"If you want to kill me, you deserve it too!" Tang long looked at the two gods and snorted: "have the ability to go together, I want to see how you move my Tang Long woman!"

"Hey, what a arrogant boy!" That short fat God Emperor sneers: "give me together, kill this boy first!"


Around, surrounded by Tang long, the more than a dozen powerful emperor, one by one, agreed, and then flashed, all rushed towards Tang Long!

Tang long looked at these people, and his eyes were also dignified.

At this time, he was also very depressed.

His sixth sense has always been very accurate. When he came here just now, he didn't find any danger at all, proving that these people didn't come for him, but how could the situation in front of him appear?!

Even his sixth sense, up to now, has no sense of danger!

But the present situation, obviously already very bad!

Feel all directions, the powerful blood Demon power is extremely fierce swept out, Tang Long eye, also showed a sharp.

So many strong people are here. With his strength at this time, it is very difficult to completely kill them. Moreover, he must ensure the absolute safety of Zhong Li Xueyan!

If he chooses to escape, he is confident that he can do it.

The most important thing is that it is too close to the city of genius. He can't help being careful. If he moves too much, he will surely have very bad consequences. Therefore, at this time, he can only deal with the matter in front of him with a low profile.

He plans to escape with the snow smoke of Zhong Li. As long as he escapes to the city of genius, he is absolutely safe.

"Snow smoke, close your eyes, don't worry!"

Tang Long said to Zhong Li Xueyan with huixinmen. At the same time, his mind moved. Except for Longxuan, longying and Jinyi Kunpeng, all the remaining five animals came out of the Tianling garden together!

Five divine beasts, directly appeared around Tang long, surrounded Tang Long and Zhongli snow and smoke in the middle!

"Level five beast!"

After exploring Tang long, the powerful momentum spread out from the head of the beast. All the warriors around were shocked!

At this time, the five beasts of Tang long are also gathering strong energy and preparing to attack the warriors who rush around. In front of Tang long, the two gods are also staring at Tang long in shock.

Tang Long quickly raised his hands, on both hands, there was a small purple shield!


A low voice rings out!

The dazzling purple light suddenly rises, which directly means that there is a purple light shining in the area of several kilometers. These martial artists around are unable to take precautions against them. They feel the purple light in front of them, and everything in front of them is completely invisible!

Before the eyes of the two gods, they were all directly purple!

Then, the five animals around Tang long, all together, toward all directions to blast out a strong momentum!

This change is too fast!

Even, the bell behind Tang Long has not had time to make any preparations, that is, he has already felt himself in the arms of Tang Long!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In all directions, the sound of the earth shaking roar constantly rings. The bell leaves the snow smoke feeling that he has been held by Tang Long and is speeding in a direction. Those strong people are rapidly being thrown away and farther away.

"He ran away so easily, and his beast has grown to the level of level five." At the same time, more joy!

At this time, she also felt that she was held by Tang Long and was sitting on the back of the red flame lion!

"Did we just run away?"

Zhong Li Xueyan secretly thought, for a time he did not know what to say!

The present situation, has completely exceeded her expectation!

Tang Long sat on the back of the red flame lion, holding the bell from the snow smoke. He just flew forward quickly. At this time, behind him, the golden monkey suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light!

Full of 100 energy golden monkeys, from the golden monkey body burst out of the golden light, toward the pursuit of those who came after the God Emperor, fiercely and incomparably attacked the past.

Then Tang Long's golden monkey and the rest of Tang Long's supernatural beasts all turned to chase Tang long.

There are 100 golden monkeys with enough energy to stop the pursuers. Tang long runs away with Zhong Li Xue Yan. Naturally, he will not be in any danger. He will soon return to the city of genius with Zhong Li Xue Yan.

At this time, the animals of Tang long have returned to the heaven and spirit garden of Tang long.

Tang Long hugs the bell to leave the snow smoke, flies down from the high altitude.

He checked his back, and did not find anyone running after him, which was a long sigh of relief.

His brick looked at the clock from the snow smoke curled his lips: "you girl, this is happy, clearly know their long disaster to the country and the people, but do not know to pay attention to a point, the big night must come out to run around!"After listening to Tang Long's words, Zhong Li's pretty face suddenly turned red, but he was very happy in his heart.

Anyway, Tang Long is saying that she is beautiful.

Other people praise her beautiful, she simply does not care, but Tang Long is totally different.

Tang Long praised her for her beauty, and she was very happy.

"Let's go back." Zhong Li Xueyan turns to look at Tang Long: "after going home, there may be someone waiting for us!"

"Wait for us?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "who is waiting for us at home?"

"Go back and you'll find out!" Zhong Li Xueyan looks at Tang long, her eyes are full of tension.

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan, and suddenly he was a little curious.

However, he did not say more, after all, it was already late, it was time to go home.

And he wanted to see who was waiting for him at home.

Zhong Li Xueyan takes Tang Long for a leisurely walk and chats at will. Tang Long wants to walk faster. Seeing Zhong Li Xueyan like this, he is already in the city of genius, so he has to slow down to accompany her.

After more than half an hour, we finally arrived at the gate of Tang mansion.

Tang long, however, could not help frowning. He was always exerting his magic power in the field of the sea and exploring the surrounding activities. At this time, he was actually found out that there were many people in the living room of Tang mansion!

Immediately he turned to look at the clock from the snow smoke: "what are you doing?"

"You'll find out later!" Zhong Li xueyanqiao blushed, and then immediately drew back his slender jade hand from Tang Long's palm. Looking at Tang long, he warned carefully: "you can't be rash, let me speak first!"

"Mysterious!" Tang Long skimmed his mouth, but did not say anything.

He knows, Zhong Li Xueyan must have something to do!

He went forward and knocked on the door. The door opened immediately. Zhao Dafu opened the door.

Tang long looked at Zhao Dafu: "are there any guests in the mansion?"

"Yes..." Zhao Dafu took a look at Zhong Li Xueyan beside Tang long, and then nodded: "it's the head of Zhongli family!"

"Patriarch!" Tang Long immediately widened his eyes.

He turned to look at the clock from the snow smoke: "you obviously know in advance?"

"I..." After a little hesitation, Zhong Lixue Yan simply explained: "my family has some rules. I absolutely don't want to hide these rules from you, but my grandfather has to stop me from saying that I have our future, so I didn't say that..."

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan a little speechless: "so, the attack just outside the city is also the behavior of Zhong Li's family? They're testing me, aren't they? "

Zhong Li Xueyan nodded: "yes!"

"No wonder I had a sixth sense at that time. I didn't feel danger at all."

At this time, Tang Long finally figured out how his sixth sense could have no dangerous reaction when he was outside the city.

Zhong Li Xueyan looks at Tang Long and explains nervously, "dragon, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I..."

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