The warrior of the old man with white beard clearly knows the seal of kalazan.

He roared angrily: "those greedy idiots, stealing the map, thought they had got great benefits, but never thought, what they got was the biggest disaster in the world, they were just a group of idiots!"

Tang Long asked, "how can such a sealed place leave such a map?"

"Hum!" The white bearded old man snorted heavily, and his eyes fell on a gloomy old man in the distance: "of course, it's because the blood evil clan's gang thought they had developed that powerful seal array, and they thought they were great. As a result, they quietly left the map and recorded the way to open the seal on it!"

"Even this map, as a treasure of their clan, has been kept up to now!"

He said, biting his teeth: "it's a bunch of idiots!


After hearing the old man's words, Tang Long finally knew what was going on this time.

Obviously, this map must be the secret collection of xuesha sect. However, some people thought that it was a treasure stolen, and it was also used as a treasure map. Therefore, this event happened.

The old man with white beard stared at Tang Long: "what was your big thing just now?"

What the old man with white beard said was, of course, the rapid fortress where Tang long had collected the flag.

"That's a gadget I've made. It's flying fast!" Tang Long said with a sigh of regret: "however, that thing can only fly quickly, but just out of the encirclement of these black spiders, it has been damaged!"

Said, but also very lucky way: "fortunately you are all here, blocking the attack of these black spiders, otherwise, I am afraid I will be in danger!"

The old man with white beard looked at Tang Long and asked, "when you came over, did the hell devil spider spread to other places?"

Tang Long said: "it has spread, but most of them are coming this way."

This is what he saw on the rapids before.

Although most of them have come to Lingjiang City, there are also a large number of them, which have been scattered all over the country!

"I hope other places can resist it!" The old man with white beard sighed.

At this time, all of a sudden, the roar of terror in all directions became more fierce, and Tang Long also felt that several powerful and incomparable cold breath of death spread towards this side!

"No, there's a lot more hellish devil spiders with God's fighting power!"

The white bearded old man said, staring at Tang Long with gloomy eyes: "you are also a member of the heaven and soul world, so if you want to escape from here, I will be the first to kill you, and there will be absolutely no softness at all!"

"Don't worry, I won't leave here!" Tang Long immediately said: "I come here, this is to hope and everybody together to resist the attack of these hell devil spider!"

"Good!" The old man nodded: "see you just came back, must be a little tired, first go to have a rest, someone will arrange for you."

At this time, there were already two warriors who came to Tang Long: "come with us!"


At this time, Tang Long also nodded.

He can see that Lingjiang city has been controlled by several powerful clan gates. Even the transmission hall must have been controlled.

Those strong people of the powerful sect of the heaven and soul world have obviously gathered here.

Moreover, the people who arrived here are obviously only allowed to enter and not to go out. Unless they resist the attack of hellmagic spider, they will die!

Tang Long didn't think it was anything.

What's more, he wanted to be here and find out the situation first.

As for the matter of trapping him here, he is not very worried. After all, he has the heart of wisdom and can leave at any time.

The most important thing is that the danger of Lingjiang city has just begun to happen, and it has not yet reached the most difficult time. I believe that with the continuous attack of the hellish devil spider, these sect people will soon have no time to take care of him.

He took Ye Qingling and xuelinyue, followed by a warrior, and walked towards a magnificent building not far away.

At this time, the Lingjiang city has been full of people!

No wonder.

Before the hell spider attack here, of course, we met more than one city along the way. Those powerful people must have fled to here, and the surrounding Warriors must have come here.

Moreover, Tang Long is sure that at this time, these hell devil spiders are not only attacking this city, but also the surrounding cities.

However, the surrounding cities certainly do not have the defense of Lingjiang city. It is impossible to have so many transmission arrays and space wormholes. Therefore, I believe that many cities around are extremely dangerous!

Maybe some cities have been emptied!

The strong of Lingjiang City, at this time the number of people is still quite large, Tang Long explored, the emperor of God gathered here, the number has been hundreds!What's more, there are more and more soldiers coming to the transmission hall!

These warriors, of course, are all warriors gathered from powerful sects in the heaven and soul world. At this time, these people had to come to support them in order to protect their homeland.

Of course, this kind of support, certainly also can't do without the high pressure and command of the main door!

But how long can this kind of fierce and fearless guard last?!

When all people feel that the attack of the hellish devil spider can't be resisted, the defense line here will quickly break down!

"The most important place is the transmission hall!"

Tang long thought secretly.

He and ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue, led by the two warriors, have entered a room.

There was no one else in the room at this time.

One of the two warriors looked at Tang Long and said: "you have a rest, at most two hours, you have to resist the attack of hell devil spider. I have some simple information about hell devil spider, you can take it!"

With that, the warrior took out a piece of paper which was not very big.

This is obviously a temporary and hasty collection of information about hell devil spider. It is also specially prepared for the people who resist hell devil spider to basically know the situation of hell devil spider.

These information, is some powerful clan, from what they know in a hurry to sort out.

Tang Long took the paper.

The two warriors no longer said much, but turned and left the room.

Snow leaf month to close the door.

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said nervously: "brother dragon, we are obviously trapped here. These people don't let us go. What should we do?"

At this time, Tang Long also frowned.

He can take risks and stay here to resist the attack of hell devil spider, but he is absolutely reluctant to leave Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue to take risks here.

So anyway, he had to get them to safety.

But the transmission hall is under control, and they can't leave here for a short time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!