Tang Long has exerted his spiritual power in the field!

What's more, the powerful power of heaven and earth on him also broke out wildly!

With a flash of body shape, they rushed to these warriors, and the king of the abyss, of course, rushed up together!

Tang Long wants to make a quick decision!

he doesn't want to delay time, after all, delay means that he is less likely to win the top ten.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of the thunderous roar rang out one after another. In less than three minutes, these ten warriors were all bombarded by Tang Long and fell to the ground, all of them pale!

"I said, you either give up, or I'll help you give up!"

With that, Tang Long took over the God of thunder.

The king of the abyss and they, too, returned to the flag of the Tang dragon, which disappeared without a trace.

With a flash of body shape, Tang Long ran after lingqingyao and Feixue in the distance, leaving behind more than a dozen stunned warriors on the ground!

They didn't expect that Tang Long was so weak that he defeated them all so quickly. Even though there were some inexplicable people around Tang long just now, their strength was obviously the same as that of Tang Long!

However, why are these people's fighting power so terrible?!

More than a dozen people fell on the ground and looked at Tang Long's back as he quickly went to Yuanyuan and glared at him:

"have you ever heard of this man in the clan?"

"No, I've never heard of it!"

"Don't you find that the people this guy summoned just now seem to be strange. They seem to be mysterious creatures between heaven and earth in legend."

"I feel the same way ~!"

"This man looks very mysterious. I don't know whether younger martial sister Feixue knows him or not. I think she doesn't know him, but how can they be in a team, and it's a strange combination of three people!"

"After the competition, let's ask younger martial sister Qingyao."

"I think it's better to ask younger martial sister Feixue. Younger martial sister Qingyao is a little lofty and hard to talk about!"

"What are you talking about? Why is younger martial sister Qingyao so high? People are just indifferent. I like women like her, like Fairies in the sky. They are spotless. I feel intoxicated when I think about it! "

"I still prefer younger martial sister Feixue. She is so beautiful, and she is particularly cute. I feel intoxicated when I think about it!"


Tang long at this time, of course, did not pay attention to these people.

It took him five minutes to catch up with Ling Qingyao and Feixue.

When Ling Qingyao saw that Tang long had caught up with him, she asked, "dragon, what about those people?"

Feixue Feixue giggled and guessed: "those annoying ghosts must have been cleaned up by the elder martial brother, otherwise those talents will not be convinced!" At this time, when they speak, they still use gathering Qi to form a voice to ensure that the voice of this speech will not be heard by others.

Tang long light way: "these people, have been injured by me, will not come here to interfere with us."

At this time, in front of us, the sound of thundering suddenly sounded!

The sound of this roar is continuous!

The magic flying snow is a wonderful way: "elder martial brother, the people in front of me seem to have a fight!"

Tang Long shook his head. "Those people didn't fight, but they obviously had some trouble."

At this time, he was already exerting his magic power in the field of the sea, and was exploring the situation in the passage ahead. Therefore, he knew the situation ahead at this time.

Ling Qingyao asked curiously, "what's wrong with the front?"

Tang Long said: "this may be a test of the first level. In the passage ahead, a lot of powerful energy groups are suddenly gathered in the air. These energy groups are bombarding the people who are rushing forward!"

"How can we get through it?" The magic dancing snow is a little worried.

"Don't worry, I have my own assurance of passing the customs!" Tang Long laughs, although the air ahead will continue to condense a strong energy group, but Tang Long has also detected some clues.

He felt that there was a kind of hidden special law in the places where the energy masses condensed, which was obviously a powerful attack array.

Even Tang Long soon knew what the formation was!

"When you get to that place, you follow me. Remember, you can walk as I go. Pay attention to my pace and the rhythm of my walk. Don't pay attention to the energy mass around you!" Tang Long is very serious.


"We know."

Feixue and lingqingyao nodded and agreed.

The three men did not delay time, continue to fly forward rapidly, not long ago, has reached the front of the thundering place.

In front of this, there is a long section in the passage. The walls in all directions are inlaid with a lot of energy crystals. These energy crystals are constantly shining. In this passage, in this section of space, there is continuous energy suddenly condensing out.This condensed energy, into a group of energy, is a random bombardment in all directions!

The warriors who have entered this array are trapped by this array, and they resist the attack of energy groups from all directions in a hurry.

Some powerful warriors can barely resist the slow progress.

The strength of the weaker warriors is only the level of the high level of Shenzong. At this time, they are constantly bombarded by this energy group, and it is difficult to move forward. They can only stop, and several people together can barely resist the attack of one energy group!

Tang Long took Ling Qingyao and Feixue, but cautiously told them, "look at my steps and follow me. You can't take a wrong step!"

"We know."

Ling Qingyao nods with Feixue.

Tang Long has already walked forward. At this time, his speed has obviously slowed down a lot. One foot has stepped out, and he has stepped into a place with many strange runes depicted on the ground.

Then he turned left and landed in another place.

At this time, in the space on his right, an energy group suddenly agglomerates. However, this energy group does not attack Tang long.

At this time, Tang Long has already stepped forward a small step.

This small half step out, before his right side condenses the energy group, actually is dissipates and opens, without a trace!

Feixue and lingqingyao are very happy when they see this situation.

Busy one after another, learning the steps of Tang long.

Tang long does not walk fast, and every step out, will pause slightly.

Feixue followed Tang long, learning his pace and rhythm. He was very careful and did not dare to make mistakes.

Ling Qingyao is repeating the steps of flying snow.

There was still a roar around him. Many warriors were in front of Tang long, blocking Tang Long's path and attacking by low-level energy groups. At this time, Tang long did not care who was in charge of his road, whether the guy was prepared or not, and then went on.

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