"A bunch of greedy waste!" Tang long looked at the people around him and snorted coldly, but he did not say more. He turned his head and looked at the little bird and said, "you go back to the air fortress and wait for it."

Then, turning around and looking at Ouyang qian'er who came with xiaoque'er, they said: "you also go back to the air fortress, ready to start the air fortress!"

"Shall we not go to Lingjiang city?" Asked the little bird curiously.

"No more!" Tang Long's cold way.

Xiao Que'er is a little confused. Isn't his young master here just to take the delivery hall and support Lingjiang city? How to give up for the things in front of you?!

My young master is not a person who likes to give up?!

Little bird in the heart a little doubt, however, still listen to Tang Long's words, with Ouyang qianer they, into the air fortress.

Around, many warriors actually want to go into the air fortress. After all, they have seen that the air fortress can fly, and the air fortress is so large, they all think that this thing must be very safe.

However, in these people, although there is a strong God King, but there is no strong God.

There are Tang Clan Dragon guards here, these guys dare not move!

There was a standoff between the two sides.

Tang Long glared at the soldiers in front of him. His face was gloomy and he looked very angry. However, he stopped saying that he wanted to go to the transmission hall. Obviously, he was also worried that these people would destroy the transmission hall.

This standoff lasted more than ten minutes!

All of a sudden, at the entrance of the transmission hall, five extremely terrible momentum suddenly broke out!

Then these five momentum, in the public has not responded to the time, is already rushed into the transmission hall, immediately in the transmission hall, is the continuous scream!

At the same time, the transmission hall also came the sound of dragon chanting!

the command of Tang Wu Mie was transmitted to the hall of Tang Wu Mie, which was under the control of Tang wusheng formation.

Before Tang Long went to talk to Tang Yi quietly, he ordered them to sneak into the crowd of warriors, leave here as quickly as possible, put on the costumes of the people here, and approach the transmission hall quietly, and then control the transmission hall with the speed of lightning.

Before Tang Long's body, suddenly erupted the fierce purple light flame's vigor, thundered around the martial arts person, is for creates the chaos, creates the opportunity for Tang Yi and them to leave!

What's more, he just wanted to be aggressive and aggressive just now, which was to attract the attention of these people.

These people all set their eyes on him, and they forgot to pay attention to Tang Yi and their several people who left quietly. Tang Yi and they took the opportunity to launch an action.

Now, Tang Yi and they have got it!

Tang Long was suddenly free of any scruples. His fierce momentum broke out, and the boundaries of his mental power were exerted to suppress the strength of these people around him. He directly burst into a deep voice: "Tang Clan Dragon Guard, run into the transmission hall. Who dares to stop me? Kill me directly!"


The people of Dragon Guard, are loudly promised, follow closely, will each dragon, all summoned out!

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The roar of the Dragon shook the heaven and earth, and the fierce energy swept in all directions!

The warriors of skyscraper city were originally able to confront the shenlongwei people by controlling the transmission hall. At this time, the transmission hall was no longer under their control and had been controlled by the Tang clan. All of a sudden, they were not qualified to confront the warriors of the Dragon Guard.

One by one, they were bombarded by powerful energy and kept retreating. Most people felt that the end of the world was coming, and they ran away!

They know that Tang Long wants to open the transmission array!

In their opinion, Lingjiang city at this time said that maybe the capital had been lost, and the transmission array had been opened. Maybe all the hell devil spiders would have come here. If they didn't escape at this time, when would they wait?!

Don't you want them to risk their lives to resist the attack of Hellscream spider? Isn't that for death? You're kidding!

The warriors here disperse in a crowd!

Even, the whole skyscraper city people, began to panic escape!

But at this time, where can they escape?!

Tang long ignored the escapees. With the warriors of the Dragon Guard, he directly broke into the transmission hall and ordered: "leave five people and five dragons to guard here, waiting for linger and Yueer to come to exchange for you. The rest of you, follow me to Lingtian city!"


The people of the Dragon Guard all agreed in a loud voice. Then, five warriors of the Dragon Guard, together with their own dragon, stayed here to control the transmission hall here.

The rest of the warriors of shenlongwei all passed through the transmission array leading to Lingjiang city and arrived at Lingjiang city.

Tang Long returns to Lingjiang city with shenlongwei, and immediately contacts Ye Qingling and xuelinyue in his heart.Ye Qingling and Xue linyue soon returned to Tang Long's side.

The warrior of Dragon Guard turned his head and looked at all directions of Lingjiang city. He only saw that there were fierce battles in the sky and on the ground. Those hellish devil spiders were stacked from the ground to the high altitude. They were fighting with the warriors here!

This kind of situation, even if is the Dragon Guard's person, also all is to see by surprise!

They didn't expect that Lingjiang city had become like this!

Tang looked at Tang Long and asked nervously, "young master, what should we do?"

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "we must completely liberate those who resist these hellish devil spiders. Therefore, we can only arrange more arrays as quickly as possible in Lingjiang city."

Then he turned his head and looked at Ye Qingling and Xue yingyue: "you go back to the skyscraper city through the transmission array, and help me guard the transmission Hall of the skyscraper City, so that the dragon of the Dragon Guard will come over. There are you and your dragon over there. It's more than enough to guard there!"

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long and said: "brother dragon, I don't want to leave you, I want to be with you!"

"I don't want to leave either!" Little leopard is also a charming way.

Tang Long raised his hand and scraped them gently on the Qiong noses of these two precious girls: "silly girl, you can help me to keep the transmission Hall of motiancheng, so as to help me solve the worries behind me. And I can rest assured here completely. Go ahead. When we get to motiancheng, we will seal the transmission array to here immediately. Otherwise, the warriors on Lingjiang city know that they can go to skyscraper City, and they will soon Chaos

"All right."

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue had no choice but to nod at the beginning.

Next, the two also listen to Tang long, through the transmission array to the skyscraper city to reach the skyscraper city.

Then, they replaced the dragon of shenlongwei and summoned their own beast to guard the transmission array of the skyscraper city to ensure the absolute safety here.

Following them, they sealed the transmission array leading to Lingjiang city.

On this side of Lingjiang City, 108 sacred beasts of shenlongwei gathered together.

Tang Long's eyes swept over the 108 dragons and said in a deep voice: "wait a minute, you form a circle outside me. We will fly to the high altitude to deal with those hell devil spiders!"

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