"Let go of me, let go of me..."

Lingyun Qingxue's voice became a little bit louder, and it also began to contain a trace of emotion, not as dull as before!

In the complete darkness, the roar and all kinds of screams are still coming:

"boom, boom, boom..."

"Jinchanzi, what's wrong with you? You can't die, you can't die..."


"How are you, bareheaded Puff... "

"Please, let me go, Wuwu, Wuwu You kill me, please, you shameless things, please kill me... "


The roar of the sky, the sound of blood spurting, the voice of the girl's scream, and the voice of crying in despair, mingled together, in the roar of fury, in the total darkness, it seemed extremely tragic!

"Stop, I'm going to save Tiangang, I'm going to save Tiangang..."

Lingyun Qingxue can finally call out the name of fantiangang, and has been trying hard to get rid of Tang Long and Beigong xian'er.

Beigong Xianer and Tang long are dragging her faster, regardless of Ling Yun Qingxue's resistance!



All of a sudden, a thunderous roar sounded, and then a body suddenly fell in front of Tang Long and they followed closely. Then, a weak voice came from their front: "elder brother, I'm a step ahead of Jinchanzi..."

Then, there was no sound!

"Jinchanzi, what's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? "

This is the sound of snow and clouds!

At this time, in the sound of Lingyun Qingxue, there is obvious tension and anxiety. The emotion contained in the voice is more and more obvious!

Tang Long's heart, at this time finally long out of breath.

He knew that Lingyun Qingxue, at this time, the completely closed heart door was finally opened again by the thunderous roar in front of him and by the extremely tragic situation in front of him.

In fact, it is also fortunate that Lingyun Qingxue did not recover.

Otherwise, in front of the situation, she must be able to detect the abnormal, is able to distinguish the true from the false.

But at this time, her vitality only recovered a little, in this dark, confused mind, completely unable to distinguish the true from the false!


Another person fell in front of Lingyun Qingxue, and then a voice broke out: "Tang long, I can't do it, I must take Qingxue to go, take her to go, if she has any accident, if she is still so dull, I can't close my eyes!"


Tang Long suddenly cried out miserably.

He could hear that the intermittent voice was the voice of Vatican, and obviously it was the dying voice at the end of life!

At this time, Beigong Xianer also cried out.

He and Tang Long stopped together, and, together, let go of Lingyun Qingxue.

Lingyun Qingxue regardless of everything, directly is toward the front of the people who fell on the ground rushed in the past, is already crying: "Tiangang, Tiangang, you don't scare me, you must not scare me!"

"I, I can't do it!" Fantian Gang's voice is intermittent!


Ling Yun Qing Xue is crying, very sad.

At this time, I don't know when, the roar stopped, the scream also stopped, and the surrounding was quiet.

Only the voice of Vatican, whose pain was intermittent, was left, and the sound of crying in confusion and snow.

And at this time, faint light, quietly produced.

Ling Yun Qingxue can see the Vatican on the ground near his eyes, vaguely, but he can see that all the blood on his chest at this time is extremely miserable.

It seems that he really came to the end of his life!

"Tiangang, you can't leave me, you can't leave me, you can't leave me!" The clouds are clear and the snow is tense and flustered.

At this time, everything in her heart is no longer important, the previous heavy is no longer important.

She only wants Fantian Gang alive!

As long as he lives!

The voice of Vatican's voice became more and more difficult. It was the last voice on the verge of death: "clear snow, I can't do it, but I want you to promise me a condition. Can you promise me, can you promise me?"

"No, you'll be all right!" Lingyun Qingxue cried: "you will not die."

Fantiangang tightly grasped Lingyun Qingxue's hand: "you promise me, promise me." Voice is getting smaller and smaller, suddenly cough, a mouthful of blood spurt out!

"I promise you, I promise you!" Ling Yun Qing Xue is completely flustered.

Vatican Gang said: "the past things are over, you promise me, don't close yourself, OK, don't close yourself again!""Well, I promise you, I promise you!" Ling Yun Qing Xue hugged fan Tiangang tightly and held him in his arms. He cried bitterly: "as long as you don't die, I promise you anything!"

"I want you to forget the anger between us before. I want you to marry me. Do you agree or not?"

"I promise, I promise, I promise everything. Tiangang, as long as you don't die, as long as you don't die, you can do anything you want me to do!"

"Promise me, I won't die!"

At this time, the surrounding light, become more and more bright up.

And one by one people, all appear here, come to this side, there are Jinchanzi, Zhao Wuji, Da guangtou, and candy and so on

Ling Yun Qing Xue is still crying.

But suddenly at this time, she found that fan Tiangang's hand fell on her face and gently wiped away the tears on her cheek. The voice of fan Tiangang had no previous interruption and difficulty: "clear snow, as long as you don't close yourself, I will not die!"

"Not dead?"

Lingyun Qingxue Leng Leng, stupidly looking at fan Tiangang.

Vatican Gang stretched out his hand to wipe a few times on his face, suddenly a big face, but looked at Lingyun Qingxue, the voice also became a little shaken up: "as long as you can recover, I will not die, absolutely not die!"

"Not dead, not dead!" Ling Yun Qing Xue looks at fan Tiangang, with a surprise in his eyes!

The surprise is spreading slowly

At this time, Zhao Wuji and they all approached Lingyun Qingxue together. Luo xiangshuyun and candy came to Lingyun Qingxue together.

Candy is a beautiful girl.

She is Ling Yun Qing Xue's apprentice, and is Ling Yun Qing Xue's most beloved disciple.

At the same time, she is also the only surviving disciple of Taiqing sect!

"Master, you're OK. You're really OK!"

Candy crying over, is directly fell in the arms of Lingyun Qingxue, tears rolling down.

The rest of the people gathered around.

At this time, it is already bright. Beigong Xianer and Tang long have taken out many moonstones and inlaid them in the holes in the surrounding walls.

Lingyun Qingxue, of course, has also seen the current situation.

However, she still held fast to van Tiangang and candy, which made her cherish her eyes more.

At this time, Tang Long turned to look at the northern palace fairy and said, "my dear wife, we have nothing to do now. We have achieved great success and retired. It's time to have a rest."


North Palace fairy son gently should a, and Tang Long together, quietly leave.

The rest of the people, golden cicada son and them, also quietly left.

They know that Lingyun Qingxue's mood is still very unstable and needs to be quiet for a while. Moreover, it is enough to have candy, Luo xiangshuyun and fantiangang here.

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