After listening to Tang Long's words, Gongsun Mo'er thought for a moment and felt a little relieved.

When she came out of the city of genius, she was also very careful. After all, she knew that Tang Long attached great importance to the moon city plan, so when she went all the way to Wangyue City, she had been paying attention to it all the time, and no one was following her on the way.

And after arriving at wangyuecheng, she was also very careful and never found any danger.

Tang Long is not very worried about his plan in Wangyue City, because if Gongsun Mo'er in Wangyue city is watched by others, he will be watched by others. His sixth sense will be noticed immediately.

But when he was watching the moon city, he did not realize any danger.

"These people should have come for Mo'er. What's the purpose?" Tang long thought in his mind that he had already felt that the people coming from both sides were getting closer and closer.

At this time, Gongsun Mo'er had already felt the strong momentum from both sides.

Obviously, the people on both sides were hiding in the distance, apparently waiting for Gongsun Mo'er to return to the city of genius.

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and said nervously, "what shall we do?"

Tang Long snorted coldly, and his eyes showed a touch of arrogance: "just a group of gods, how can you take me? Since they don't open their eyes and have to come here to die, then we can help them! "

Hearing Tang Long's words, Gongsun Mo'er's nervousness immediately eased a lot.

At this time, her strength has already reached the level of double realm of divine respect. Moreover, she knows that the fighting power of Tang Long's supernatural beasts is extremely strong. Even if the martial arts at the peak of shenzun are not the opponents of Tang Long's supernatural beasts.

Tang Long here, even if there are ten more gods, she will not be in any danger!

The warriors on both sides soon flew to both sides of Gongsun Mo'er and Tang long, and surrounded Tang Long and Gong sun Mo'er directly.

The strength of these people has reached a high level of divine respect.

Among them, the two most powerful are even the highest level of God's respect!

One by one, they have a strong breath of death and destruction, and they have a powerful blood Demon power. In their eyes, there is a look of ferocity. They stare at Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er, and their eyes are full of strong murders!

Gongsun Mo'er glanced at these people, snorted coldly, and asked, "who are you?"

These people are obviously dressed up in the blood god's temple, and the breath that spreads from them can be judged by Gongsun Mo'er that these people are the people of the blood god house.

One of these men, a short, middle-aged man with a gloomy face, who looked in his forties, looked gloomy at Tang Long and did not answer Gongsun Mo'er.

He gave a strange smile, looked at Tang Long and said coldly: "I really didn't expect that Tang Long was here, which really let us not think of it!"

Tang Long said coldly, "who are you?"

"Who are we? Boy, you may as well tell you that we are the ones who specially come to kill you The warrior snorted coldly and said, "we wanted to kill Gongsun Mo'er, and then let the Gongsun family anger you. Now it seems that there is no need to be so troublesome. You both have to die. Then some interesting things will happen inside the blood god temple."

Hearing the words of the warrior, Tang Long's eyebrows immediately frowned fiercely: "are you a wizard?"

Gongsun Mo'er was stunned!

She did not know what Tang long relied on to judge that these people in front of her were witches.

Of course, Tang Long's judgment is based on it. After all, he already knows that he has been on the black list of the wizard, and the wizard must want to kill him.

What's more, these people are obviously the people of the blood temple, but they obviously hope that the blood temple will be chaotic.

So Tang long thought that they were witches mixed in the blood temple.

The warrior in front looked at Tang long in a bit of surprise: "I really didn't expect that you could judge our identity all at once. It seems that today we must kill you anyway!"

Said, suddenly a violent drink: "summon the devil!"


All of a sudden, the voice of thundering roar rang out, and all the power of the blood demons on the 15 powerful gods broke out at the same time.

The strange blood red runes swept out of their bodies!

then, in the blood red runes, the blood red lights were torn apart from the sky, which made the space around them appear many cracks. A ferocious and terrifying demon king came out of the blood red cracks!

This head of the demon king, the body has spread out the strong and extremely death destruction breath, looks ferocious and ferocious!

Tang long at this time, the eyes of the eyes also become a little dignified up!

He knew that some of these demons were extremely powerful, and even could reach the level of the divine emperor!"Kill me!"

The God in front glared at Tang Long and gave orders!

All of a sudden, the sound of thundering roared out. Seventy five demon kings and fifteen powerful wizards surrounded Tang Long and all of them rushed towards Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er together!


Tang Long snorted coldly, and his mind moved. All the eight animals came out of the heavenly spirit garden!

Eight beasts surrounded Tang Long and Gongsun Mo'er and protected them. At the same time, Gongsun Mo'er summoned his own beast.

She did not summon the Phoenix.

At this time, her dark fire phoenix has not yet grown up. Although she has taken various kinds of elixirs given by Tang long to improve the growth speed of Warcraft, and Gongsun Mo'er has also thought of some ways, it is obviously not easy to make the Phoenix grow so fast.

Gongsun Mo'er summoned her own black dragon!

her black dragon had also taken the six grain elixir refined by Tang long to improve the growth speed of Warcraft. At this time, the black dragon had grown to the level of level 4.

Therefore, the fighting power of the black dragon is comparable to those who respect the peak strength of the warriors!

Tang Long's eight head beast, at this time all displayed the formidable attack means.

In particular, golden monkeys!

I saw that the golden monkeys suddenly burst out of the golden light, and then in this golden light, a full hundred energy golden monkeys flew out of the golden light and attacked the demons around them in a crazy way!

Moreover, the red flame lion and the snow wolf king have also exerted powerful fusion magic, using ice and fire energy to launch the most ferocious attack on the surrounding demons and witches! , the fastest update of the webnovel!