"What is it like?" Dongling Mu Hua stares at the night demon cloud.

The night devil said: "although we caught you ye, we didn't catch Tang long. It was Tang Long who broke into the night house by himself."

"How could I break into the night house!" Tang Long glared at the night demon cloud: "you asked me to go, otherwise, how can I appear in the night palace? The most important thing is, if I broke into Yefu, with my strength and you still control the night, how can I rescue you from your hands? "

"How can I know how you rescued the night? Anyway, you broke into the night house by yourself, not by me!"

"You are lying with your eyes open!" Tang Long glared at the night devil cloud, and his whole body was filled with purple and gold flames. "You rely on your own family power and tell me that I came from a small place, and no one will care if I kill me. Moreover, you also say that Gao Tianye and I are so good that you can't stand it. You just take this opportunity to slap Gao Tianye in the face

"That's what you say. I can testify!" You ye immediately said, "at that time, I said, don't insult Gao Tianye. As a result, you hit me and threatened me with extremely ugly words."

After listening to Tang Long and you Ye's words, you can see that Youye is really beaten by people. Gao Tian's ambition makes him angry!

A small night house, actually dare to say so behind his back, simply do not know how to live!

The night demon cloud heard Tang Long and you Ye's words, and immediately explained: "I didn't say that. I just caught you night. Tang Long broke in by himself."

"I broke in? Are all the people in your nighthouse dead? I broke in and could save the night in front of so many people? It was you who invited me to do those shameless things in front of me. I was so ecstatic that I had a chance to save the night! "

"Nonsense, there are so many people in Tangmen!" The night devil cloud roared.

For Tang long how to save the night, he can not explain, at this time can only say so.

Tang Long is trying to catch him!

Hearing that the night demon cloud was a little disordered, Tang Long was about to "fight for justice", and a warrior of Zhongli family came out.

The warrior looked at Dongling Muhua and said, "Lord, when Tang Long rescued the night, the warriors of Tangmen didn't come. Obviously, they came in a hurry later. We can testify that, and many people in the city of genius have seen it. Therefore, it's not the night house that Tang Long led people to break into, but the people from Tang family came to save Tang long."

After a pause, he said, "obviously, the night devil cloud is lying!"

Gao Tianye Ma said: "although Tang long did something rash, he was insulted by the night devil cloud and so many young masters. If he didn't resist, how would he stay in the city of genius in the future? Obviously, the night devil cloud is deliberately to force Tang long to do it! "

"Yes, Tang Long started. It was obviously forced by the night devil." Zhong Li Xueyan also immediately stood up to speak: "this is a conspiracy, he also told the villains first!"

Tang long looked at Dongling Muhua with a look of grievance: "Lord, you must make the decision for me. If this matter is put on anyone today, even if he dies, he will surely take a risk. Otherwise, he will be humiliated and humiliated, and his body is better than death."

After a pause, he continued to feel aggrieved and said: "the most important thing is that I have just established a relationship with Xueyan. I am going to marry Xueyan's house. The night devil cloud did such a thing. This is obviously hitting my face, striking the face of Zhongli's family, and also hitting the face of Mr. Gao!"

"Tang long, you're talking nonsense!" The night demon cloud glared at Tang long, and his whole body was trembling with anger: "I didn't invite you to the night house. You broke in by yourself!"

Dong Ling Mu Hua frowned.

The matter involves so many big families, he is not easy to decide for a while.

The most important thing is that the night demon cloud obviously caught Youye. Moreover, he has obviously offended the three big families in front of him. Even if he is the one, he has to be more careful, so as not to make any big trouble in the blood god temple, and it will not end badly.

He didn't want to make a lot of noise for such a third rate family as Yefu.

But he also had to figure things out.

He stared at the night demon cloud and said in a deep voice, "how did Tang Long save the night?"

This is obviously the key to the problem!

If what Tang Long said is false, then there must be a reasonable explanation for the night devil cloud. After all, Tang Long's strength can never force himself to rush into the night house and save the night by himself.

Even if Tang Long has several magical beasts, he can't do it!

Therefore, in Dongling's view, this is obviously the core of the whole incident.

After all, at that time, Tang long had rescued Youye among so many people, which is a fact that many people have seen.

Dongling Muhua knows that if the night devil cloud can't explain this matter, it can only show that everything is planned by the night devil cloud, which is a trap made by the night devil cloud, forcing Tang long to start in a helpless way.

If so, Tang Long is forced to fight back, and he is innocent!Hearing Dongling Muhua's question, the night demon cloud immediately replied honestly, "I don't know how Tang Long rescued Youye. I only know that we locked Youye in a house and were about to I was about to have fun, but I didn't expect that Tang Long suddenly appeared in that room, rescued the quiet night and attacked us! "

After hearing this, who can believe it?!

Even if it is Dongling Muhua's strength, it can't go into a completely closed environment to save people. Unless he has the escape amulet to get there, it's absolutely impossible!

Dongling Muhua can't do it. How can Tang long do it?!

Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er look at each other, and they all know how Tang Long rescued the night.

Of course they don't say a word!

Tang Long's appearance at this time was fierce and furious. He glared at the night demon cloud and cried angrily: "night devil cloud, do you think I can do anything? I don't even know that the dark night was caught, so suddenly appeared in the place you said, and then rescued the night? Are you lying to a three-year-old? Are you an idiot when you are an adult of Dongling? Is it a fool? "


Don's voice broke down!

Gao Tianye and dantai Shuya take a look at each other. They are both black lines. The Tang Long is too nonsense. Even if they are angry, they can't scold Dongling Muhua.

However, they did not speak, their eyes fell on Dongling Muhua.

Of course, Dongling Muhua was angry.

Although Tang Long's words are not pleasant to hear, he can also understand. After all, Tang Long was obviously framed too badly. He was so anxious that he could speak this sentence without hesitation.

Moreover, the night devil cloud obviously regarded him as a fool, such "lies" can be made up!

He stares at the night demon cloud, and his eyes are full of murderous spirit: "say, what is the matter? If you dare to tell me half a lie, I will let you destroy the gate at night! "

Of course, he has the right to say it.

Although the night house is also a third rate family in the blood temple, it is still totally ignored by Dongling Muhua. After all, in the blood temple, there are at least thousands of such third rate families!

The status of the blood Temple family, in addition to the non mainstream family, the lowest is the third class family, then the second class family and the first-class family, and the highest is the powerful aristocratic family!

Gao Tianye and Tianhua Changqing are the children of aristocratic families!

Of course, there are also strengths and weaknesses among the gatekeepers.

A small third class family, Dongling Muhua, can kill it by himself!

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