In a flash, Tang Long caught up with the flying scroll, caught it in his hand, and then opened it, and saw the four glittering large characters: chaotic sky seal!

This is a powerful eternal magic!

The most important thing is that this move of eternal magic not only has super powerful attack power, but also has a certain degree of control ability!

"Haha, this kind of harvest is not bad!"

Tang Long smiles with satisfaction. On this scroll, a powerful force of inheritance is sweeping up, which directly pulls his divine consciousness into the inheritance space in this scroll.

Then, in this inheritance space, all kinds of strange golden light shining runes, as well as all kinds of feelings, surged into his mind.

After half an hour, he finally got the power of inheritance and learned this powerful magic skill.

"Not bad!"

Tang Long was also very satisfied with this magical skill.

He collected the scroll into the Fengtian flag, which he also planned to take back to the Tang clan and collect it as one of the details for the future expansion of the Tang clan.

Of course, he also intends to teach them the magic power.

"Now I've got a kind of magic power. Is there anything else in the demon temple?"

He thought to himself and looked around. There was no door around!

He was wondering if he wanted to see the door that had been opened before and see if he could go out. But at this moment, on top of his head, at the top of the hall, a small strange twisted space suddenly appeared.

Then an extremely strong pulling force swept up from the twisted space. He was unable to prevent it. He was directly sucked and pulled by the powerful pulling force.

In a twinkling of an eye, he is through the top of the hall on top of the head, to another hall.

The hall in front of him was also magnificent.

The hall is also very large, and its height is very high. On the ground of the hall, there are 36 stone lions made of jade.

These stone lions are extremely exquisite, and are extremely tall, all have a height of five meters, looks very imposing, very domineering, and a pair of eyes of these stone lions are made of strange blood ruby.

Looking at these stone lions, Tang long thought of those jade puppets before!

"It seems that if you want to deal with these jade lions, you have to use the previous means to let these jade lions attack themselves!" Tang long thought secretly that his eyes had fallen on a place in the air on the top of the hall.

There, there is a transparent square box of energy with silver flashing.

In this energy box, there's something SEALED!

The sealed thing is a scroll of purple and gold light, which is full of strange light. Through the energy box, Tang long can clearly see that there are four characters on the scroll: Zhenwu Tianshu!

"My God, this is the legend of Zhenwu Tianshu, this How could that be possible! "

Tang long looked at the purple and golden scrolls and the big characters on the scrolls. He felt his heart beating wildly.

Zhenwu Tianshu, which is legendary, is a very mysterious thing.

Strictly speaking, this is a kind of artifact!

However, this does not agree with the general artifact.

It is said that this is a kind of artifact made by a super powerful master of refining utensils in the Honghuang period. It took hundreds of thousands of years and a very mysterious technique to seal hundreds of super powerful spirits here, and condensed all kinds of energy of heaven and earth.

This artifact can refine all kinds of magic skills, enhance the power of these magical skills, and even integrate some similar magical skills!

In this case, the magic power after fusion will be more powerful!

And this Zhenwu Tianshu, if refined into a magic weapon, will also have a super strong attack power.

However, before being refined into a magic weapon, the attack power of Zhenwu Tianshu was relatively limited. Even the power of ordinary artifact was stronger than that of Zhenwu Tianshu.

But it doesn't matter, because it is said that in Zhenwu Tianshu, the sealed spiritual brand is condensed. As long as the spiritual brand is opened and integrated with its own spiritual brand, the Zhenwu Tianshu can quickly become a magic weapon!

Refining Zhenwu Tianshu into a magic weapon is totally different from refining other magic weapons!

This magic weapon is easy to refine.

"This is a good thing. Although it is said that Zhenwu Tianshu is not the most powerful artifact, it is the most mysterious artifact. Once it becomes a magic weapon, it will have super powerful attack power."

"I put it in the Fengtian flag. With the help of Su Xiaoman, I think I can turn it into a magic weapon soon!"Tang long thought in his mind that for Zhenwu Tianshu, he really wanted to get it!


But at this time, when he was glad to see the sealed Zhenwu Tianshu in the sky, suddenly, the sound of roaring from the surrounding sky sounded. Then, the extremely terrifying momentum broke out on the 36 jade lions around him!

Follow closely, these jade lions are all together, and hit him hard!


Tang Long gazed at the jade lions and snorted.

Even though the fighting power of these jade lions is very light, even more than the fighting power he has, so what?!

With the experience of dealing with those jade puppets, and feeling that the attack power of these jade lions is not much stronger than that of those jade puppets before, Tang Long immediately stopped worrying.

With a flash of body shape, it condenses the power of chaotic sky fire and Jiuyou Tianhan, and even exerts the power of blood demon together, and dodges away rapidly towards the side.

He wants to attract the chaos of these jade lions, and then go to the middle of these jade lions, and let these jade lions attack each other!

Only, he immediately discovered the situation is not good!

Although the attack power of these jade lions is not much stronger than those jade puppets, their attack speed and moving speed are obviously much faster than those jade puppets.

Even at this time, Tang long can't resist the attack of these jade lions even if his body speed reaches the limit.

He dodged not more than five meters, jade lions have surrounded him. What's more, even the sky above his head is surrounded by jade lions. It is obvious that his previous means of dealing with jade puppets can't be used here!

"No way!"

Tang long at this time, all escape routes in all directions have been blocked!

His only way is to fight hard!

All around, they were surrounded by jade lions. Then these jade lions opened their mouths and launched attacks. The powerful silver light directly spewed out of the mouths of these jade lions and bombarded the Tang dragon crazily!

"No way!"

Tang long felt the strength of sweeping and incomparable, he could not resist, and his heart was filled with fear!

How can he resist such an attack!

Under helpless, also had to condense the vitality, still have the spiritual strength, turned into a layer of energy mask, completely protected oneself, moreover, exerted the magic power of chaotic heavy water to protect oneself!

He has made the best defense, the rest, can only leave to fate! , the fastest update of the webnovel!