Seeing the situation here, the two emperors couldn't figure out for a moment. In such a big auction house, and still in such a place as the city of genius, who ate the courage of ambition and dare to do such horrible and crazy things!

"go out and have a look!" One of the warriors said in a deep voice.


Another warrior nodded.

With a flash of body shape, they followed the confused warriors and soon went outside the auction house.

Seeing Tang long standing there arrogantly and defiantly outside, and the two beautiful girls around him, they are also in a daze after another look at the beautiful girls who are chasing after the spirits in the sky!

When did the city of genius have so many beautiful girls, and the strength of these girls is so strong.

What kind of powerful family members can they cultivate so many young strong people!

However, they did not know Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan. Of course, they did not know Tang long, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Looking at each other, they came to Tang Long together: "the three are..."

"I'm Tang Long!" Tang Long arrogantly said: "this is my good wife, Zhongli Xueyan of Zhongli family, and Gongsun Mo'er, the holy daughter of Gongsun family!"

"Zhongli family, Gongsun family!"

In the eyes of the two warriors, there was a touch of shock!

Although they have never heard of the name of Tang long, they certainly know the name of Zhongli family and Gongsun family!

One of the warriors looked at Tang Long and asked cautiously, "is Tang Gongzi, what are you doing? Do you have any enmity with the Mona family? "

Tang Long said angrily, "that Mona Tianfei is not a thing. I asked him to give me the auction house. If he didn't, he wanted to bully my wife. This kind of person should be killed. After all, I'm also brother of elder brother Gao. If this guy dares to move me, he will be punished if he moves elder brother Gao!"

At this time, the Mona Tianfei was not killed.

This guy's just seriously injured!

Although Tang Long is arrogant and domineering here, he is still a little restrained. Therefore, he did not extinguish the Mengna Tianfei.

Of course, he left Mona Tianfei alive, but also felt that this guy was no threat to him.

After all, his purpose is the auction house!

After getting the auction house, if you have another chance to meet this Mona Tianfei, and then wipe out this disaster, then there is no worry.

Mengna Tianfei was kicked by two Tang clan heavenly daughters at this time. She lost seventeen or eight teeth and fell to the ground. She was extremely embarrassed. Even Rosal even kicked this guy in his deadly place!

Tang long looked at the foot of Rosal, and felt a little cold in his heart!

"Lucille's foot is too cruel. I don't know if there's any left of that kid's stuff!"

Tang long thought secretly.

In front of him, the two emperors stopped talking about it. They couldn't figure out the way of Tang long. Of course, they didn't want to wade into the muddy water easily. Although they must have lost some money in the auction house today, they would naturally go to Mengna family for compensation.

Two people no longer say, directly fly to the sky, quickly leave!

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan look at each other. Gongsun Mo'er looks at Tang Long and whispers: "dragon, we should go back. You have obviously offended the Mona family. If you don't leave, the more powerful people of the Mengna family will come. That's bad!"


Tang Long agreed.

Of course, he couldn't be arrogant. He thought that the city of genius was the most powerful. Moreover, at this time, the noise was almost the same. What's more, Tang Long also felt that Xia Houshen and he should have robbed a lot of things.

Take it as soon as you see it!

"People of Tangmen, come back to me, we should go!" He said in a loud voice.

The one hundred day daughter of Tangmen was actually retreating at this time, because the Mona family, who were guarding the auction house, had been killed by them for a long time, and even the spirits of these warriors were not left.

What's more, xiahoushen and they are almost in a mess.

The crowd soon retreated.

Tang Long glanced at the people around him. He was extremely arrogant and extremely arrogant. He said in a loud voice: "listen to me from the Mona family. This auction house is the property of our Tang house. If you want to continue to occupy it, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Saying, pull Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li's slender jade hand of snow smoke, turn around arrogantly and go!

One hundred daughters of the Tang clan, as well as Xia Houshen, all followed.

Less than 20 minutes after they left, a group of powerful fighters came flying in a hurry. Looking at the situation in front of them, they were furious one by one!

A man with a gloomy face rushed into the auction house in a rage, and soon found Mengna Tianfei, who was seriously injured and protected by a group of warriors.He stares at Mona Tianfei and asks, "what's going on?"

"It's the boy Tang Long!" Mengna Tianfei's face was pale, and her eyes were full of resentment. Her voice was very vague. Most of her front teeth were knocked out. She was full of wind, so she couldn't speak clearly.

"Tang Fu?" This gloomy young man in brocade froze, but he could barely hear what Meng Na Tian Fei said.

He had never heard of the name of Tang Fu.

He came back to the city of genius in these two days. He didn't hear a lot of things.

The most important thing is that Tang Long has only just arrived in the city of genius. Although he can be regarded as Gao Tianye's person, Gao Tianye has not had time to publicize him.

Although Tang long did do something in the city of genius before, whether it was the Zhou family or Tianhua Changqing, it was a disgrace for the two families and it was hard to say.

So before today, there were not many people in the city of genius who knew Tang long.

But after this incident, I'm afraid that many people in the city of genius will have heard of Tang Long's name.

Of course, the matter is so involved in the Mona family, such a disgraceful thing, will certainly be suppressed by the Mona family.

Master jinpao is Mengna Tianfei's brother, Mengna Yaoguang!

Mengna Yaoguang didn't expect that there were such arrogant people in the city of genius that they robbed the auction house controlled by the Mona family, and even threatened that the auction house was no longer belonging to the Mona family!

when this incident reached the city of genius, it undoubtedly slapped the Mona family in the face!

How can he swallow it?!

"Where is Tang Fu?" He turned to one of his men.

The man didn't know about it. He shook his head, but another warrior came to him in a hurry and said, "I heard a few days ago that the Tang mansion was one of Gao Tianye's former residences. I heard that Tang long had a good relationship with Gao Tianye, and he was also an alchemy God. He even beat up Tianhua Changqing a few days ago. However, this matter was deliberately suppressed by Tianhua Changqing Not many people know that! "

"Beat up all the Changqing of Tianhua!" Mona glory is stunned!

Tang Long is brave enough!

"follow me to the Tang mansion. We can't just let it go. Otherwise, how can my Mona family get along in the city of genius in the future?" Mona's face is black with glory!


This warrior should a, Mengna Yaoguang has already soared to the sky, fiercely away! , the fastest update of the webnovel!