Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya did not think that the generals were particularly powerful.

In their opinion, when the generals arrived at the Huangfu family and saw that the people who participated in the competition were very powerful and knew that things could not be successful, they would just walk away in the face of difficulties.

Of course, for the Huangfu family, Gao Tianye and Dan Tai Shuya are not without plans.

They intend to use this incident to suggest a little relationship with the Huangfu family.

After all, it will take a long time to develop.

All the way to the Huangfu family.

Today's Huangfu family is very lively. Gao Tianye is here, Gao Yang is mo Feng, and Ling Yun Luoxue is also here. Moreover, there are many first-class and second-class family representatives from the blood temple.

Of course, there are not a few handsome young people.

In the biggest square of the Huangfu family, a competition arena has been built. In front of this arena, there are many seats, which are divided into small camps.

Obviously, every small camp belongs to a family.

There is a certain distance between families.

At this time, four fifths of these seats were occupied, and only a few seats were not occupied.

Of course, the Huangfu family knew Gao Tianye.

Huangfu Xuan, the eldest son of the Huangfu family, came to receive Gao Tianye in person. He went to the door and looked at Gao Tianye and dantai Shuya, as well as Zhong Li Xueyan. All of a sudden, he was very enthusiastic.

As for generals and ministers, huangfuxuan naturally did not know them at all.

Moreover, the general's clothes were also very ordinary. Huangfuxuan felt that the general must be a follower or follower.

Huangfuxuan looks at Gao Tianye, and has some doubts in his heart. He can't guess the purpose of Gao Tianye's coming here.

Gao Tianye and his party, in addition to the generals, seems to be only Gao Tianye a man. Huangfuxuan can't help thinking: "is Gao Tianye going to fight for Ning'er? If so, today's things will be interesting! "

He wanted to make sure what he was thinking. He looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "Mr. Gao, are you in love with my younger sister?"

Said, intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Dan Tai Shu Ya.

You know, dantai Shuya is also a noble person in the big family. Can you accompany Gao Tianye to grab Ning'er? Moreover, Gao Tianye can only enjoy one month's time after robbing Ning'er!

More let huangfuxuan strange is, how clock from snow smoke also follow Gao Tianye together?!

Huangfuxuan is in the city of genius. He is also the son of a family. How can he not hear about Tang Long.

How can he not know that Zhong Li Xueyan has already followed Tang Long?!

He immediately had a guess in his heart: "is it difficult, Tang Long is really Gao Tianye's person? So Zhong Li Xueyan married Tang long. In fact, she also secretly followed Gao Tianye? It's just a cover to be with Tang Long! "

This kind of thing that a girl marries two men is very common in the blood temple.

Just like Gongsun Mo'er before, if Gongsun's family betrothed Gongsun Mo'er to the person arranged by Gongsun, Gongsun Mo'er will surely be harmed by Gongsun's son in the end, and may even be given to others by him.

In the blood temple, many childe give their wives to others to enjoy, which is a means to attract people!

After Tang Long arrived at the blood temple, he hated such things!

Gao Tianye is a little speechless.

He knew that Huangfu had misunderstood him.

Although he did like Huangfu Ning'er, he couldn't take Zhong Li Xue Yan and Dan Tai Shuya together to rob him!

What's more, he is a noble son. At this time, his position in the blood god temple is soaring. How can he lower his status and come to rob women in person? Even if he wants to rob, he will send a man to help him grab it, and then grab it back for him to enjoy.

He knew that dantai Shuya did not object to his having another woman. However, such things as the Huangfu family had obviously made Huangfu Ning'er's future status a little different!

This kind of thing, at least on the surface, it is not good for such a gentleman to come out in person.

Gao Tianye looked at Huangfu Xuan with a faint smile: "Mr. Huangfu is joking. Although I really like Ning'er girl very much, this time I came for my brother Tang long. He asked me for this matter, so I had to do my best!"

"Tang Long?" Huangfu Xuan was stunned: "is it Mr. Tang who likes my sister Ning'er? But why didn't he come? "

Gao Tianye had a smile: "he recently closed down and was refining some miraculous elixirs. He liked refining them all at once, so he had to shut up for a period of time and completely asked me to do it."

"That's it Huangfuxuan nodded and asked, "who took part in the competition this time?"

"Generals and ministers!" Gao Tianye looked at the generals: "this is my brother Tang brother's good brother, also can be regarded as my Gao Tianye's brother. I came with him." Then he looked at the generals and said, "generals, this is Huangfu Ning'er's elder brother huangfuxuan. He is a famous young master of the genius college.""Ning'er's brother?" Looking at huangfuxuan, the general asked directly, "where is Ning'er?"

"When you finish the competition, the one who wins and wins the championship will naturally follow. However, it only takes one month." Huangfuxuan replied.

"Go with whoever wins?! That's good, that's good! " The generals and ministers immediately nodded with joy.

Obviously, he has enough confidence in himself.

And at this time, he didn't care much about huangfuxuan's one month.

In his mind, the top priority now was to talk about feelings with Huangfu Ning'er, and then marry Huangfu Ning'er home.

A month or something, he doesn't care!

He married Huangfu Ning'er for ever.

Huangfuxuan looked at the confident look of the generals and ministers, only a faint smile.

Tang's generals and ministers are not so powerful, but they are not so powerful?!

"A few, please follow me!"

Huang Fu Xuan is facing Gao Tianye's gentle way.

Gao Tianye smiles, glances around him, sees Gao Yang childe and so on. His eyes fall on him, and he also smiles. He follows Huangfu Xuan and walks towards some empty positions.

Gao Tianye and his party quickly went to the place. He took the elegant and elegant Dan Tai, the snow smoke of Zhong Li, and the generals and ministers, and sat down on four chairs surrounded by a table.

There are two more places next to him.

However, these two positions are obviously going to be empty. After all, there are only four of them.

At this time, Gao Tianye is also very proud.

He is well-informed, and he has heard Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan tell him that lingshuang Qianlong and Gongzi Gaoyang have been to the Tang mansion recently. They are obviously interested in courting Tang long. In addition, several other princes are also inquiring about Tang long, and they obviously want to win over Tang long.

However, after all, he is the first to start, at this time even the affairs of the generals and ministers, Tang Long asked him, which can let the outside world see that the relationship between him and Tang Long has obviously reached a very deep level.

You know, at this time, Tang long, no matter in the genius college, or in the city of genius, reputation is not small!

The night house was smashed by Tang long, the Mona family auction house was robbed, and Tang Long won the first prize in the talent college Dan teacher competition. These things are not small things, enough to make Tang Long's reputation soar in a short time.

Unfortunately, now, few people know where Tang Long is!

Even if some people want to woo Tang Long these days, they can't find any chance.

Gao Tianye and his family had been sitting here for about half an hour, and then some family members came. After a short time, all the family's activities arranged here were almost completed.

Blood temple in the city of genius, some famous families, have arrived.

However, four gate valve childe, but only to two: Gao Yang Mo Feng and Ling Yun falling snow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!