Yuxiao Lingfeng's strength has just been improved by powerful means, and then it is suppressed. His heart is full of tension. He feels the attack of powerful spiritual force, and suddenly he has some fear.

He tried to dodge, but it was too late.

In a hurry, he had to gather his energy and bombard the front with a fist!

The shining energy of silver light broke out from the fist of Lingfeng of Yuxiao, and it was pounded hard on the invisible energy fist in front of him. The energy giant fist did not have any influence.

However, the strength of the wind blowing out of the jade flute is directly the explosion of the bombardment!

Then the energy of Tang Long's mental power is to pass through the fierce wind and fall on the chest of Yuxiao Lingfeng!



The sound of heavy impact, with the sound of blood spurting together, Yuxiao Lingfeng was directly blasted out by the great fist of the spiritual power, swept by the momentum, flew tens of meters, and fell to the ground.

His face is pale, and he reluctantly climbs up from the ground, and stares at Tang Long with resentment on his face.

Tang Long doesn't care about this guy.

Above all, how can he allow others to covet his wife?

This is his bottom line. It can't be allowed!

Staring at the jade flute Lingfeng, Tang Long snorted coldly, imposing and arrogant: "now you should know that you are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me. And I tell you, flying snow is my woman, and I will not allow anyone to covet her

Said, body shape a flash, to the magic dance snow beside, directly her arrogant incomparable embrace into the arms.

Fantasy flying snow naturally won't object.

She knew that Tang long did this to tell Yuxiao Lingfeng that she was Tang Long's person, now, in the future, forever!

She is also very willing to be Tang Long's woman and is not afraid to let anyone know about it.

So Tang Long's behavior at this time, she acquiesced, and the heart is sweet and happy.

Jade Flute Lingfeng see Tang long so unscrupulous behavior, a handsome face, are becoming a little distorted.

He's really into fantasy.

At this time, the snow goddess has always thought of, but the snow in his heart has not been qualified to dance, but it is in his heart that the snow has been in his mind!

The flame of jealousy was burning. At this moment, he really wanted to kill Tang long.

But he knew that he couldn't do it, and he couldn't!

"Tang long, you will regret it, you will regret it!" Yuxiao Lingfeng stares at Tang long, and his eyes twinkle with a gloomy killing opportunity.

Tang Long doesn't care about this guy.

He snorted coldly: "I don't regret that it's my business, but you must know that Feixue is my Tang Long's woman, which will never change!"

In Lingfeng's eyes, the gloomy light flickered, and suddenly turned to Ling Qingyao: "younger martial sister Qingyao, I don't think you should stand with them, or someone will definitely come to deal with him!"

He seems to be kind, but Ling Qingyao knows that this guy's words are obviously a threat. He is telling her that if she doesn't leave Tang Long's side, Tang long will be in great trouble!

Would she care about his threat?!

Ling Qingyao frowned slightly.

Of course, she knows that she is with Tang long, and some people will be very unhappy.

However, she was Tang Long's woman. If she didn't stay with Tang long, would she want to be with other men?

Those who do not want to see her and Tang Long together, let them not.

Ling Qingyao looked at the Jade Flute, and Ling Feng said faintly: "elder martial brother Yuxiao, I know you are in a bad mood now, but you must be very clear that Feixue is the woman of Tang long, and will never be with you. Moreover, I can tell you very seriously that Ling Qingyao has been Tang Long's woman, he is my husband's son-in-law, and will always be!"

After a pause, Ling Qingyao's light voice, with a very obvious resolute way: "my Ling Qingyao's life, only belongs to him, whether life or death!"

She's made it very direct.

Moreover, she knew that the jade flute Lingfeng was obviously trying to pick things up and find someone to deal with Tang long.

She's not afraid of that.

Moreover, she knows that Tang Long is not afraid of those who are looking for trouble. Even now Tang long must hope to solve these problems quickly. After all, there are too many things for Tang long, and she certainly does not want to waste too much time because of these.

Therefore, Ling Qingyao simply gave Yuxiao Lingfeng this opportunity, let him find someone to pick things up!

The jade flute Ling Feng stares at Tang long in a gloomy way. After a moment, it flies directly into the air and flies away quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it disappears without a trace.

Ling Qingyao turned her head and looked at Tang long. She said helplessly, "it's estimated that soon, someone will come to your trouble."Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao with a proud smile: "if I dare to marry you, I won't be afraid of trouble."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Ling Qingyao was sweet and happy in her heart, but she deliberately made a very angry look and said, "what do you mean by this? Do you think I like to make trouble for you? "

She seldom has this kind of girl's charming and simple appearance.

She was originally very beautiful, such a delicate appearance, more of a girl next door's coquettish, but also has some charm.

Tang long looked at her like this, and his eyes were also dull for a moment.

He looked at Ling Qingyao greedily. With a smile, he threw a sugar coated bullet in the past without a trace: "Qingyao, it's because you are so beautiful that you have these troubles. After all, even if you don't go to trouble, the trouble will find you!"

"Nonsense, what is too beautiful, will exaggerate!"

Ling Qingyao's pretty face is slightly red, her mouth is coquettish, but her heart is sweet and happy in a mess.

If this is said by others, she will not care. She is not good-looking. What does it have to do with others.

But Tang Long said that she was beautiful, but it made her extremely happy.

Even though she is used to the tranquil and peaceful life, she also despises the ordinary world and laughs indifferently. However, when facing Tang long, she is bound to have a love affair with a daughter and indulge in it. She enjoys different things and enjoys happiness.

The three returned to the hall and sat down to chat. Of course, they were also waiting to see if anyone came to the door to ask for trouble.

By this time, xunkong had already appeared on the mountain.

Together with xunkong, there is also an old man with a fairyland. At this time, these two people, in the high altitude far away from the mountain peak, converged their breath and were looking at what happened below.

The old man beside xunkong, looking at xunkong, said: "the boy's strength is really good, and his mental strength can reach this level. It's a pity that his martial arts strength is a little weaker."

Xunkong complacent way: "you can not jump to a conclusion, wait a moment, you will know, his martial strength in the end how?"

Seeing the proud appearance of xunkong, the old man was stunned: "what do you mean..."

Xunkong's smile is very mysterious: "hey hey, you just wait to see the excitement!"

"Is it hard for this boy to seal his strength?" The old man was a little curious. His eyes also fell on the hall below, but suddenly felt that a breath came up!

"How could it be!"

This old man's pupil can't help but coagulate!

How powerful is he? It is absolutely impossible for a warrior below the emperor to find out about a person's situation with his divine sense. However, it is obvious that the people in the hall have already detected his existence!

Even, the divine consciousness even explored towards him!

He quickly and thoroughly restrained his breath. He was shocked. He turned his head and looked at xunhong: "the boy's sensing ability is ten times more than the usual number. This How could that be possible? Isn't he the only one with the four levels of divine respect? "

"Take your time." Xunkong still looks proud: "this is my most proud disciple for ten thousand years!"

"Your most proud disciple?" Looking at xunkong, the old man shook his head a little speechless: "your skin is really thick. Is the strength of this young man taught by you?"

"At least a little of my credit!" Xunkong laughed: "and anyway, he is my disciple now!"

"Old is not ashamed!" The old man curled his lips.

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