Tang long promised Xuanyuan array that he would go to the holy mountain of the Pharaoh. Naturally, Xuanyuan sky array did not want to delay.

And Xuanyuan Tianzhen's heart is also very clear. Tang long breaks through a lot of troubles all day long. If he doesn't help him find the nearest way to the holy mountain of the Pharaon, if there is a long delay on the way, Tang Long may not have time to go.

Therefore, he wants to check the geographical information in the library of Tiefo city.

Tang Long and they followed the King Kong Qian and soon entered a small building on the side of the city Lord's house.

King Kong arranged a room for them and left by himself.

Tang Long summoned Mu Qingcheng out of the Canghai sword and held her in his arms. He said with a smile: "Qingcheng, this time I may be here, and I have an unexpected harvest!"

"What gains?" Mu Qingcheng is curious.

Tang Long said: "the iron Buddha said that he had obtained the map of the mysterious Hongmeng cave. He said that the map had been lost, which was very strange. But I always felt that the map must have been stolen by the people around the iron Buddha!"

"So I think, at least for now, this map is still in the Buddha city!"

Beigong Xianer sat on the other side of Tang Long and looked at Tang Long and said, "villains, even if this map is in the Buddha city, we may not be able to get it!"

"Hey, hey Tang long looked at the northern palace fairy, very proud of the way: "baby wife, if you are the person who got this map, what would you do?"

"I must pretend that nothing happened!" North Palace fairy road.

Tang Long hugged Beigong xian'er and chewed on her beautiful face: "there are four copies of this map. If you get one, don't you want to get the second and the third?"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Beigong xian'er immediately nodded: "if I get the first share, of course I want to get the second one!"

Tang Long complacently said, "who has the second share?"

Beigong xian'er thought for a moment: "the iron Buddha said before that black water god sect has a copy of this map!"

Beside Su Xiaoman and the king of the abyss, they all look at Tang Long curiously.

Su Xiaoman thought about it for a while and looked at Tang Long and said: "Stinky boy, I know what you want to say. You mean that the person who gets the second map will surely try to get another map from the Heishui God sect. However, you think that person will be so stupid that he will go to Heishui Shenzong to rob the second map?"

Tang long looked at Su Xiaoman and said with a smile: "Xiaoman, you are so beautiful and smart, but compared with me, your intelligence is still a little bit worse!"

"How dare you make fun of me Su Xiaoman stares at Tang long.

This guy is just unscrupulous in the city of genius. She even dares to make fun of her.

Tang Long complacently said: "you put all the things here, all connected together, didn't you find it?"

"What can we find?" Su Xiaoman asked curiously.

Beigong Xianer and they all looked at Tang Long curiously.

Tang Long was very proud and said: "all these things seem to have no clue at all, but in the dark, there are some inevitable connections. That is, how did the news of iron Buddha spread to the Heishui God sect?"

The king of the abyss glared at Tang Long and said, "what do you think? The news, of course, was deliberately passed on! "

Tang Long complacently said: "before this, the iron Buddha city has not appeared to be fine, but now there is a fine, and iron Buddha said very clearly, the ancient ruins of people, even him, a total of only 18, these people are his special trust, so, I have the inference!"

"What inference?" Mu Qingcheng asked.

Tang Long said: "one of these 18 people is probably Jianxi. He used some means to get the map of iron Buddha, and from the iron Buddha, he knew another map was in the Heishui Shenzong. So the man disclosed the information to the Blackwater God sect, gained the trust of the Blackwater God sect, betrayed the iron Buddha, and made the Blackwater God sect think that the map is still in the hands of iron Buddha!"

Then, after a pause, he continued: "next, the iron Buddha and the black water god clan fight each other, and both lose, but he takes the opportunity to get into the black water god clan and gain trust, and then he can find a way to get another map of the black water god clan!"

"There is such a possibility!" After listening to Tang Long's inference, they all nodded.

Tang Long chuckled: "so next, we just need to watch the development of the situation, and we can find out who got the map secretly. After all, such important news is not good. Who can spread the news?"

With that, Tang Long said triumphantly, "although iron Buddha said that there are many strong men in Heishui Shenzong, but I don't pay attention to it. After all, my eight divine beasts, which one's fighting power, have completely ignored any powerful emperor!"

After a pause, Tang long continued: "however, I will not summon my divine beast until I have to. After all, I don't know whether there are people in the blood temple here. Therefore, even if I want to summon the divine beast, I will only summon the golden winged Kunpeng and so on."Looking at Tang long, Bei Gong xian'er said, "villain, what plan do you have?"

Tang Long said: "just watch the change."

Of course, he can't immediately take strong measures to destroy the people of Heishui God clan. In this way, he can't dig out the people behind the event and find the map!

"Let's have a good day's rest, and we'll see the situation tomorrow before we make a decision." Tang Long confidently said: "that man got the first map, in order to get the second map, he will sell iron Buddha. The sale is very thorough, so I think that in this competition proposed by Heishui Shenzong, there must be twists and turns, and there must be fraud!"

The northern palace fairy looked at Tang Long and frowned: "villain, do you want to watch the iron Buddha fail for that map?"

"Of course not!" Tang Long hugged Bei Gong xian'er: "dear xian'er, I know you can't bear to see the people in the Buddha city suffer. Therefore, of course, I can't make you sad. I just need to wait for the small room to jump out by myself!"

The king of the abyss said, "why does that small room have to jump out on its own?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "if he wants to win the trust of the black water god clan leader, at the critical moment, with my help, he does not jump out to show his loyalty, which is absolutely impossible!"

The king of the abyss asked, "how can you help that room?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "let's talk about it then. It's actually very simple."

"It would be great if we could know where the other two maps of Xuanji Hongmeng cave were."

Tang long looked at the northern palace fairy and laughed: "I have a way in my heart. I don't know if I can find out the whereabouts of the other two mysterious maps of Hongmeng cave!"

Beigong Xianer knows that his precious man has always had many ways. Even if it is totally impossible, he can come up with a possible way.

"What can you do?" she asked quickly

Tang Long ha ha smile: "this method, also need some suitable manpower to just go!"

"Who do you need?" Asked the North Palace fairy.

Tang long thought for a moment: "you are going back to madiwen city. I don't think you have much time. It's very suitable for Tang Yang and Xi Meng to do this thing. Yue'er and ling'er should not have many things now. It's also a good choice to let them play."

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