"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thundering sound of the sky is endless. The ice fire energy fists are all exploding. The power of the explosion is incomparable!

You know, at this time Tang long, but in the display of nine against the sky situation, display the attack!

And he also directly used the power of chaos fire and Jiuyou Tianhan!

What a terrible attack!

All the 27 soldiers around me felt a shock all over their body. The terrible momentum like the torrent of powerful Qi swept towards them wildly. One by one, all of them were blown out and flew out for tens of meters. Then they all stopped!

At this time, their eyes one by one, are showing a touch of deep shock!

Tang Long is so powerful that they can't take Tang Long down even though they are besieged by so many people. It's really terrible!

At this time, xunkong and the old man were stunned again in the sky:

"my God, the boy has the means to enhance his strength, and this means seems to be the same as his previous means to enhance his strength, which seems to echo with each other Where did this kid learn these tricks? "

"This boy's vitality is so powerful, and it's two attributes of ice and fire. It's really weird!"

"Once such a boy grows up in the future, will he still be against the weather? It seems that the battle of Kunlun ruins of Lingxiao Shenzong can finally be proud. Even if I can't make the list, at least it can shock those old people! "

"I hope this boy doesn't let me down!"

"This time, I have to think of a perfect way to throw the girl to the boy. I must let them cook cooked rice and let the girl follow him wholeheartedly."

"You old boy, this method can also be used, for the old disrespect, to break your identity

"What do you know? That girl is very conservative. She is an excellent girl. She can be bound to death after cooked rice!"


They talked about one thing while they were admiring.

At this time, Feixue and Ling Qingyao are very proud of Tang Long's domineering appearance.

Tang Long's victory, as if it was their own victory in general, let their hearts filled with thick sweet and joy, there is a thick happiness.

Zhao Tianwei and Peng Lianhu were stunned.

Zhao Tianwei was even happy at this time.

He knew that if he really wanted to fight Tang long just now, the loser must be himself, because even if he did, he could not block the joint attack of so many people!

Not to mention the retreat of these people's attacks!

Moruo is also shocked, but he still refuses to accept it. He bit his teeth: "if you show your strongest fighting power, you must destroy the devil. In any case, the face of so many of us and the dignity of LingXiao palace must be safeguarded by our lives. Therefore, we should work together to kill the devil!"

Yuxiao Lingfeng also followed closely: "let's go together and kill this boy to avenge LingXiao palace!"

These two guys, in order to arouse the people's morale, can say anything.

Tang Long is not the enemy of LingXiao palace. Yuxiao Lingfeng and Moruo regard Tang long as evil spirits directly at this time, and they are full of mouths to eliminate harm for the people and revenge for whom. This kind of false benevolence and morality is a real hypocrite and a real villain.

At this time, above the distant sky, xunkong and the one beside him, of course, also heard these sounds below.

Xunkong sighed: "it seems that the jade flute Lingfeng and the Moro can't be valued as expected. This kind of person is evil in mind and will do anything to achieve his goal. Even if he has made some achievements in the future, he will certainly become a disaster."

The old man at xunkong's side nodded with approval: "the more at this time, the ugly side of people's heart will be revealed more easily. It seems that there are some problems in our teaching of some disciples!"

At this time, the people who had been bombarded by Tang Long were not convinced by Tang long.

When they heard the words of Moruo and Yuxiao Lingfeng, they stirred up the flames, and all of them bit their teeth again. They once again gathered strong energy and rushed towards Tang Long!

"The seal of chaos!"

Tang Long's face is heavy and solemn, with a deep light in his eyes!

On him, there appeared many strange runes with silver light shining. These runes around him soon turned into a mountain of energy that was more than 100 meters long!

This energy mountain is all over the world. It is made up of countless strange runes. It is full of mysterious atmosphere!

Moreover, these runes are condensed by ice and fire energy and contain powerful ice and fire energy. They are directly blasted down from the top of Tang Long's head!

The chaotic sky seal was pounding down, and the space below suddenly became extremely heavy. All the people covered below, except Tang long, suddenly slowed down their movement speed, as if struggling in the mud!Their attack power was suddenly reduced several times!

One by one, suddenly there is a touch of panic!

At this time, the chaotic sky seal, with a strong and incomparable aura of famine and mysterious ancient flavor, has been pounded down, directly on the top of Tang Long's head, on the top of the surrounding people's heads!


This chaotic sky seal bombards Tang long, naturally will not bring any damage to Tang long.

However, chaotic sky seal bombarded the surrounding warriors. All of a sudden, these warriors felt as if they were crushed by Mount Tai, so heavy that they could not move!

All follow the chaos of the sky seal, bang down to the ground, heavy down on the square below!

Even, one by one, there are bursts of black, the whole body seems to explode!


The sound of blood spurting sounded one after another!

These guys couldn't bear the powerful pressure. They all spewed out a mouthful of blood. They were oppressed by the chaotic sky. They couldn't bear the pressure. They all fell down on the ground!


Tang Long arrogantly swept these kneeling on the ground, a cold hum, momentum more and more domineering.

Then, Tang Long's hands suddenly closed in front of his chest, burst open, press down!

With his action, the chaotic sky seal suddenly exploded!


The power of the explosion was even more powerful. All the guys kneeling on the ground were bombarded and flew out. Each of them flew more than 50 meters, and then fell heavily on the ground. All of them were seriously injured and could not get up!

Peng Lianhu and Zhao Tianwei looked at each other in the air. They both saw the shock and fear in each other's eyes!

Tang Long's strength makes them a little hard to imagine!

The most important thing is that up to now, they have never seen where the bottom line of Tang Long is. It is clear that there are only four levels of shenzun. However, they are totally unable to resist the outbreak of combat power!

In the face of a stronger opponent, Tang Long has become stronger and stronger.

Finally, in the face of such an attack on people, he actually defeated them all!

How powerful this is!

Even if it was Peng Lianhu and Zhao Tianwei, they had to take it!

"He's so powerful!"

Peng Lianhu's eyes, toward the fantasy flying snow looked in the past, can not help but gently sigh.

He knew that he liked the magic dance and flying snow, which could only be kept in the bottom of his heart forever, because up to now, he had never looked at him, and his eyes were always on Tang long.

Zhao Tianwei didn't speak. He flashed his body and flew towards the distance. In a flash, he disappeared!

Peng Lianhu turned his head and looked at several people around him.

"Let's go too!"

He said, also directly toward the distance.

The people around him, one by one, looked at those senior brothers and junior brothers who fell on the ground square, and they all shook their heads helplessly.

Naturally, they don't want to participate in the current affairs.

With Peng Lianhu behind, are all rapid and gone, the blink of an eye has disappeared!

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