At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan also looked at Dongling Muhua and said, "Lord Dongling, Tang Long is already a member of my Zhongli family. He is my unmarried husband. With the permission of my grandfather Zhong Li Cangwu, we will get married soon. Now, I have lived in Tang Fu!"

"Well!" Dongling Muhua nodded.

He finally realized that Tang long had become an important link between the Zhongli family and Gaofu. In the future, the Zhongli family and Gaofu were connected together because of Tang long.

So the night demon cloud obviously has a deep purpose.

It doesn't seem easy!

Dongling Muhua thinks that there must be some people who do not want to see the close relationship between Gaofu and Zhongli family, so they want to kill Tang Long and destroy the alliance between Gaofu and Zhongli family.

"This matter must have the inside story, the person behind the scenes must be higher than the night demon cloud's identity!"

With such understanding, Dongling muhuadun immediately felt that the night devil cloud was just a guy who was being used.

For a night house, he didn't want to offend too many people.

And he didn't want to dig deep into it, so as not to bring himself trouble.

His eyes fell on the night devil cloud: "since this is your fault, then it is no wonder that Tang Long destroyed your night house by protecting itself. Moreover, you know the rules of the city of genius, but you specially designed such a scheme. It is your violation of the regulations of the city of talent!"

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "from now on, Yefu will no longer have its own residence in the city of genius. All properties will be accompanied by Gao Fu as compensation. In addition, you will leave the city of genius from now on. You are not allowed to step into the city of genius for half a step. Yefu takes out 100 million gold yuan stone as punishment for this matter and hand it over to the city master's house within three days. Otherwise, the night house of blood demon kingdom will No grass left

Hearing the verdict made by Dongling Muhua, yundun, the night demon, looked gloomy.

Night house, because of this incident, I'm afraid his future position will be plummeting, even the status of the third class family, I'm afraid, can't keep it!

The night demon cloud knew that he was pitiful this time!

However, he had to accept the reality.

Not to mention anything else, just Dongling Muhua's decision has made him dare not resist!


Night evil cloud fiercely gnaws a tooth, still agreed finally.

At this time, he already hated Tianhua Changqing deeply and regretted the conflict with Tang long!

Unfortunately, it's too late for him to regret now!

Dongling Mu Hua's eyes fell on Gao Tianye: "since Tang Long came to the city of genius and didn't understand many rules, then you should let him know some rules. Even if he is the chief imperial Dan master of Gaofu, he can't break the rules of my blood temple, you know?"

"Yes Gao Tianye also agreed.

The immediate results, he is very satisfied with the results.

However, he still has some doubts in his heart. Is the night demon cloud really setting up Tang Long? If it's not what Tang Long said, how did Tang Long save the night?!

Dongling Mu Hua waved, stood up and turned away.

Tang Long with Youye and others, together with Gao Tianye, also left the city master's house.

At this time, it was noon, people had dinner outside together, and then went back to Tang Fu together.

Of course, those warriors of Zhongli family have already left. Besides the original people of Tang Dynasty, Gao Tianye and Tan Tai Shuya are the two who came to Tang Fu.

In the living room of Tang mansion, Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and asked, "how did you save ye'er? Is it really designed by the night devil cloud? "

"Thanks to bing'er!" Tang Long said: "the night devil cloud attracted ye'er away. Bing'er knew it and followed him quietly. When he knew that ye'er was arrested, he went back to inform me. When I went, I happened to see many young masters invited to Yefu, and then I dressed up as a servant and went into Yefu!"

"You boy, you can get in like this?" Gao Tianye stares at Tang long in disbelief: "how can the defense of night house be so lax?"

Tang Long was elated and said with a smile, "it's all because I'm smart!"

"How clever are you?" Gao Tianye said

Tang Long said: "that night devil cloud called a lot of childe, among these childe, everyone takes servant. I didn't pretend to be the servant of Yefu. I dressed up as the servant of the childe who came to Yefu. Those people didn't know me, and there were so many people at that time. Those childe wanted to bully my baby ye'er, so I took advantage of it to get in! "

"I see!" Gao Tianye nodded: "you boy, you are so bold that you dare to sneak into the night house alone, and you succeed. Your boy's luck is too good!"

Dan Tai Shuya found the flaw in the question: "how can you save the night when you dress up as a servant?"

"That's where I'm particularly smart!" Tang Long was more and more elated and said: "at that time, the night devil cloud let those childe masked and dressed up. They were in a mess in the dressing room. I had the courage to mix in and dress up like them. They didn't find out!""Dizzy!"

Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya are completely speechless!

Obviously, at that time, the night devil cloud was in a hurry to harm Youye together with everyone. Those childe must be very anxious. Therefore, they were totally unprepared and didn't find Tang Long!

But think about it, Gao Tianye and they can understand it.

The dark night is beautiful to the extent of lawlessness. In such a chaotic situation, he must be in a hurry to harm the night.

However, if he caught Youye, he would not ask so many young masters to show off together.

But he knew that if it had happened at his residence, he would have been negligent in that chaotic situation.

Not to mention that the night devil cloud that kind of fool, will not be able to guard against!

"You boy, you are brave and lucky. You have successfully rescued you from the dark night. I really admire you!" Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "if you change to me, you must try to make some arrangements first. A person is absolutely afraid to break in rashly!"

"Brother Gao, I'm not bold. I'm extremely smart. I expected that they would not find me!" Tang Long was very proud of the way: "so I have always said that I am extremely smart!"

"Well, you're smart, you're brilliant!" Gao Tianye smiles and shakes his head helplessly.

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long and didn't say what he wanted to say. His eyes fell on Gongsun Mo'er: "Mo'er, when Tang Long went to Gongsun's family before, I still objected to your being together. Now it seems that your decision is indeed the most correct."

After a pause, he said: "Tang Long was in the Gongsun family. At first, the Gongsun family members were very rude to him, but he always tolerated it. I thought he was afraid at that time. Now it seems that he was so patient for you. Otherwise, he would be treated like a lawless person by Zhong Li's family members, for fear it would turn the sky over!"

Gongsun Mo'er lowered his head and was extremely sweet in his heart.

Of course, she knew that Tang Long was very good to her. When they were together in Heifeng mountain, she knew this very clearly. At that time, Tang Long spoiled her, protected her and made her happy. She couldn't find the southeast, northwest and northwest any more!

Even now, she can always feel Tang Long's love and doting on her.

Gao Tianye looked at Tang Long and said in a positive tone: "tomorrow's talent College's Dan teacher competition, you must prepare well. There's still night. Don't make any more trouble today. Don't make trouble again. Spend this half day quietly!"

Tang Long solemnly said: "elder brother Gao, I never make trouble, I am a very honest person!"

"Well, you're honest, you're honest!" Gao Tianye a black line: "forget it, I won't leave this afternoon. I'll be here with you tomorrow. I'll go to the genius college with you tomorrow, so that you won't have trouble again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!