Tang Long's plan is to establish a Danshi League in the city of genius to absorb the Danshi in the blood temple. Of course, this is only a Danshi League hidden in the auction house, because it depends on the auction house to operate.

What's more, the Danshi League is used by him to make money.

In the heaven soul realm, the Danshi League of Tangmen has a close relationship with Tangmen auction house, but its management mode is relatively independent.

The city of genius has a special situation, and Tang Long needs special treatment.

He also wants to win over Gao Tianye.

Next, Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan discussed the auction house in detail. At noon, Gongsun Mo'er came.

She came to help, of course.

Seeing Tang Long here, Gongsun Mo'er was also a little surprised, more of course, was happy.

In the afternoon, the three continued to discuss about the auction house, and Gongsun Mo'er also brought a situation. Looking at Tang long, he said, "Tang long, I have an idea. I don't know whether you agree or not."

Tang Long laughed: "what's your idea? Tell me. "

Gongsun Mo'er said: "as far as I know, there is a big continent in the blood demon world. It is very chaotic and full of monsters. Few people pay attention to it. I think we can bring that place here!"

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Gongsun Mo'er and was stunned: "Mo'er, what are you going to do?"

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Zhong Li's snow flue: "Tang Long has a wish to try to control an area and promote some of his ideas. I think his idea is very good, so I intend to give full support to it!"

Zhong Li Xueyan turns his head and looks at Tang long.

Tang Long smile, he looked at the clock from the snow flue: "I am a little can't stand the blood Temple style, so hope to change."

Zhong Li Xueyan turned to look at Gongsun Mo'er and said, "if so, isn't it easier for us to find a rich and prosperous continent? If we look for a place where there is no one to ask for, even if we manage it, it will be a waste of energy, and it will certainly cost a lot of money. "

Gongsun Mo'er smiles and explains: "the meaning of Tang Long is to let this land break away from the blood temple. It is entirely under our own control. If we go to a rich continent to do this, how can the blood temple not pay attention to it? This will bring danger to us. We need not hand in anything to the blood temple in order to find an abandoned land, so that we will not be paid attention to! "

After listening to Gongsun Mo'er's words, Zhong Li Xueyan immediately widens his eyes.

What a clever person she is, and now she has smelled a smell, a taste of ambition!

She couldn't help but look at Tang Long: "you, you mean to break away from the blood temple and set up a strong organization of your own, is that right?"

Tang long does have this idea.

However, he just thought about it all the time, but he didn't expect that Gongsun Mo'er was already carrying out these steps for his ideas. It was obvious that Gongsun moer had found a suitable place for development.

In his heart, he could not help but be moved.

Gongsun Mo'er is a girl who is very considerate. She can know what he thinks and give him the greatest support in silence.

Such a good girl is really rare in the world.

He looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and nodded: "I really don't like the atmosphere of the blood temple. People kill here, and they don't respect women. I don't want you in the future to live in such an environment all the time. So, I want to change, change the world, change everything!"

He looked very determined and serious at this time.

Zhong Li Xueyan was stagnant for a long time and took a deep breath. At this time, she finally understood her beloved man's ambition completely!

the blood temple was so powerful that he unexpectedly

Hesitating, Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long: "dragon, what you want to do may be very dangerous..."

"Are you afraid?" Tang Long smiles.

Zhong Li Xueyan certainly won't be afraid. The most important thing is that Gongsun Mo'er can support Tang Long unconditionally. How can she shrink back?!

She looked at Tang long very seriously: "as long as you are not afraid, I am not afraid."

"In that case, what else should we worry about?" Tang Long laughed, turned to Gongsun Mo'er and said, "tell me about the land you found."

"Well." Gongsun Mo'er nodded and said, "this continent is a very remote place in the blood demon world. There have been few people here for nearly ten thousand years, and the blood god temple has not paid attention to it. However, there has been a very glorious past here."

"What do you say?"

"One hundred thousand years ago, that continent was a very prosperous continent, but it was a pity that a great war 100000 years ago destroyed the continent, and after that, few people went there. There were only Warcraft raging in all directions, and some people were exiled there. Later, it was even gradually forgotten by people, and became a very desolate and chaotic place, which was the temple of blood Completely abandoned. "Tang Long frowned: "are there few people there?"

"There are not many people there." Gongsun Mo'er said: "there are many people who are chased and killed by the blood temple, or some people who are fleeing and fleeing have nowhere to go. They will go there. Over time, it has become a paradise of sin, and no one is willing to manage it!"

After a pause, he continued, "it's just that there is a very dangerous situation in that continent, that is, there will be frequent natural disasters."

"Natural disaster?" Tang Long was stunned: "what natural disaster?"

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan suddenly thought of something. Looking at Gongsun Mo'er, he said, "is this land you are talking about? Is it a land of enchantment?"

"Yes." Gongsun Mo'er nodded.

Zhong Li Xueyan has also heard about the enchanting mainland, but she has never been there before, and she has never thought of going.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "this enchanting land is a very strange land in my blood demon world. There are a lot of sparsely populated frontier wasteland, there are all kinds of strange ancient Warcraft, and there are death whirlpools left by ancient battlefield everywhere. Therefore, ordinary people will not live there!"

"Death vortex? What is the whirlpool of death Tang Long asked curiously.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "it is said that the great war 100000 years ago destroyed many small worlds, and the enchanting continent also experienced that war, and it was extremely tragic. But it is very strange that the heaven and soul world has not been completely destroyed. Perhaps it is because of the war that many strange energy vortices have been produced in this continent. These energy vortices are called death vortices! ”

Gongsun Mo'er then said: "the whirlpool of death is very strange. It will suddenly appear in a certain place and devour people's lives. The people whose strength can not reach the level of the divine king can't resist the attack of the whirlpool of death. They will be absorbed by the whirlpool of death and disappear without a trace. However, those who have reached the level of the divine king will have no responsibility even if they encounter the whirlpool of death What a danger

"So, most people don't want to go there."

Tang Long frowned and said: "listen to you, people living in this continent, as long as their strength can not reach the level of the divine king, it seems that they will face the danger of death at any time?"

Gongsun Mo'er said: "although it is dangerous there, because of its prosperity, it has left a lot of abandoned transmission arrays. If we go there, we can quickly develop there, and we won't be noticed by the people in the blood temple."

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