When Sha Tongtian and Hei Moke saw that the warriors of the double realm of God and emperor were bombarded by the Golden Phoenix, they vomited blood and were seriously injured. Immediately, they both felt that the situation might be worse today.

But at this time, it is the sound of blood spurting!

Then they saw that a warrior of the black water god clan was directly bombarded and flew towards them!

This is a warrior of God and Emperor.

At this time, the warrior has been pierced in the heart by long Ying's sword, swept by the strength, and flying towards the black Moco. They have no breath of life at all.

Obviously, the warrior of the God Emperor's important realm has been killed by longying.


Black Moco and Sha Tongtian dare not chase Tang Long again!

Black Moco looked at the black robed warrior. At this time, the black robed warrior was violently beaten by a pair of young men and women transformed into red flame lion and snow wolf king, and was being bombarded and flying around!

Although the black robed warrior's combat power is super strong, and seems to have no pain at all, but at this time, it is still bombarded, and has no strength to fight back!

"The situation is going to take a sharp turn. If we don't go now, we won't be able to leave later!"

In black Moco's eyes, there was a flicker of gloom.

He knew that his plan to get the Buddha city today was obviously a complete failure.

But in any case, he has got the map of the mysterious Hongmeng cave of the iron Buddha, and he has got what he wants most.

In this case, when will it be better if we don't leave?!

If a puppet is killed, he can refine it again. In any case, he has cultivated the immortal skill!

And his immortal skill has reached a certain level!

"If you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of firewood burning!"

Black Mo Ke secretly thought, immediately no longer chase Tang long, toward the distance quickly away.

When Sha Tongtian saw black Moke escape, he was desperate to chase him away. However, before he left, he had asked a warrior of heishuishenzong to fight against Tang Long!

At this time, people from all directions were fighting fiercely. Black Moco and Sha Tongtian escaped very carefully and smoothly. Therefore, no one found them escaping.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the two men quickly fell on the ground from high altitude, and then quietly fled in the chaotic crowd!

At this time, the whole Buddha city in all directions, still fierce fighting!

Although those puppet dead men have been blocked by many warriors, they are difficult to kill and have strong fighting power. Therefore, in a short period of time, these warriors have no better way to completely kill them.

The most important thing is that the warriors killed or killed by the puppet dead men soon became puppet dead men and began to kill people around them!

Therefore, the number of puppet dead men is becoming more and more!

Fortunately, however, under the suppression of the boundary between the heaven and the earth and the spiritual power of the Tang Dynasty, the warriors of the Buddha city had completely suppressed the strong ones of the Heishui Shenzong.

Most of the powerful warriors of Heishui Shenzong have been seriously injured and are fighting in a corner.

The black robed warrior was also bombarded into seventeen and eighteen pieces by the red flame lion and the wind blood wolf king, and then was burned by the eternal fire of the red flame lion, and soon turned into ashes, and the hours were gone without trace!

Iron Buddha has been supported by four King Kong, go to the central square below to have a rest, took the healing pill, to recover the internal injury as soon as possible.

After a full rest of more than half an hour, Tiefo's internal injury finally recovered. His face was not as pale as before. However, his internal injury was extremely serious. It was very difficult to recover completely without a month or two.

Slowly opened his eyes, the iron Buddha looked at the four King Kong who came back to him and asked, "what's the situation of my Buddha city now?"

"They are now under our control. Those who believe in the martial arts of the black water god sect will surely suffer heavy damage this time." King Kong Dui looked at the iron Buddha and said: "this time, the loss of Heishui Shenzong is hard to make up for. At least for more than ten years, they can't slow down again!"

King Kong looked at the iron Buddha and exclaimed, "this time, it's really thanks to Tang Long and other people like Beigong Xianer. If it wasn't for them, my Buddha city would be doomed this time!"

"Yes," the iron Buddha sighed. Listening to the still thundering roar from all directions, he said to vajradai: "vajradai, you should convey the order and let everyone go around as soon as possible. First, we must quickly clean up the strong men of Heishui God sect, and then go all out to kill all the puppet dead men as soon as possible, Otherwise, it will cause extremely serious consequences here! "

"I'll go now!"

King Kong said, directly is the sky.

At this time, the whole Buddha city, between heaven and earth, was still roaring with vigor. Thousands of warriors and many puppet dead men were flying into the air, and the sky and the earth were constantly ringing.At that time, the patriarch of shatongtian and heishuishenzong, heimoke, had already escaped from the Buddha city.

Now, they are more than 10000 meters away from the Buddha city.

"Escaped at last!" Black Moco breathed a long breath, and his eyes were gloomy.

In his heart, he also thought of Tang long, who destroyed his good deeds. Suddenly, he was gnashing his teeth: "that little bastard named Tang long, I spent such a long time, and finally had a chance to get the Buddha city and control the whole tianfo Shenzhou, but I didn't expect that the bastard would come out of nowhere and destroy my good things!"

"Master, you should take it easy. When we leave here, we will have a chance to come back and take revenge."

"Not bad!" Black Moco bit his teeth and said, "it's a pity that all the puppets I've spent so much money on refining have been lost this time. Even my mother puppet will certainly lose together this time."

Sha Tongtian looked at black Moke and said, "Lord, you have already refined a brand-new puppet death warrior?"

"Those are not completely successful yet. They are just a little short of success." Hermoco sighed: "if you give me another two months, and wait for my puppet dead men to study thoroughly, it will be extremely powerful!"

After a pause, there was a look of gloom in their eyes: "they will not think of how difficult it is to deal with those puppet dead men I refined again. They will never think of it!"

"Then we'll go back and make a comeback when the time comes." Shatong heaven.

Black Moco snorted: "in two months, I will wash the Buddha city with blood, and I will never let go of that boy!"

Sha Tongtian began to express his loyalty: "patriarch, villain will surely follow you to the death. I wish you complete the overlord and unify the heaven, the Buddha and the Divine Land!"

"Let's go!"

Black Moco bit his teeth fiercely, his eyes twinkled with ferocity.

He was full of confidence and 100% sure of his plan for the Buddha city, but he did not expect to kill a Tang dragon out of thin air and destroy his plan completely.

At this time, his heart is really depressed to the extreme, but also the Tang Long hate to the extreme.

The two of them were in a hurry all the way. After a full hour's flight, they were both a little tired. Moreover, they did not find any danger around them, so they were relieved.

"Shatongtian, let's take a rest in the jungle below At the moment, we are not running away in the direction of the black water god sect. I believe that even if those people want to chase us, they will never think of the location where we are escaping and can't find us. "

Said hermoco, who was already flying down.

Sha Tongtian took off and landed in a hillside shelter together.

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