremely proud of himself. Obviously, Gao Tianye and his colleagues fully believe that he is not Tang Long ten thousand years ago, and because of the black Python holy mountain, strong Qingtian is angry with him. Gao Tianye and Gao Tianye are all capable of "understanding".

All things have been reasonably explained, he is obviously "wronged"!

That's exactly what he wants!

He looked at the strong Optimus and said: "overlord, your misunderstanding of me, I can only explain to this extent. Since the matter is finished, then we will not stay. I will go now, and if there is no accident within half a year, I will not come to you again, lest you say that I am your enemy!"

Strong Qingtian should not have heard Tang Long's words.

He knew that within half a year, Tang long would try every means to find him.

So for the time being, he also suppressed this matter, looked at Gao Tianye and said, "since Gao Gongzi has come, why don't you stay here today? How can I treat you?"

"Forget it!" Gao Tianye shook his head.At this time, he was also a little angry, because he could see that the strong giant did not put this matter down.

Although lie Qingtian dare not kill Tang Long now, Gao Tianye knows that lie Qingtian is obviously not willing to let Tang Long go.

Tang Long is very important to Gao Tianye, which is related to a series of plans after Gao Tianye. Therefore, Gao Tianye naturally doesn't want Tang long to have an accident. If Li Qingtian refuses to let Tang Long go, he makes Gao Tianye completely regard Li Qingtian as the enemy.

Then, Gao Tianye doesn't need to waste time here.

"Shuya, let's go now." He turned to look at Dan Tai, Shuya said: "leave the magic owl palace!"


Tan Tai Shuya certainly agreed.

Just now strong giant to her attitude, already let her very angry!

Tang Long won't say any more at this moment. Gongsun Mo'er of course doesn't want to stay here either. They turn around and go directly. They all the way to the transmission Hall of the demon owl palace, leave the demon lord palace and return to the moon city.

At this time, Tang long looked at Gao Tianye and said, "brother Gao, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to come here. Why don't we play here for a day before we go?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Gao Tianye suddenly had a black line: "you boy, are you really afraid of death?"

Tang long looked puzzled: "is strong Qingtian coming?"

"Ah Gao Tianye sighed helplessly, but after thinking about it, he didn't have anything to do now. In fact, he was not in a good mood at this time, so he also said, "let's have a rest here and go back after noon."

"It's OK!" Tang Long immediately nodded happily.

Looking at Tang Long's heartless appearance, Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya shake their heads in silence.

It seems that Tang Long has completely forgotten all the things about the demon lord palace just now!

Tan Tai Shuya sighs, Tang Long really has no brain!

Together, they walked towards the inn. Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and asked, "you boy, why did you ask strong Qingtian to ask for a bloody knife just now?"

He asked, just a subconscious defense in his heart, and also wanted to hear Tang Long say his guess in person.

Tang Long listened to Gao Tianye's question, and immediately his face was proud. He said with a smile, "that's because I'm super smart!"

"What do you mean?" Gao Tianye was stunned.

Even dantai Shuya was in a daze.

They always thought that Tang Long asked lie Qingtian for a blood drinking knife because of Tang Long's greed. It must be because Tang Long liked the blood drinking knife. However, Tang Long seemed to have other ideas. , the fastest update of the webnovel!