"Well, you are very good!" In the quiet night's soft voice, there is love: "good man, in my heart, you are always the most powerful."

At this time, of course, she was extremely happy.

In her own heart, she knew that she was able to refine so many elixirs today, thanks to Tang Long's secret help, because this morning, Tang Long even used an array to condense some of Tang Long's chaotic power of fire into her cauldron!

As long as she opens the fire gathering array in her Dan Ding, she can use the power of chaotic sky fire to refine the elixir.

In this case, her achievement in refining elixir will be much higher!

Now only she and Tang Long know the secret.

Tang Long learned this skill from Xuanyuan Tianzhen last night. He practiced it for a full night last night. Finally, it is useful today.

This result also made him very proud.

However, because he learned how to seal the chaotic sky fire, he was very careful. The chaotic sky fire in the Dan Ding of Youye was only sealed very little.

At this time, you night used her Dan Ding to refine the elixir, and there was no chaotic sky fire.

However, the result of the competition is very good, at least for Tang long, the result is very ideal.

It ensures the victory, and ensures that others do not pay special attention to his level of refining elixir, so that he can still be free and neglected in the blood temple!

That's what he wants.

Laszlo has announced the results of the competition. Naturally, Tang Long and his side have won the competition. The Jushi guild hall has won the final victory of today's competition, and can get a very good harvest.

Tang Long and Youye, happily fly off the test bench, return to their previous position and sit down together.

At this time, many people pay attention to the quiet night.

Although Youye refined fewer elixirs than Tang long, it is obvious that none of Youye's elixirs failed to refine, and all of them were successfully refined.

Even in this case, there are still enough to refine out three elixirs!

That's pretty good.

Now Gao Tianye is a little envious of Tang long. This guy is so lucky. He is such a powerful Dan master to find a wife!

Of course, at this time, he also felt that the level of refining miraculous elixir in the dark night was high, and there were 80% professors of Tang long.

So in his heart, he had more expectations for the Danshi League in the auction house.

He looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, today you really let me have a false alarm. I know your boy closed the chain in the big field, but I didn't expect that you dropped the chain so much today!"

Dan Tai Shuya also looked at Tang Long and said with a smile, "at last, you lost your chain. Someone will help you save face!"

Tang long looked at Gao Tianye with a wry smile: "brother Gao, this competition is really too risky. If it is not for Yeer's good performance, we will certainly lose today. After all, even if I play an extraordinary level, I can't achieve 80% success rate of refining elixir. This time, my opponent has refined more than 70 holy pills."

"That's it Gao Tianye nodded: "this time, the opponent's performance is obviously greatly extraordinary, if the normal situation, they refine a total of 50 pills, has been quite good."

"In the end, we resisted the pressure and won the final victory." Tang Long laughs, already appears elated: "very obviously, this competition biggest meritorious official still is me, I am still the most intelligent!"


Gao Tianye smiles bitterly and shakes his head helplessly.

Then he went up to the test bench.

As the winner of today's competition, he will go to the competition platform on behalf of Jushi guild hall to get the reward. After all, the reward is not for individuals, but for the whole Jushi guild hall.

Tang Long saw Gao Tianye go to the stage to get the reward. He turned his head and looked at Gongsun Mo'er, sitting on his other side. He said triumphantly, "honey, are you satisfied with this?"


Gongsun Mo'er is still a little worried.

Although Tang long played well in his later period, the success rate of refining elixir was too low, which would make many people dare not ask him to refine the elixir, and his value in the blood temple would be greatly reduced.

After all, the stronger a warrior is, the more precious the medicinal materials he needs to use.

If you go to the General Dan master to refine the elixir, you can at least succeed in refining the elixir. But if you look for Tang long, the possibility of failure is too great!

If it fails, the precious medicinal materials will be scrapped!

Who dares to take such a risk?!

So Gongsun Mo'er was really worried that the family would not allow her to be with Tang long.

Tang Long grabs Gongsun Mo'er's hand and laughs: "silly girl, you don't have to worry. Even if your family don't value me, they will certainly value ye'er. Ye'er and we are a family!"Hearing Tang Long's words, Gongsun Mo'er is also a little relieved.

She knew that there were many people who looked at Youye differently. After all, Youye was just on the test bench. In fact, Youye should be the most valuable Dan master. After all, all her elixirs were successfully refined.

And the quality of the elixir she refined was obviously quite good.

Gao Tianye had already received the reward before long. Then, after nalaslo was chatting on the stage, today's competition ended successfully.

Tang Long and they left yixingbi test site together. As he walked forward, he looked at Gao Tianye and said, "brother Gao, those rewards should be given to me quickly, and the points will be recorded on my head. On that day, the spirit fungus, I have to hurry back to refine it into a miraculous elixir."

"You're really in a hurry

Gao Tianye said with a smile that a box had been sent to Tang Long's eyes: "take it, this is what you want!"

Tang Long took over.

Gao Tianye said: "you boy, don't waste the treasure of heaven and earth. It's hard to come by. I think your level of refining elixir is not stable. It's better to refine it for Youye!"

"I'll do it myself. I have to do it myself!" Tang Long said: "I still believe in my own level of refining elixir!"

Gao Tianye looks at the night: "what do you think?"

"I believe him." "In my heart, he has always been the best," he said happily

After listening to Youye's words, Gao Tianye is really envious of Tang Long's incomparable ability. You Ye is such a good girl, and she is a elixir with such a high level of refining elixir. How can he be so devoted to Tang Long!

He is more handsome than Tang long, richer than Tang long, and has more status than Tang long. Why is this quiet night not interested in him at all?!

He looked at Tang Long and envied, "you son of a bitch, you are very lucky!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey That's my good character

Tang Long was proud of himself with a smile. He stretched out his hand and held the quiet night's hand: "dear wife, let's go back to Tang Fu!"

"Well." The night nodded happily.

Tan Tai Shuya was beside him, looking at Gongsun Mo'er, he said, "Mo'er, you should go back with Tang long. This evening, someone may come to you. You should guess who is going to look for you."

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