"You're going!" Ken hall is not staring at Tang long, his eyes are full of tension.

You should know that because of the existence of Tang long, the defense of Lingjiang city has been reasonably arranged into three waves. In this case, the defense of Lingjiang city can last longer, longer and more time.

Once Tang Long left, let alone anything else, there was no boundary of spiritual power, the power of heaven and earth, and the seal of zhentianding. The situation here will become tense!

But at this time, Tang long must leave.

You should know that mofeng city is the place controlled by Tangmen. If mofeng city is occupied by hell devil spider, before long, the whole territory controlled by Tangmen will be occupied by hell devil spider.

At this time, the powerful members of the Tang clan were sent out. If Tang long did not go back to solve the problem, the consequences would be extremely serious.

So at this point, he had to go back.

Tang long looked at Ken hall and said in a deep voice: "don't worry. I'll deal with the danger and come back soon."

"Can you come back in half an hour?" Ken hall looks at Tang Long tight Zhang asked.

"But more than two hours!" Tang long thought for a while and said, "I will let the people of Shenlong guard temporarily stop arranging the array and go together to resist the attack of hell devil spider. I believe it will be OK. However, I want to take away the two heads and level five divine beasts, and my magic weapons will also be taken away!"

Kendian was not silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and asked, "young master, do you want to give up Lingjiang city?"

"Why should I give up?" Tang long curled his mouth.

In fact, he didn't call Ken hall to come here because he was worried that the warriors here would think so. After all, confidence is the most important thing in such a war.

Lose confidence, it is likely to be chaos immediately, a bad will appear rout!

He looked at Ken hall and said, "all the people of the Dragon guards of Tangmen are here, and the Dragons of Tangmen are here. How can I ignore them?" Pause, very helpless way: "I just go to other places, destroy those hell devil spider that spread out just, after finishing, come back immediately!"

"The teleport array is out of use. How can you go anywhere else?" Asked Ken.

"You don't have to worry about it. I have my own way. As long as you let everyone, in any case, must withstand this period of time!" Tang Long said in a deep voice.

"All right."

Ken nodded.

If Tang Long only left for two hours, he would not be too worried.

After all, at this time, many warriors were already resting, and many of them were almost resting. Even more, the people in the Dragon Guard of Tang clan were in the realm of Emperor God, and their combat power was not weak as that of the warriors in the four fold and five fold realm of the Emperor.

With so many gods participating in the war, the situation should also be stable!

"Then you go, I'll explain it here!" Kendianfei is also very smart. Knowing that Tang Long asked him to come over, he obviously hoped that he could stabilize the situation here.

He must do it now, too.

Tang Long didn't say much, and at this time, he didn't care if kendian didn't see him using huixinmen. He called Jinyang and Xuexue directly. Then he summoned Huixin gate between the north wind and the bright moon. He collected his magic weapon and appeared in front of the north wind and bright moon.

The north wind bright moon is on a fast fortress, and this fast fortress, is in the air non-stop in the high altitude circle, a group of dense hell devil spider, chasing the fast fort to fly over!

These hellish devil spiders are very ferocious!

Tang long looked at the bright moon in the north wind and asked, "where is the bloody devil spider tearing the space?"

"It's about three or four thousand meters away. There are already many hell devil spiders coming out of the space cracks and flying to many places. What should we do?" North wind bright moon tense road.

"Don't worry, we'll get rid of these hellworms." Tang Long comforts the north wind bright moon: "summon your dragon, I only brought Jinyang and snowflake, the combat power is not enough!"

"What about that?" North wind bright moon suddenly nervous: "where is your god beast?"

"All stay in Lingjiang city!" Tang Long said in his mouth, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said in a hurry: "by the way, I can go to the city of genius and bring the generals and ministers here. The combat power of generals and ministers at this time may also have the level of divine emperor's fighting power!"

"Well, I'll wait for you." North wind bright moon road.

Tang long no longer said, immediately in his heart to contact Zhong Li Xueyan: "baby Xueyan, where are you?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "I'm on my way back from the auction house to Tang Fu. What's wrong?"

"Quick, now go back to the Tang house, the fastest way back!" Tang long urged!

"I'll be home in a minute, five minutes left!"

"Then hurry up!"


Zhong Li Xueyan over there is very curious. Tang Long was still chatting with her. It seems that there is nothing wrong with her. Why is he so worried?

She did not dare to neglect.

With a flash of body shape, he went back to Tang Fu and immediately contacted Tang Long: "dragon, I'm home!""Go to the training room, I'll be right there!"


According to Tang long, Zhong Li Xueyan quickly went to a training room and opened the isolation border. Then, Tang Long soon appeared in front of her.

At this time, Tang long, a wind dust, through the vicissitudes of life, there are many sweat on his forehead!

Seeing Tang Long like this, Zhong Li Xueyan was a little nervous: "dragon, what happened?"

"Dear wife, don't ask more questions. Go and get me the generals. In addition, call Tuoba demon and Tuoba demon together!"


The bell from the snow smoke should be a, turn to go in a hurry.

Time is not long, generals and ministers with Tuoba magic and Tuoba magic came into the training room.

At this time, Tuoba magic and Tuoba magic, with the efforts of the generals and ministers, at first glance, they were no different from ordinary people. They did not have a trace of lethargy on their bodies, but their eyes were all purple, which made them special.

The eyes of generals and ministers have also become the color of purple gold!

Looking at Tang long, the general asked, "boss, what do you want us to do?" Then, a flash of expectation flashed in his eyes: "are you going to take us to eat snacks?"

Tang Long immediately turned his lips.

How can this matter be remembered in your mind? Why don't you think about women?!

"Yes, the generals are not young. It's time to find a wife for him!"

Tang Long's heart, suddenly had this idea!

He was also curious, this general minister, do you know how to move feelings?!

Not to mention, the generals and ministers are studying the matter of feelings. He never forgets them. He has read a lot of books and learned a lot.

He has been studying the book of love recently!

Tang long looked at the generals and said: "you go to my soul tower, the rest of the things to tell you later!" The voice falls, pauses, looks at the general to continue to ask: "Tuoba demon and Tuoba spirit can go to the soul tower?"

"Yes, I'll let them in, and they can go in!" "They are as special as I am, but they are not as powerful as me," the general said

"Then hurry up and let them in!" Tang long urged.

The general turned his head and looked at Tuoba demon and Tuoba charm. He made a strange voice and didn't know what he was saying. Then, in the curious eyes of Zhong Li Xueyan, the general disappeared with Tuoba magic and Tuoba charm!

Zhong Li Xueyan immediately stares at Tang Long: "where are their people?"

Tang Long chuckled and hugged Zhong Li with snow and smoke. He chewed on it beautifully: "generals and ministers are strange life created by me. When I have time, I will tell you about his secrets, but I have one condition. I can tell you these secrets. You have to give yourself to me to eat. I really think about this matter for too long!"

He said so at this time, just to let Zhong Li Xueyan ignore his situation at this time and divert Zhong Li Xueyan's attention.

He didn't want Zhong Li to worry about him.

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