Tang long looked at the permanganate and turned his lips: "Laosuan, you gave me medicinal materials to test my level of refining elixir. Don't you believe my level of refining miraculous elixir?"

Permanganate didn't say much.

He did mean it. Of course, this is what Mr. Gao meant in the end.

Although Gao Tianye had heard about Tang Long's ability to refine elixir, he didn't believe in it. So he wanted to test it. This time, he tried to find out.

Permanganate sat down in the living room. Tang long looked at him with a smile and asked, "how did you help me promote the contest at noon today?"

Permanganate did not immediately answer, but first asked: "compared with Mona Yaoguang, are you sure you can win?"

"Of course Tang Long triumphant way: "do not believe you look at it, the city of genius auction house, must be mine!"

"If you are sure of me!" Permanganate nodded a little relieved.

Then, permanganate's eyes fell on Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er, who were sitting on both sides of Tang long, one left and one right.

See permanganate look at oneself, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan heart, immediately guess what!

Gongsun Mo'er asked in a hurry: "is Gao Laozi his..."

"Not bad!" Before Gongsun Mo'er's words were finished, permanganate nodded for sure: "in the genius college, both Gongsun family and Zhongli family will go to see today's competition, and at that time, the people of Zhongli family in the city of genius will also come!"

His eyes fell on Zhong Li Xueyan: "I didn't tell you yesterday that the two superior Dharma protectors of your Zhongli family had already arrived in the city of genius two days ago. If it had not been invited by my father, I would have seen you now!"

Thank you Zhong Li Xueyan Qiao blushed.

She was very aware of the rules of her family. She lived in Tang Long's mansion like this. Even if she had such an excuse as accompanying Gongsun Mo'er, it would not make sense.

If the family members come here now, she will have to leave Tang house now.

She doesn't want to leave. She wants to be with Tang Long all the time.

Permanganate looked at Tang Long again and said, "this war is more important to you than you think!"

"How important can it be!" Tang long curled his lips and said, "isn't it the auction house? Don't worry, since elder brother Gao said that he gave me this auction house, it must be mine. Even if I lose today's contest, I will rob the auction house! "


Permanganate was said by Tang long this words Leng Leng Leng.

He didn't know how to answer for a while, because Tang Long's words showed that Tang Long was a man who didn't know the rules!

Moreover, it seems that Tang Long is not so confident about winning the competition!

"It seems that Mr. Gao has to teach this boy well after he comes back. People who come out of his childhood don't understand the rules. Moreover, because of his powerful Dan master, he is obviously a bit too arrogant. The most important thing is that what the boy says is a bit of a mess, regardless of the importance."

Permanganate thought secretly.

Next, they chatted for a while, and it was already noon.

After lunch, they headed for the biggest arena in the city of genius.

When he arrived at the arena, even if he was Tang long, he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that there were so many people coming to watch today's contest, which really surprised him!

"It seems that not only the Gao family has made great efforts to publicize this event, but the Mona family, I'm afraid, is also trying to publicize this matter!"

Tang long thought secretly, but he didn't take it seriously.

He knew that the Mona family certainly believed that their side could win.

Tang Long's strength is now approaching the state of divine respect. In the face of Mengna Yaoguang, a double realm of divine respect, he has some chances of winning. Therefore, for today's competition, he is full of confidence.

Even if the power of the powerful is stronger, he believes that he can easily defeat his opponent.

After all, after being tempered by the eternal star, his attack power has been upgraded to a higher level and become more powerful.

Tang Long is looking around the test site. There are two middle-aged warriors who have already walked towards Tang Long together.

The two men had already come to Tang long in a twinkling of an eye, but their eyes fell on Zhong Li Xueyan: "palace master, the meaning of the family, let you go home recently. There are some things you want to know about!"

"I see." Zhong Li Xueyan nodded: "when I go back to the college tomorrow, I will go back."

"Good!" The two warriors nodded and said nothing more.

They have heard a lot about Tang Long's stay in the city of genius. They have also known the attitude of the Gao family in supporting Tang long. They even know that Tang Long let his beast beat Tianhua Changqing!These things, let them start to reevaluate Tang long.

Two people looked at Tang Long together, did not say anything more, turned and left together, to a stand not far away.

There are some dignified people sitting in the grandstand. Tang Long knows that there must be important people sitting there. At this time, Tang Long also feels a strong momentum and locks himself in.

And in this momentum, it is obvious that there is a strong killing opportunity!

"It must be the Mona flare!"

Tang Long snorted coldly in his heart. He didn't care about the shining eyes of Mengna. He turned to look at Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan. He said with a smile: "after this incident, I'm afraid all the people in the world know that we are together."

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are pretty and blush.

This time, many people came. They followed Tang Long and they were always held by Tang long. Naturally, many people in the city of genius would know about this.

They don't care about these. Anyway, they will follow Tang long. In this case, how about being together like this?!

The family, of course, must be together!

Oriental binger and Youye did not come to watch Tang Long's competition.

None of the 100 day girls of Tang clan came.

Tang Long doesn't let Dongfang binger and Youye come here for their safety. Tang Long is worried about what accidents they will have when they are here.

After all, Oriental binger and Youye have no background in the blood temple.

In the city of genius, there are many powerful families in the blood god temple, and there are countless shameless people. These people dare not take Gongsun Mo'er's advice, but they will inevitably take the idea of Dongfang binger and Youye.

So at this time, Tang Long still had to be a little more cautious.

Of course, after arriving at the genius college, everything will be better. After all, the rules of the college are very strict.

Zhong Li Xueyan gently said beside Tang Long: "dragon, that Mona flare has already arrived on the test bench, do you also hurry over?"

"Can you give me some encouragement?" Tang Long laughs and cheekily looks at Zhong Li Xueyan, and looks forward to saying: "at least give me some expression!"

Zhong Li Xueyan Qiao blushed.

There are so many people here. How can she be nice.

Besides, all her family members are still there. How dare she do this.

He quickly drew his hand back from Tang Long's and said softly with a red face: "dragon, you're such meat words. I'll tell you later when we go back. If you win, I'll reward you!"

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