Seeing the red flame lion, Ling Qingyao was more and more confused.

This is obviously the red flame lion of Tang long, but why is the person in front of him not Tang long at all? Is Tang Long disguised?

But no matter how disguised, the breath can't change so much?!

With Ling Qingyao's strength at this time, coupled with the special sword heart, how can you not feel his own man's breath?!

Although she was puzzled, she was more or less aware of the situation.

Because she had a feeling in her heart.

"Let's go!"

Ling Qingyao said faintly, turning to walk forward, Tang Long and fantasy dance flying snow looked at each other with a smile, followed the past.

Not long ago, the three have entered the elegant palace here, and then, together into a very spacious training room.

In this training room, of course, there are also isolation barriers.

Ling Qingyao arranged the border separation by herself. Of course, Tang Long taught her to do so.

The magic flying snow will also arrange this kind of boundary, of course, it will also open this kind of boundary. At this time, she has already opened the isolation boundary.

Ling Qingyao looks at Tang long in doubt.

Tang Long smiles and does not say much. He uses his magic power to recover his original appearance. Even his breath is completely restored.

Looking at Ling Qingyao, he was afraid that she would not believe her. He explained to her with huixinmen: "I learned a magic magic skill by chance, so I can become what I was before. That's why I dare to join LingXiao palace like this!"

"I see!" In Ling Qingyao's eyes, there was a strong joy.

Even if the gods and beasts are similar, the huixinmen can't be fake.

Moreover, at this time, Tang Long's breath was so familiar to her.

Tang long, with a smile, went to Ling Qingyao and put her in his arms: "my dear wife, are you at ease now?"

"I have nothing to worry about!" Ling Qingyao blushed and deliberately said, "I wish you wouldn't come here, so that I can be clean. If I see you, I won't be clean!"

Feixue giggled: "sister Qingyao, I don't know who it is. When it comes to the evening, she goes to sit by the hot spring and says that someone must like to be in such a place with you..."

"What are you talking about, son of a bitch!"

Ling Qingyao suddenly blushed. How can Tang Long know this!

She really thought of her man, but she was indifferent and detached. How could she allow her secrets to be known by others, even Tang long could not.

She likes to think about him and read about him, which has become a habit.

Even when she was practicing, she would think of him from time to time. Every time she thought of him, her heart was filled with sweet happiness.

But she would not.

Just a few days ago, she thought Tang long thought too much, this just and fantasy dance flying snow said casually, unexpectedly, the girl now took out to tease her!

By the fantasy dance Snow said so, she immediately shy.

Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao's appearance of anger in shame, and he was also a little proud. Such a banished immortal, but he had a special love for him. How could he not be proud of him?!

Holding Ling Qingyao in his arms, he said with a smile, "where are we going now?"

"You think so!" Ling Qingyao blushed: "I'm not going. I'm going to go by yourself."

She seems to be coquettish and angry, but she can't help it. She has grasped Tang Long's hand tightly. Looking at Tang long, her eyes seem to contain a pool of soft water that can't see the bottom. If you look at it, you will be completely trapped.

Tang Long couldn't help but bow his head in Ling Qingyao's pretty face, gently nibbled, turned his head and looked at the magic flying snow: "let's sit down and talk about it!"


The magic dance flying snow should a, go to the other side of Tang Long and sit down.

Tang Long opened his arms and held the magic dancing snow in his arms. The three chatted at will. Tang Long also told the two people about the appearance of hell devil spider in the heaven and soul world and his own affairs in the city of genius.

Seeing that it was night, Tang Long showed his magic power again and became the same as before. They went out to have dinner together.

Come back, Feixue and lingqingyao are both nervous.

Although they really miss Tang long when they are not here, they are still entangled when Tang Long is here. After all, how is Tang Long going to bully them!

Tang long does not have these entanglements at the moment.

I haven't seen her for a long time before. At this time, he also wants to talk to them.

When Tang Long was about to go to have a rest together, the voice of Zhong Li Xueyan suddenly rang out in the heart of Tang Long: "dragon, tomorrow's generals and ministers will go to the Huangfu family to participate in the Nabi test. Do you want to come back and go with me?"

"I'm afraid I don't have time these days!" Tang Long is a little helpless to say, pause, ask: "this matter, Gao Tianye know?""He already knows." The bell leaves the snow flue.

Tang Long asked, "did he agree with me when I asked him to go with the generals?"

"He agreed to go with Shuya." Zhong Li Xueyan stopped for a moment and continued: "it's just that he seems to know the situation of the Huangfu family's competition tomorrow. He told me that the generals would not be able to stay with the Ning'er girl."

"Why?" Tang Long frowned.

Zhong Li Xuefeng said: "it is said that many people like Huangfu Ning'er. The Huangfu family attaches great importance to this matter, and even the Huangfu family has made a great contribution to it What a shameless decision

"What decision?"

"They are going to make a price for Huangfu Ning'er. From this competition, they will have a competition every month. Those who win in each competition will have a month's time for Huangfu Ning'er, and those who win will have to pay some rewards!"

"Son of a bitch, this is absolutely unreasonable. How can there be such a bastard family in the world!"

Tang Long couldn't help but scold!

He was talking to Zhong Li Xueyan with Huixin gate just now, but he blurted out a curse. Suddenly, Ling Qingyao and magic dance Feixue were shocked!

Magic flying snow curiously looked at Tang Long: "elder martial brother, who are you angry with?"

"It's nothing. Those bastards are so shameless that they don't clean them up. It's hard for them to face."

Tang Long bit his teeth.

Then in the heart with Hui heart door to Zhong Li Xue flue: "what is the identity of Huangfu Ning'er in Huangfu family?"

"It is said that she is the daughter of the No.1 elder of Huangfu family. Although she is very powerful and highly valued by the Huangfu family, it is obvious that the Huangfu family attaches more importance to another aspect of the value of Huangfu Ning'er, so this decision is made."

"What about the elder? Agree that his daughter was sacrificed like this? "

"It seems to agree, and the elder seems to get a lot of benefits from it."

"Damn it!"

Tang Long couldn't help but frown.

How can there be such a family in the world? They will clearly mark their relatives in exchange for benefits!

Even if Tang long had the chance to cooperate with this shameless family, he absolutely hated it!

"What attitude does Gao Tianye have?" he asked in his heart

"Gao Tianye seems to value the Huangfu family." Zhong Li Xueyan stopped and said, "but I can see that he still knows something about you. He said that you can't stand the girl that the generals like and will soon go to someone else's arms. So, he said that this matter may be troublesome."

Tang Long bit his teeth: "what's the attitude of generals and ministers?"

"The generals obviously like the girl, so I haven't told him about the price. I'm afraid he will get angry and cause trouble."

After a pause, she continued: "the price of Huangfu Ning'er this time will be very high, because Huangfu Ning'er just came from the blood demon world not long ago, so this is the first thing in her life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!