Tang Long learned this archaic demon sealing array, and finally felt a little relieved about Tang Xiaohu's situation. However, he also knew that even with this array, Tang Xiaohu's situation was still at a level that had to be solved.

"This day, when the affairs of the soul world are finished, we must start looking for those things!" Tang long thought secretly.

At this time, the fierce battle between Tang Xiaohu and the two hell devil spiders, which are extremely powerful in fighting, finally came to an end. After a while, the two hellmagic spiders were killed by Tang Xiaohu, and were smashed by Tang Xiaohu's colorful light!


Tang Xiaohu roars with fierce eyes and falls on them.

Tang Long didn't dare to neglect at this time, and suddenly burst into a violent drink: "prepare for me, control Tang Xiaohu!"

Hearing Tang Long's command, there were 144 purple fire wolves around, including generals and ministers, Tuoba demon, Tuoba spirit, and eight magical beasts of Tang long. All of them gathered energy, which turned into various energy chains and swept towards Tang Xiaohu.

Although Tang Xiaohu is being demonized, his combat power is very strong at this time. However, the fighting power of Tang long, these supernatural beasts, is not weak after all.

Moreover, Tang Long has exerted the power of heaven and earth and spiritual power to suppress Tang Xiaohu's strength.

And above the sky, Tang Long's magic weapon town Tianding, has also broken out a powerful seal.

The power of the seal also suppressed Tang Xiaohu's fighting power.

Under such circumstances, Tang Xiaohu's combat power has been suppressed a lot, even slightly weaker than that of Tang Long's eight headed beasts. Soon, Tang Xiaohu was completely controlled by these mythical beasts of Tang long.

Although Tang Xiaohu is roaring furiously and wants to get rid of the shackles of this energy chain, how can Tang Long make Tang Xiaohu achieve his wish?!

"Give me all my strength, you must control the tiger completely, otherwise I can't seal the star Troll on him!"

Tang Long said in a deep voice. On his resolute face, his expression was serious and heavy.

He can feel that in Tang Xiaohu's roar, Tang Xiaohu's powerful star power is becoming stronger and stronger, and the explosion of star troll is becoming more and more powerful!

A bad, Tang Xiaohu may be able to get rid of the shackles of escape!

By then, things will be bad.

Therefore, Tang long did not dare to have any carelessness at this time. He asked the generals and other officials to control Tang Xiaohu with all his strength.

At this time, the generals and the officials all exerted their full strength.

I saw a strong energy into the chain, toward Tang Xiaohu's hands, feet and neck, quickly wrapped in the past, Tang Xiaohu completely controlled.

Although Tang Xiaohu tried his best to resist, at this time, he was completely controlled and could not move.

Tang Long's body shape flashed to Tang Xiaohu.

Then, his body strong purple gold light, suddenly crazy burst out.

"Ancient seal of magic!"

Tang long burst into a deep voice. He folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints. Facing Tang Xiaohu, he clapped his hands one after another!

Each time a palm is taken, Zijin's strength will turn into a strange energy rune, which will melt into Tang Xiaohu's body and disappear.

After half an hour, Tang Long finally stopped.

Then, he suddenly backed back more than ten meters, and said, "archaic seal, start!"

With the sound of his drinking, Tang Xiaohu suddenly emerged from Tang Xiaohu's body. Then, the rune array directly rose up and covered the whole area of Tang Xiaohu!

These Rune arrays turn into mysterious Rune chains and cages!

The cage and shackles are full of mysterious and desolate atmosphere, with strong seal power, toward the shadow of the star Troll covered by Tang Xiaohu. You can see that the shadow of the star Troll will be completely locked to death!

Then the purple gold cage shackles, and energy chains, began to shrink!

With the contraction of these, Tang Xiaohu's body, which is as high as 100 meters of purple light shining star Troll's virtual shadow, is also bound to gradually shrink.

And Tang Xiaohu had already deformed half of the face, as well as his hands and arms, at this time also gradually began to recover!

Tang Xiaohu's body, came one after another the earth shaking roar!

It seems that at this time, there is a ferocious virtual shadow of energy condensation roaring and crazy.

Zijin's energy chain and cage shackles have become smaller and smaller, and finally completely integrated into Tang Xiaohu's body. On Tang Xiaohu's forehead, there is a mysterious purple gold light line!

The pattern of purple gold light, in the Tang Xiaohu Yintang position strange change, gradually, even turned into a pagoda shaped purple gold brand!

The location of the brand in Tang Xiaohu Yintang seems extremely mysterious."Hoo!"

Tang long at this time, is also a long breath.

Finally, Tang Xiaohu's crisis has been lifted. Next, Tang Xiaohu's situation should be stable for some time.

At this time, Tang Xiaohu had already closed his eyes. The power of the powerful stars in his body gradually disappeared. Half an hour later, the power of the stars disappeared.

Then Tang Xiaohu slowly opened his eyes, looking at Tang long, his eyes immediately showed a touch of confusion.

It seems that he doesn't remember what happened just now!

Obviously, this time the demonization, to his side effects are very big, of course, also brought him some great benefits!

Tang Xiaohu's strength at this time is actually crazy.

His strength has directly reached the level of eight levels of divine respect. Moreover, he seems to be full of strength all over his body. It seems that in such a short period of time, he has become much more powerful!

Tang Xiaohu looked at Tang long in front of him and asked blankly, "master, where am I? How can I be here? "

Tang Long smile: "there is a hell devil spider here, we come to deal with the hell devil spider, as a result, you met a very powerful hell devil spider, was knocked out in the past, now it's OK!"

"I was knocked out?" Tang Xiaohu was in a daze, and then nervously turned around and looked around: "where is my younger martial sister? How's she doing? By the way, and my teacher's wife

"They're all right. They may be back soon!" Tang Long said with a faint smile.

Since Tang Xiaohu doesn't remember what happened just now, Tang Long doesn't want to say more, so as not to put more pressure on Tang Xiaohu's heart.

If Tang Xiaohu's psychological pressure is too great, his mood is likely to become very unstable.

In that case, even if there was a great array of ancient demons, the situation of Tang Xiaohu would still deteriorate at any time.

After all, Tang Xiaohu's strength is about to reach the realm of divine emperor.

Once the power of exterminating the evil star reaches the realm of the divine emperor, the star Troll will be able to break the seal more easily and quickly demonize the disaster star. At that time, once Tang Xiaohu uses the power of the stars, the speed of demonization will be accelerated several times. Even if there is an archaic magic sealing array, it is difficult for Tang Xiaohu to recover.

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