Gong liangyuming comes over and presents the box in his hand to Tang long.

Tang Long opened the box with a powerful aura, which immediately spread out. In Tang Long's eyes, a thick surprise flashed out: "it's really a second grade fairy medicine to enhance mental power!"

"Not bad!" Looking at Gong liangyuming, Tang Long nodded with satisfaction, and then asked expectantly, "do they have no other magic medicine to improve their strength?"

"Er!" Gong Liangyu Ming was stunned: "no more."

"All right, you go down!" Tang Long waved.

Gong liangyuming was about to retire, but Tang Long stopped him again: "you wait!"

"Yes Gong Liangyu Ming stops, turns to look at Tang Long and asks, "what else can I do for you, young master?"

Tang Long said: "if you go on, whoever gets these herbs in the future must hand them in. Don't worry. I will not treat anyone who gives them up. I will refine their herbs into elixirs and reward them to him, and he can also get some rewards!"

"Yes Gong Liangyu Ming quickly agreed, and a surprise appeared in his eyes.

He now knows that some people in Tangmen can refine the elixir. After all, in Lingjiang city before, when they were resisting the attack of those hellish devil spiders, Tang Long also gave them two elixirs to recover their vitality.

What's more, when Tang Long healed their wounds, the elixirs they used were all healing elixirs!

This is enough to prove that there is at least one dan master in the Tang clan who can easily refine the elixir. However, Gong Liangyu Ming does not know who the very powerful Dan master of the Tang clan is.

Of course, he would not think that Tang Long was the master who refined the elixir. After all, Tang long looked so young. How could he have such a powerful method of refining elixir?

Even though Tang Long was already a four grade Dan God, Gong Liangyu Ming still did not think that Tang long could easily refine the immortal elixir.

He thought it was very good for Tang long to refine the elixir by chance.

Gong liangyuming turns to leave.

Tang Long and Beifeng Mingyue chatted casually for a while, but in the deep of his heart, he suddenly remembered the voice of Zhong Li Xueyan: "dragon, Qianji keel has come and is waiting for you in the living room. Mo'er is talking to him."

"I've forgotten about it!" Tang Long suddenly turned to look at the North Palace Moon: "I have to go first, to return to the city of genius!"

"Well." North wind bright moon nodded.

After a slight pause, she looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, you can rest assured about the affairs of the heaven soul world. Ken hall has already taken people to various places, and many transmission arrays have been opened one after another. I believe that the problem of hell devil spider in the heaven and soul world will be solved soon."

Tang long held the hand of the north wind and bright moon, and said with concern: "you should be more careful here. If you find the devil spider of hell, don't leave the castle in the air, so as to avoid any danger."

"I see." "The North month big wind went there, and then they went on with you

"Good!" Tang long promised that he had already summoned the wisdom heart door between the snow smoke and the bell.

Through this Huixin gate, he directly returned to the Tang mansion in the city of genius, appeared in front of Zhong Li Xueyan, and then left their training room with Zhong Li Xueyan and went to the living room of Tang mansion together.

Qianji keel is sitting in the living room, chatting with Gongsun Mo'er.

To see Tang Long coming, Qianji keel eyes, also emerged a touch of joy.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang long, I've heard Mo'er talk about your affairs during this period. Your performance is very good. Last time Gao Tianye took you to the demon lord's palace. I already know about this matter, and for this matter, I had a big fight with the overlord."

Said, sighed: "overlord angry, I can understand, after all, that thing, his loss in black Python holy mountain is too big!"

Tang Long quipped his lips: "his loss has nothing to do with me, I was wronged!"

"I know you are wronged, but after all, the things of black mang holy mountain were taken by Mr. Gao. The overlord can't find trouble with Mr. Gao, so he can only find you. After all, you take Mr. Gao to black Python holy mountain."

Tang Long doesn't speak. With a face of grievance, he pulls Zhong Li Xueyan and goes to Gongsun Mo'er to sit down.

He looked at Qianji keel and asked, "master of Qianji world, what is the main reason for you to come to me this time?"

In Qianji keel's hand, there was a little bottle: "take this and see if you can smell something in it. I got it from a place by accident."

With that, Qianji keel coagulates the power of the blood demon, holds up the small bottle and delivers it to Tang long.

The small bottle came to Tang Long's eyes, and Tang Long reached for it. It was a long cylindrical bottle. The bottle was transparent and contained a kind of strange liquid with bright seven colors.

Tang long looked at the liquid and was curious.

Beside him, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are also very curious.Tang long looked at Qianji keel and asked, "is this thing poisonous?"

He is not afraid of poison, but he also has Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er, the two precious wives, who are curious to look at the bottle this time. Tang long does not want them to be poisoned.

"Don't worry, this thing has no poison, and there is a very strange energy."

"Really?" Tang Long is curious.

He opened the bottle, suddenly, a very strong strange energy, containing a very strong breath of death and destruction, directly from the bottle spread out!

Feeling this strong breath, Tang Long's eyes suddenly showed a heavy shock!

He directly stares at the Qianji keel: "where did you come from?"

When Qianji keel saw Tang Long's shocked appearance, a surprise flashed in his eyes: "Tang long, do you know where this thing came from?"

"I saw this in an ancient book!" Now, of course, Tang long would not say what he really thought in his heart, saying: "if I guess well, what is contained in this bottle is a kind of powerful energy, called the power of stars, and the colorful liquid medicine in this bottle should be the blood of a troll!"

"Blood?" Thousand machine keel glared at Tang Long: "you mean, this is not a kind of configuration out of the liquid medicine?"

"Of course not!" Tang Long said in a deep voice: "this is the blood of the star troll, and it seems that it should have been the blood of the star Troll!"

At this time, Tang Long is also very shocked!

Star troll, this is the disaster star of the world, just like Tang Xiaohu, is the disaster star, he has a star troll, Tang long at this time, because of the relationship between Tang Xiaohu, he has a lot of understanding and understanding of the disaster star.

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