"It's a pity that I didn't expect to go out as a man when I was a woman." Zisang Yihan said bitterly: "it was yesterday that I went out to do business. When I went outside the city, I met with something. I couldn't stand it. So I went to help. As a result..."

"Didn't I say that you'd better leave everything alone these days?" Gongsun Mo'er immediately frowned and guessed unhappily, "did you help others, but you met an expert?"

"Yes Zisang Yihan was a little helpless: "I was wounded, but I was saved!"

Gongsun Mo'er said curiously: "since he was saved, what trouble is there?"

"The man who saved me, he He won't let me go Zisang Yihan said with a red face: "he is very strong, and his body method is very fast. I can't escape his tracking. He already knows that I'm here, but he doesn't know what I'm doing!"

"I know here!"

Hearing Zisang Yihan's words, Gongsun Mo'er and Tang Long frown fiercely.

This is no joke.

At this time, the inn was mainly for the completion of Tang Long's plan. Now that the plan has been launched, Zisang Yihan is being watched by people!

Tang Long said in a deep voice, "what kind of people are you? What's your strength?"

"He He is very strong... " Zisang Yihan's pretty face became more and more red: "in fact, he didn't do anything to me. He was not bad, just He won't let me go. He won't give up until I marry him

"Who are these people?" Zhong Li Xueyan frowned: "is that the man from our blood temple?"

"No!" Zisang Yihan was a little helpless: "I don't know who he is."

Looking at Zisang Yihan, Tang Long found that the girl was obviously shy and had a good impression on him. After thinking about it, he frowned at Zisang Yihan and said, "Yihan, do you like this person?"

"No, I, I didn't!" Zisang Yihan quickly denied, and her pretty face became more and more red.

She said nervously, "this man is obviously a man from the whole world, who is at odds with the people in my blood demon world. How can I like him? This is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible

Gongsun Mo'er frowned: "did you let him take advantage of something?"

"He, he didn't mean to!" Zisang Yihan was more and more cruel, explaining: "I was seriously injured at that time. He saved me with kindness, and He also helped me to see the injury and bandaged it. He didn't bully me at all! "

Gongsun Mo'er asked, "where are you hurt?"

Zisang Yihan hesitated for a moment, and finally said softly: "chest..."


Looking at Zisang Yihan, Tang Long suddenly knew that it was a little special!

obviously, Zisang Yihan was taken advantage of by others, and then people must have seen her appearance. This girl is very beautiful, and her beautiful and fresh appearance is very popular.

This sudden appearance of people like Zisang Yihan, but also can understand.

The key is that Tang Long clearly sees that this son sang Yihan seems to have some interest in other people. Otherwise, how could he be so twisted?

If Zisang Yihan is totally uninterested with this person, he will surely find a way to attract people out, and then tell Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er that it will be over if he kills this man. Is there any possible twist now?!

Tang long thought: "do you know where this man is?"

"I..." Zisang Yihan hesitated: "if I show up, he will generally follow me quietly, as if it is because he was injured before. He is not very confident about my safety and is quietly protecting me!"

"He didn't bully me, really didn't bully me!" he said

"In order to be safe, we must at least know who this man is!" Let's get to know Mr. Sun first

"But..." Zisang Yihan is a little hesitant.

Tang Long said: "don't say more. Before I go to see Li Niuer, I must first see who this person is. If this person is not in danger, we will not move him, but you must be careful."

"Well, I'll take you there!" Zisang Yihan said: "you just need to follow me quietly. When you get to a quiet place, he will appear naturally."

"Good!" Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er nodded at the beginning.

This is not a joke. They must be very careful. After all, Tang Long's plan to deal with strong Qingtian is too important. Tang long can't allow this matter to happen even if it is a slight accident.

"Then I'll go out first and you can follow me quietly." Zisang's art contains the way.

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

In fact, Zisang Yihan also wanted to know the identity of the man, but she was not really her rival. They only said that they liked her very much and wanted to take her away and marry her. She was also a little tangled at this time.Most importantly, she felt that she was a good person, and she could feel that the person really loved her.

Tang long at this time, of course, is also dressed up.

Only a few minutes after Zisang Yihan left, did he and Gongsun Mo'er go out with him. With his magic power in the sea, he could follow Zisang Yihan thousands of meters away without losing him or being discovered by anyone!

He knew that people who could follow Zisang Yihan in this way would not be weak, so they were very careful.

Zisang Yihan left the Inn and was a little nervous.

She didn't want the young man in danger.

However, she knew that what she was doing was very important. She could not make any mistakes. She had no choice but to let Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er know about it.

"If they're going to kill him, I'll try to get him to leave." Zisang Yihan thought secretly.

However, Zisang Yihan was not particularly worried at this time, because she knew that although the young man looked very young, he had great strength and seemed to have several helpers!

she felt that the young man could at least escape.

All the way out of wangyuecheng, Zisang Yihan flew forward for a while and arrived at a relatively quiet place far away from the city.

Then she stopped and said, "come out, I want to see you!"

She didn't know if anyone was around, but she always felt that he would follow her.

A figure came from the distance. In a twinkling of an eye, he came to Zisang Yihan's eyes. Looking at her, he asked, "Yi Han, do you miss me? Otherwise, why call me out? "

"I..." Zisang Yihan blushed. She would not say that she missed him. She looked at him and said, "I just want you to meet two people."

"See who?" The young man frowned: "if it was other people in the blood temple, I might do it, because I have important things here, and I won't let people destroy my things!"

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