"Roar, roar...!"

After the seal exploded, the thunderous roar came directly from the dark door of space!

Then, a more intensive roar sounded, a strong breath of terror swept out of the door of space, a terrible dark energy, with a very strong cold breath, swept out of the door of space!

At this time, Tang long, with Ye Qingling and xuelinyue, has already flown to the cliff.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are both curious.

Looking at Tang long, Xue Ye Yue couldn't help but ask: "brother dragon, they must all open the door of that space. Why do we suddenly leave?"

At this time, the sense of crisis in Tang Long's heart is still extremely strong, but compared with the previous time when he was under the cliff, this kind of crisis feeling has obviously reduced a lot.

But the sense of crisis has become much heavier.

He has a feeling of collapse!

"They may have opened up the world of havoc!" Tang Long couldn't help worrying.


Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are both stunned.

At this time, they also heard the continuous roar coming from the bottom of the cliff, followed by a strong and extremely powerful momentum with a strong breath of death, which also suddenly spread to the top of the cliff!

"What is that smell? Although the breath is similar to that of the blood Demon power, it is full of darkness and cold It's like the evil spirit from hell... "

"This is not normal!"

Tang long felt the cold breath of death and frowned fiercely.

He knew that something bad must have happened under the cliff.

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue immediately felt the cold and ferocious momentum that swept over them. They felt the momentum and felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Even they were suddenly afraid and felt cold!

involuntarily, both of them firmly grasped Tang Long's hand and were filled with worry!

"Roar, roar..."


"What's this? Let's run. These things are not people..."

"Run Ah... "

The roaring sound of the thundering beast is like the thunder of heaven and earth, which shakes the cliff. In this roaring Province, more ferocious and powerful momentum sweeps up from the bottom of the cliff!

Continuous screams and exclamations have also been confused from below!

Hearing this sound, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are more and more nervous.

Tang long looked at the bottom of the cliff, still covered with clouds, completely unable to see the situation.

Ye Qingling hugged Tang Long's arm tightly: "brother dragon, let's leave here. It's terrible here. I'm a little scared!"

Little leopard is also a face of tension, although did not speak, but obviously, at this time she was also very afraid.

At the bottom of the cliff, the roaring sound of the earth shaking beast and the sound of the scream have become more and more shocking, which makes people feel creepy. Moreover, a terrible and cold breath of death is sweeping up more fiercely!

The momentum of this breath is so powerful that Tang Long is shocked!

"No, judging from the momentum, it is obvious that something has come out of the space of difference. Judging from the momentum of these things, it seems that the weakest ones have reached the level of divine power, and the most powerful ones may even reach the level of divine power, and the number is obviously increasing wildly!"

"What the hell are these?"

Although Tang long could feel the breath of terror, he was not sure whether it belonged to Warcraft or human.

He had never felt it.

"Let's go!"

Tang long did not dare to hesitate.

The feeling of danger in his heart had become more and more heavy. It was like a big mountain, which made him a little breathless.

He knew that if he didn't go at this time, he would have extremely heavy consequences soon!

No time to think about it, his mind moved, summoned the red flame lion, holding Ye Qingling and snow to listen to the moon, and jumped directly on the back of the red flame lion. No matter what, we should leave here first.

The red flame lion suddenly soared into the sky and flew away as fast as possible towards the distance.

The flying direction of the red flame lion is towards the direction in which the red flame lion discovered the treasure of heaven.

After all, the place where the treasure was located was not far from here. Before Tang Long left here, at least he had to go and have a look.

Below the sound of screams still continue to come.

Tang Long knew that if there were not more than 500 warriors at the bottom, what came out of the door of the space must have been chasing after him.But now, those things obviously don't have time to chase him, they are dealing with the warriors.

At this time, under the cliff, the situation has been extremely tragic!

But at this time, Tang long, sitting in the red flame lion, flew out of the distance with Ye Qingling and Xue linyue. He didn't think much about it. Tang Long let the red flame lion fly towards the distance as fast as possible!

At this time, at the bottom of the cliff, many warriors also flew up, and in a hurry, they wanted to escape towards the distance.

There was even a powerful emperor who had already flown to the cliff, and then he wanted to escape in the way he came, but he just flew out. Behind him, an extremely terrible momentum was coming, followed by a strong attraction, which directly sucked him into a big mouth!


The sound of screams came from the big mouth!

More and more warriors have rushed up the cliff, behind them, several extremely terrible dark monsters, open their big mouths, fangsen, flying towards them.

Fortunately, the door of space is not big enough. Therefore, there are not many monsters squeezed out of the gate of death for such a long time. Otherwise, none of these warriors will be able to escape.

Now, at least, there are hundreds of warriors who fly up the cliff in a hurry.

These hundreds of warriors are naturally very strong, flustered, just flew to the top of the cliff, and then, all together, fled in the direction of Lingjiang city!

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Behind them, the sound of thunderous roar has been heard one after another!

At the bottom of the cliff, the roar became more and more intense. Even at this time, even Tang long, who had flown several kilometers away, could clearly hear the roar.

Of course, Tang long did not dare to look back.

Sitting on the back of the red flame lion, he was already using huixinmen to contact Beigong Xianer in a hurry: "baby Xianer, quick, quick, something big is going on!"

After hearing Tang Long's nervous voice, he was a little nervous and asked in a hurry, "what's the matter? Is strong Qingtian looking for you again? Call out the gate of wisdom

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