Get the blood of strong Qingtian, which is the ultimate goal of Tang Long's plan to watch the moon. Now lie Qingtian has completely guessed Tang Long's plan.

But it's too late!

Strong Qingtian knows that the man who Tang Long arranged in the demon lord palace has left the demon lord palace now, and even has been taken away. Then his blood has been obtained by Tang long. The blood soul seal on Mu Qingcheng must be lifted!

The blood soul seal on Mu Qingcheng was originally a necessary means to kill Tang long, but it was cracked by Tang long. This made strong Qing want to explode!

However, he must break the array in front of him first!

The power of the blood demon broke out more and more crazily. The attack of strong Qingtian at this time was almost crazy. The unscrupulous hand and the earth shaking roar made the heaven and earth on this side distorted!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the roar of the sky shaking, far sky, the Black Ghost bear with a group of people quickly came to the sky, to see strong Qingtian in the fight with a large number of flying stones in the air, one by one was stunned!

The war will soon be over.

Strong Qingtian used less than five minutes to break Tang Long's array here, and then he flashed to the Black Ghost bear.

"Go back!"

He was biting his teeth hard and his face was gloomy!

No one dared to say more.

All the way to the magic owl palace, into the magic owl hall.

Strong Qingtian's eyes fell on the front of the place where the throne was placed, looking at the broken chair on the ground, and those small needles, his fist tightly grasped, and the whole popularity was not easy to use!

He was so angry that he kept shivering in the original Qi and spit out three words: "Li Niuer!"

You know, it was Li Niuer who changed his chair!

Tang Long's plan, Li Niuer didn't know much about it, but at this time Li Niuer had already guessed that it must have something to do with Huang Ying. Just now he left the hall of evil Lord, he went to find Huang Ying directly.

Unfortunately, the warbler has left.

What's more, there is a warrior who has a good relationship with Huangying!

When Li Niuer couldn't find Huang Ying and others, he immediately knew that he was very dangerous. Therefore, when he couldn't find Huang Ying and the warrior, he knew that he couldn't get along in the magic owl palace.

Taking advantage of strong Qingtian's absence, Li Niuer is in a hurry to collect his money and things. He wants to escape and find Tang Long!

After all, before he took Tang Long's highly toxic elixir!

What's more, he has some expectations in his heart!

A rush to clean up, took away all the valuable things, the end is in a hurry to go out, but a pale face stood at the door!

In front of him stood a man who was furious and seemed to be about to stutter him!

This man, of course, is strong giant!

"Overlord, I I know who hurt you. It's... "

"You die!"

Before Li Niuer's words were finished, Li Niuer's neck was severely pinched by strong Qingtian, and then the powerful force made Li Niuer unable to breathe at all. After struggling for a while, a powerful blood demon force directly invaded his heart and lung, and his internal organs were directly shattered!

A spirit flew out!

However, the spirit escaped less than 10 meters. It was completely wrapped and pulled by a group of ferocious blood demons. Then the force of the blood demon directly crushed the spirit and turned it into a strong force in the sky!

Strong Qingtian directly kill Li Niuer, still hate in the heart!

"Tang Long!"

He clenched his teeth and pounded out with a fist, which hit heavily on the dead body of Li Niuer. The power of this blow was really terrible. The body of Li Niuer was smashed and turned into powder!

The Black Ghost bear with four or five world masters came to lie Qingtian's side.

Strong giant gnash teeth way: "give me check, these days and Li Niu two contact person, give me to catch up!"


The nigger bear agreed and turned away.

The fury in the heart of the strong engine sky, at this time, has reached the point of tumultuous.

He thought that he had a brilliant strategy, cunning and wisdom, but he didn't expect to be played by Tang Long and didn't know it. When he thought of Tang Long's means, he was filled with infinite hatred!

Moreover, there is a deep fear!

By this time, Tang Long has arrived at Madison city!

In the mountains and rivers Tianmen array, he used the cleft space talisman to reach the training room of the holy heart sect, and directly contacted Gongsun Mo'er in his heart: "Mo'er, where have you been?"

Gongsun Mo'er said: "I have seen the Yellow Warblers. They have left the magic owl palace safely. Moreover, the blood of lieqingtian has been obtained!"

"Huangying and their first hiding in wangyuecheng, the best three days before camouflage to leave, this is more safe.""I know. I've told them."

"I'll go to you now!"


Tang Long soon summoned the wisdom heart gate between Gongsun Mo'er and appeared in front of Gongsun Mo'er.

At this time, Gongsun Mo'er was in a very remote place in Wangyue city. She gave the two small boxes to Tang long in a hurry: "everything is in it. Everything goes well."


Tang Long agreed.

Gongsun Mo'er didn't say much more. He flew directly into the sky and flew out of the city.

Not far away, she summoned the golden winged Kunpeng left by Tang Long from a beast bag, and flew rapidly in the direction of Shengtian city to return to the city of genius through the transmission Hall of Shengtian city.

At this time, Tang Long contacted Beigong Xianer in his heart and went directly to madiwen city.

At this time, Mu Qingcheng is also here. He is talking to Bei Gong xian'er. When he sees Tang Long coming, he is about to say something. Tang Long has already said in a hurry: "Qingcheng, go to the training room with me. I have got the blood of Li Qingtian!"


Hearing Tang Long's words, Mu Qingcheng and Beigong Xianer are extremely happy.

They quickly followed Tang long into a training room. Then Tang Long took out the box that Gongsun Mo'er gave him.

The box opened and there was a long needle with a faint blue light in it, and a fragment of a chair!

On this fragment, as well as on the long needle, there was blood from the sky.

At this time, they were not sealed in the box, so they were not stored in the array for a long time!

Mu Qingcheng has gone to sit down beside him.

Tang long at this time, is to help Mu Qingcheng lift the blood soul seal!

At this time, in the demon owl palace, lie Qingtian waited in a rage, and several people were brought in. Among these people, there were several people in the kitchen, Jiang Yuanding, beifenghan, and seven or eight others in the blood temple.

These people have been in contact with Li Niuer these days and have spoken!

Strong giant glanced at these people, and his face was gloomy: "Li Niuer colluded with Tang long to frame up our overlord. You have been in contact with Li Niuer these days. Doesn't anyone want to say something to me?"

"Yes, my Lord North wind cold stand out road.

"What do you want to say?" Strong Qingtian cold face, staring at the north wind cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!