
With a long hiss, the golden monkey, together with the Golden Phoenix, Longxuan and the golden winged Kunpeng, stood in a square formation, and then burst into a dazzling golden light at the same time. In the dazzling golden light, the fighting power of the four magical beasts was extremely crazy!

Tang Long's eyes, looking high above the sky!

He's waiting!

Soon, high above, rolling dark energy crazy convergence, see is to turn into a huge energy Troll!


In Tang Long's eyes, a sharp light suddenly burst out, and said in a deep voice: "a hundred energy golden monkeys, bombard me with the energy Troll which is about to take shape in the sky. Just bombard up all the way!"

Not far away, the golden monkey hears Tang Long's command, and the golden cudgel directly sweeps the heaven and earth in front of him, and retreats the energy and evil spirit's bombardment in front of him.

Then the golden monkey exploded, and the golden monkey, holding the golden cudgel, attacked the dark energy in the sky!

One energy golden cudgel, with the most fierce golden strength, severely bombarded the high altitude that was rapidly gathering, and it was about to gather success on the huge energy Troll!

"Boom boom boom...!"

The roar of the sky is constantly ringing. The dark energy troll in the sky is attacked by a hundred energy golden monkeys. All of a sudden, the energy Troll's body is cracked by the bombardment!

Then, under the continuous bombardment of the energy golden monkey, the dark energy Troll exploded!

The power of the explosion was incomparable. It produced a fierce and powerful black torrent, which swept out in all directions like a raging sea!

The roaring strong waves swept up high and formed a huge wave of thousands of meters!

Then, the fierce black energy of the huge waves, then severely hit the array of condensation, the dark energy barrier in all directions, burst out the thundering sound of the sky.

The energy barrier of the array can't resist the sweeping of the fierce energy, and it is directly broken by the bombardment!

"Poof, poof..."

One after another, the sound of blood spurting sounded!

One after another god emperors, including the two gods, spouted a mouthful of blood one after another when the energy barrier burst to pieces!

Tang Long's side, Tang Xiaohu, they see such a situation, their eyes are full of joy.

At this time, the array has been defeated, and those warriors are swept out!

Besides, they all got internal injuries!

Tang Long's beast, and ye Qingling's beast, all face these warriors outside together and kill them madly!

Those who attack Tang Qinglong don't attack.

She looked at Tang Long and said curiously, "brother dragon, is this array the most powerful energy Troll?"

"Of course not!" Tang Long said with a smile: "this array is very powerful. However, the moment when this array condenses the energy and fierce devil is the weakest time of the array's defense. Once the energy Troll has completely condensed successfully, we can't destroy the array. This time is very short, but if we grasp it, we can destroy the array!"

Tang Long knows about this big array against the sky. In the scattered books he read before, there is this array.

Although the great array against the sky that he saw in all over the place was more powerful than this one, the basic arrangement of the array was almost the same. Therefore, when Tang Long saw this array, he was not worried.

If this array is successfully arranged, even if it is a strong one at the top of the divine emperor, it will never be broken!

When the array is broken, Tang long will no longer be soft!

He looked at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue and said, "baby girl, let's kill these guys first. It's useless for such rebellious people. Moreover, I also need a chance to use tough means to frighten these murderers in the heaven and soul world!"


Ye Qingling and Xue linyue both nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long's body, the golden flame suddenly exploded, the soul tower flew up into the sky, 144 purple fire wolves flew directly out of Zhentian Ding!

Moreover, the king of the abyss and so on all came out from the sky sealing flag and rushed to kill these warriors!

"If you fight against Tangmen, you'll end up dead!"

Tang Long's low voice, like rolling thunder, shook the world, ten thousand meters above the sky, the wind and cloud were stirred!

Between heaven and earth, suddenly the wind is raging!

In this gale, zhentianding flies high into the sky, and the powerful seal power sweeps down, covering all these warriors.

All of a sudden, the fighting power of these warriors has been suppressed and greatly weakened!

At this time, they knew that in front of Tang long, their strength was not enough to protect themselves, let alone fight against Tangmen!

The two gods know that today's things can't succeed, they want to escape!How can Tang Long let them escape!

"Kill those two guys for me!" Tang Long's deep explosion!

Tang Xiaohu directly rushed out.

Moreover, the red flame lion and the snow wolf king also pursued and killed the two gods in the past!

"Heaven falls to God and punishes!"

Tang Long's deep voice is as heavy as a mountain!

At the same time, the ice fire energy swept out of him, whistling and spinning, turned into a terrible ice fire energy vortex, directly spread all the way to the high altitude, sweeping the world of several kilometers!

Then, in the terrible eyes of the warriors below, one after another of purple and gold lightning, with the breath of terrible ice and fire, thundered down from the sky and fell into the crowd of these warriors, and then a terrible explosion occurred!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Under the bombardment of such a fierce explosion, these warriors could not resist.

Although there were originally more than 200 powerful deities here, they were suppressed and suffered internal injuries. In the face of Tang Long's eight headed and five level mythical beasts, they were simply vulnerable!

The attack of golden monkey at this time is most domineering and wild!

He directly turned into a golden light, and a loop was thousands of meters away. Then he swept the golden cudgel in his hand towards the front. Suddenly, hundreds of people who wanted to escape in front of him were directly bombarded everywhere!

Some warriors, even directly hit by the golden cudgel, fly out of the kilometer, lost track!

The attack of Golden Phoenix is extremely fierce.

I saw the Golden Phoenix body in the golden light shining, dense golden light flashing energy feathers, constantly fly out, those who want to escape, simply can not resist the attack of this energy feather!

The fighting was extremely fierce.

However, this is obviously a one-sided battle. In less than half an hour, the battle will be completely over!

Around the square here, all the warriors who had gathered together to fight against Tang long have been killed. The people gathered outside were shocked to see that Tangmen had such a powerful fighting power!

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