"Liu Guangqiu, you go!"

The dark Dharma protector's deep voice was cold. In his eyes, there was a very bleak chill, but he didn't do it himself. He had to find out fan Tiangang's condition thoroughly.

Behind him, another black robed warrior's body flashed, and rushed towards the Vatican sky gang.

This guy's name is exactly Liu Guangqiu.

Liu Guangqiu's strength is the God Emperor six, and the strength of the black protector is equal!

"Fantian Gang, I didn't expect to see you for a few days. Your strength has soared so much. In this case, I have to kill you!"

With that, Liu Guangqiu's figure flashed, and he rushed to the Vatican sky Gang, holding a long black knife in his hand.

"Split the clouds!"

With a sharp voice, Linggang attacked him with a sharp voice!

In his opinion, his own strength is more powerful than that of Vatican, and the power of this magical skill is very great. If he goes down, he will be seriously injured!


Dao mang tears the air and roars towards fantiangang!

But at this time, suddenly between heaven and earth, an extremely mysterious energy swept up!

Moreover, a strong spiritual force, with a deep and boundless, is also suddenly spread out, suddenly is full of square million meters of space!

This is the means of Tang Long!

In the distance, Tang Long has displayed the boundary of spiritual power, and also displayed the power of heaven and earth!

Under the suppression of these two means, Liu Guangqiu's fighting power was suddenly weakened by the suppression of madness!

The power of his sword is also suddenly reduced!

The black Dharma protectors and others in the distance did not expect that suddenly such a thing happened. They could clearly feel that Liu Guangqiu's fighting power at this time in front of him was even suppressed twice!

The original God Emperor's six fold combat power, but now only the God Emperor's four fold combat power is left!

What's more terrifying is that the fighting power of Vatican gang at this time has soared. It's almost as powerful as the warrior in the six realms of God Emperor!

Of course, the surge in the fighting power of fantiangang was caused by the power of Tang long.

"How could that be possible?"

The black protector and others are totally shocked and stunned!

He was completely surprised by the situation.

Of course, Liu Guangqiu didn't expect this kind of situation at all. At this time, he was also "cluttering" in his heart. He could not help but panic and lose his mind. Suddenly, his combat power was reduced by one point!

The blade that he attacked has already appeared on the top of fantiangang's head!

"Kill the sky!"

Fantian Gang's voice was heavy, like thunder. He had already held a long sword in his hand. The sword burst out a dazzling silver light, and he attacked Liu Guangqiu's long Dao awn fiercely!

This is his killing move, super powerful killing move!

Knife and sword, fierce collision!


The sword awn that Liu Guangqiu attacked was blown apart by the shock of the golden sword. It turned into a terrible strong wind, which directly covered a space of ten thousand meters.

Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er flew back tens of meters together with the fierce wind!

The power of this powerful and wild sword of fantiangang is extremely powerful!

The sword broke the blade awn, like a silver rainbow, whistling across the sky and chopping hard at Liu Guangqiu. In Liu Guangqiu's shocked eyes, the sword directly and violently chopped on Liu Guangqiu's head!


Above Liu Guangqiu's head, a silver light rose from the sky and turned into a column of energy light, which also blocked the attack of the sword.

The silver shining sword and the energy beam collide, and have been smashed at the same time!

The broken sword directly turned into a terrible stream of silver light and powerful Qi, which severely bombarded Liu Guangqiu's head!


Liu Guangqiu was bombarded with a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!


In the distance, Fantian Gang directly displayed the magic skill of "sky god finger". A silver light finger suddenly flew out and crossed the sky, whistling and shining, like a meteor!

Liu Guangqiu's fall is less than 20 meters. The light strength of this index is to attack and directly penetrate his heart!


Liu Guangqiu screamed and was killed directly. His body fell to the ground.

A gust of wind swept out of Liu Guangqiu's body and ran away in the distance. Milk is the spirit of Liu Guangqiu's cultivation.


Fantiangang snorted coldly, and was about to kill the escaped spirit. However, at this time, the black Dharma quickly flashed to him, and in a twinkling he was in front of him!The spirit has taken the opportunity to escape.

The black Dharma protector has already punched hard and attacked the heart of fantiangang!

If you attack the enemy, you must save it!

Although his fighting power was also suppressed, he was not even as powerful as Vatican at this time, but his victory was to attack on his own initiative and attack, which made him have to deal with it carefully!

Fan Tiangang quickly gathered together the long-term, and directly hit the black Dharma protector with a hard blow. The silver light strength went through the fist and hit the black Dharma protector fiercely!

The roar of the earth was heard again.

In this thunderous roar, the two strong forces collided fiercely, shaking the whole world!

Between the wind howling, the sky and the earth seem to be breaking up!

In this roaring momentum, the black Dharma protector was directly bombarded and flew back tens of meters!

Vatican Gang just stepped back!

Obviously, under the dual effects of the boundary of the spiritual power of Tang Long and the power of heaven and earth, the combat power of the black Dharma protector was much weaker than that of fantiangang!

The black protector didn't expect that it would be such a situation today.

He knew that the current situation, only because of one person!

Of course, this man is Tang Long!

"Let's go and kill the boy first. The boy is a Dan God and a little evil!"

The black protector said in a deep voice.


The eight black robed warriors behind him, in addition to the one who was seriously injured before, erupted in extremely strong momentum on the remaining seven people. Among them, there was also a warrior in the six realms of God Emperor.

They all together, the murderous spirit boils, toward Tang long that side rushes past!

"You don't want to hurt my disciple when I'm here."

Fantiangang snorted coldly, and the powerful force suddenly burst out of his body, turning into a terrible silver light. The torrent of powerful Qi swept towards those black robed warriors in front of him, which was extremely crazy!

This torrent of powerful Qi and fierce chaos directly covered the sky hundreds of meters ahead of Fantian gang.

Even, the momentum has blocked hundreds of meters in the air.

This momentum is domineering and wild. It seems that it is going to smash the front together with the bombardment!


The roaring sound resounded through the sky, shaking the whole heaven and earth. This powerful attack directly blasted the black Dharma protector and others who were rushing to the ground!

However, these people flew back tens of meters, and all of them were scattered and headed for Tang long!

After all, there is only one man in fantiangang!

At this time, he can only block the black Dharma protector, and the rest of the people he wants to block, which is a bit too late. He roared angrily: "you dare to hurt my apprentice, I will let you fall into pieces!"

With that, a terrible and dazzling silver light broke out on him!

In the dazzling silver light, the fierce silver strength suddenly gathered on him. At this time, he turned into a giant in the sky!

The giant is over 100 meters!


The giant roared, huge palm, with the most powerful silver strength, bombarded the black protector not far away!

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