"What are the dangers of being in a genius college? Or ask Bing Er, she is also in the college now, and lives with you ye. If there is anything wrong with Youye, Bing Er can't be unaware. "

In this way, Tang Long is busy contacting Dongfang binger.

The spiritual connection with Oriental bing'er was quickly and smoothly connected.

Tang Long asked in his heart, "binger, where are you?"

"I'm in college." Dongfang bing'er said: "just had breakfast to come back for a while, is now resting in the dormitory."

"Where is the night?"

"She hasn't come back yet. She's been following the students of a college. She'll be back soon." Said, Oriental ice son to pause, way: "dragon, perhaps night son can bring you good news!"

Tang Long was worried and nervous: "what good news can night bring me?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "this morning, we used to chat in the woods behind the college. Occasionally, we heard two people talking about something in the deep woods. At first, we didn't care much about it, but later..."

"What happened then?"

"Later, Yeer heard from them that they had found a kind of treasure which could enhance their strength, and it was very close to the city of genius. Then they called two people and went there together..."


Hearing what Dongfang bing'er said, Tang Long's feeling in his heart was immediately very bad. How could such news be so coincidentally heard by Dongfang binger? Moreover, the people in the blood temple are so greedy that they don't go directly to find good things, but go back to the college to call people.

What's more, it happens that you can't contact me now!

This is no accident!

Tang Long thinks that it is possible that someone has designed the quiet night and the Oriental binger. If so, the quiet night at this time must be very dangerous now!

"If someone really designed it, who would it be?"

Tang Long frowned.

The first thing he thought about was the last big war in the one star contest!

That time, it was a contest between Qinglong guild hall and Tang long because of the dark night, but after that, Tianhua Changqing joined in.

The most important thing is that at that time, Tianhua Changqing also made a guarantee with that night demon cloud. No matter if you lose or win in the final contest, the night devil cloud will get the dark night!

But after such a long time, the dark night is always safe and sound. Does the Tianhua Changqing, who values face so much, break his promise in front of the night devil cloud?!

"Can it be him?"

Tang long thought about the possibility of this matter.

He and Tianhua Changqing have fought many times. They know that this is a very insidious and cunning person. Moreover, he has taken Zhong Li Xueyan away from Tianhua Changqing. This incident must have greatly damaged Tianhua Changqing in Tianhua family!

"Tianhua Changqing, if you are really scheming night Son, I Tang long will surely destroy you and make your spirits suffer from torture!"

Tang Long's heart was filled with deep anger.

He asked Dongfang bing'er in his heart: "what's the matter with you immediately? Why don't you go with Yeer?"

"I was going to follow it." Dongfang bing'er said: "but at that time, I suddenly was a little inconvenient. I went back to tidy up for a while, and then came back. The night was gone! "

" inconvenient? " Tang Long asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing!" Dongfang bing'er's voice was much lighter: "you know, we girls are always inconvenient for me." The voice dropped and he said nervously, "dragon, what's going on? Is there something wrong with the night?"

"I can't reach her!" Tang long worried: "the night son is likely to have an accident."

"What about that?" Dongfang bing'er is also nervous: "according to the time calculation, she should have left the college for an hour!"

"Damn it!"

Tang Long was more and more worried.

How many things can happen in an hour, in case those guys are in a coma during the dark night, or kill them directly!

"If it's really those shameless bastards, they won't kill Yeer directly, but..."

Thinking of some possibility, Tang Long couldn't help but be furious. He bit his teeth and said to Dongfang bing'er in his heart: "I'll go over to your side!"

"Well." Dongfang bing'er answered.

Tang Long doesn't say much more. He calls out the wisdom heart gate between Dongfang binger and directly appears in front of Dongfang binger. At this time, Dongfang binger is in her dormitory of genius college.

When she saw Tang Long coming, she said, "don't you have any news at night?"

"No!" Tang Long frowned fiercely.

Dongfang bing'er was more and more worried. He grasped Tang Long's hand tightly and said to himself, "dragon, it's all my fault. If I've been with ye'er all the time, at least we can take care of it."

I'm afraid you're not in a hurry with her now Tang long held Dongfang binger in his arms.Next, Tang Long didn't know what to do.

Although he can tell Gao Tianye about this and ask Gao Tianye to help him, Gao Tianye is in the auction house after all, and he can never appear in front of Gao Tianye immediately.

Moreover, far hydrolysis can not near thirst, even more, at this time where the dark night in the end, still do not know.

The most important thing is that if Gao Tianye is involved, he can't use huixinmen. If you contact him in the dark night, but he can't go to her immediately, isn't it terrible!

"What to do?" Tang Long frowned, anxious, but helpless.

Now, he can only contact the night in his heart again and again.

Dongfang bing'er accompanies Tang long.

In a hurry, another hour passed in the twinkling of an eye. When Tang Long was more and more nervous and worried, in his heart, he finally had a reaction to the spiritual connection of the night.

Deep in Tang Long's heart, the voice of the dark night has already sounded: "good man, you, come and save me!"

"Where are you?" Tang Long asked in a hurry.

The voice of the quiet night showed obvious anxiety: "I was locked in a small room by them. They, many of them, want to..."

Tang Long doesn't have to guess what those bastards want to do.

"I'll be right there!"

He said in a hurry that he was already in a hurry to summon huixinmen. Soon he called huixinmen out.

Turn head to look at the East ice son: "I go to save night Son, you don't go anywhere here."

"Well." Dongfang bing'er nodded and looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, you must be careful. You must take care of yourself!"

"Don't worry, I'll be OK!"

Tang Long agreed, and then he went directly into the Huixin gate that had just been summoned out and the quiet night.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has appeared in front of the dark night.

Here is a very small room, the room only has extremely dim light, around the corner of the wall, inlaid with a few very small luminous stone, in all directions, there are all kinds of strange things!

You night both hands and feet, were chained to a piece of iron plate, iron plate spread on the ground!

Seeing Tang Long coming, you night's eyes suddenly showed a strong joy.

Tang Long's heart is already angry.

You Ye was obviously beaten by those people. Her face was red and swollen, and her mouth was covered with blood. Her right eye socket was blue and purple, and it was also high and swollen.

Obviously, those bastards did a good job!

At this time, some people outside the room were giggling:

"let's go in with our faces covered. We don't know who it is. Wait a minute to see who is quick and who is strong. I'll say it first. Don't use vitality. Whoever is strong will enjoy it!"

"Hehe, you are the master of this place, so the first enjoyment is guaranteed for you, let's wait!"

"Yes, yes, we will wait for you to be comfortable first."

"That's about it!"


One by one shameless voice came in from outside, and Tang Long was very angry.

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