Tang Long smiles and doesn't speak. What happened to the devil spider in heaven and soul world is so dangerous. Can he tell Youye to worry her?!

Youye knows that the problem of the heaven and soul world has been solved, so she will not worry about it.

She nestled in Tang Long's arms. After a moment, she said, "good man, with Gao Tianye's suggestion, Mo'er and Xueyan asked us to join a guild hall of the college. Now, we are in a guild hall of genius college. Although the guild hall is very powerful, it has always had problems recently."

"What's wrong?" Tang Long asked curiously.

Quiet night a little helpless way: "there are many people, all come to bet with our guild hall, bet is me and Bing ER!"

"Damn it!" Tang Long frowned fiercely, but he couldn't think of it. Looking at Youye, he asked, "since Mo'er and Xueyan asked you to join the guild hall, and Gao Tianye meant it, how can anyone dare to make your idea?"

You night said: "although Gao Tianye is famous in the genius college, he has enemies, and not only one enemy. Those people compete with our guild hall and find trouble with me and bing'er. Their ultimate goal is obviously to kill Gao Tianye's arrogance!"

"I see!" Tang Long nodded his head clearly and asked, "what's the situation of winning and losing in the competitions between our guild hall and others?"

"Every time we lose!" You night melancholy way: "some time ago Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya are not here, Xueyan and Mo'er are also busy at home, the guild hall here is bullied by several people in turn!"

"Didn't you just say that you and Bing Er are their bets?" Tang long looked at the quiet night and said, "my dear wife, you haven't been bullied?"

"Of course not." "Although their bets are us, we didn't promise them. Because of the rules of the college, our new students will be protected within five years, so they can't force us. Finally, the bets were changed to jinyuanshi, which doesn't need us to come out anyway!"

Said, helpless way: "but now, we are in this guild hall, has also been regarded as a burden, if not for the relationship between Gao Tianye, we were all driven out!"

Tang Long hugs you ye ha ha with a smile: "now Gao Tianye is back, this situation will be improved immediately."

"Well." You ye gently answered and looked at Tang long. In the eyes of the goblin, there was a touch of moving brilliance: "good man, mainly you come back. I know that as long as you are there, I can't let me suffer."

"Of course Tang Long laughs and chews on his pretty face in the dark night. However, he hears Gao Tianye's voice not far away: "brother Tang, you really don't waste any time. I heard that you haven't been seen these days. Now talents appear and bully Yeer here!"

Youyeqiao blushed and left the arms of Tang long.

Tang Long was very thick skinned and didn't care about Gao Tianye's words. He said with a smile: "brother Gao, did you go out to play some time ago? Are you looking for other girls to do harm to Shuya? "

"Fuck you, I'm not like you, boy!" Gao Tianye said with a smile, "Shuya and I have been together for a long time."

"Why hasn't Shuya seen you now?" Tang Long grinned and said, "I haven't seen her for a long time. I miss her very much. I just want to see her."

Gao Tianye has been familiar with Tang Long's greedy virtue, and he knows that Tang Long has a good sense of propriety in doing things, so he doesn't care about Tang Long's words.

He looked at Tang Long with a smile and exclaimed, "yesterday I went to the Tang mansion, and I also went to the auction house to have a look. You are a good boy. In such a short time, the auction house has recovered its vitality. I underestimated you. For the ability to make money, you boy really has two sons!"

"Of course Tang Long was proud of himself: "brother Gao, you don't know that I'm the smartest person in the world!"

"Ha ha..." Gao Tianye shook his head with a smile.

He doesn't think that Tang Long is responsible for the gradual recovery of the auction house business in the city of genius. He sees Zhong Li Xueyan busy there, and Gongsun Mo'er is busy there.

He felt that Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan must have contributed to this.

"Tang long, are you satisfied with your stay in the genius college Gao Tianye looks at Tang Long and asks.

Tang long curled his lips and said, "this poor college, I'm not satisfied with staying here at all!"

Gao Tianye eyebrows a pick: "what's the matter?"

Tang Long said angrily: "when I arrived at the talent college, I was asked for trouble, and I was still the annoying guy of Tianhua Changqing."

"I've heard about you that time. Didn't you say that you took advantage of the competition with Qinglong guild hall? And a lot of money Then he said with a smile: "if you knew that you could make money, I could never give you those gold stones!"

Tang Long said angrily: "I am dissatisfied with the college because it is boring here.""How boring?" Gao Tianye asked.

Tang Long said: "I thought I could learn a lot of powerful magic skills when I came here. Unfortunately, up to now, I don't even know a tutor here. As for learning magic skills, it's impossible!"

Gao Tianye shook his head a little helplessly, grinned bitterly, looked at Tang Long and said: "you boy, you have been in the college for so many days, it seems that you don't know anything!"

Said, turn to look at you night and Oriental ice son: "you also don't talk to him?"

"He knew to look for a girl. He couldn't even see a person all day long!" Dongfang bing'er is cold and seems to be very angry: "these days, he strolls in the genius college every day, looking for beautiful girls, and he doesn't meet us!"

"No!" Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "there are bing'er around them. Are you not satisfied with such a good girl?"

"Where and where!" Tang Long Shan Shan a smile: "I just look, pure appreciation just!"

He's not at genius college these days. Of course, he can't say that.

Gao Tianye helplessly said: "what happened in the college, or I'll tell you about it!"

After a pause, he then went on: "in the genius college, it is not impossible for you to learn advanced magic arts. It requires you to earn more points. If you have enough points, you can not only learn magic skills in the martial arts room of the college, but also get the curse of natural disasters!"


Hearing the four words of the curse of natural calamity, Tang Long's eyes were shining with light!

Looking at Tang Long like this, Gao Tianye is also a little funny. These things are the most basic things in the talent college. The students who come to the college will know it in a day!

Tang long, however, is different from others. He is full of women in his mind. He knows nothing about this matter after so many days!

Gao Tianye has a simple mind for Tang long, and is really speechless.

But Gao Tianye is also used to Tang Long's simple mind and his greed for girls.

He looked at Tang Long with a smile and continued: "if you want to get points in the college, you need to do some tasks issued by the college. At the same time, if you have some special competitions, you can earn more points. Of course, the premise is that you must win these competitions!"

Tang long looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "how many points do you need to learn the curse of natural disaster?"

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